Boosting communities still operational

As posted yesterday on twitter and expanded upon today on wowhead, there is plenty of evidence to show that boosting communities are still operating as escrow for certain guilds.

Now this may be a problem more apparent over in Europe for whatever list of reasons people can enumerate. But the premise of this post is to bring to light that there are still uncooperative agents playing this game. And regardless wherever someone is they still have to abide by the social contracts we all hurriedly accept to dismiss, in order to play this game.

As such, I am at least voicing my displeasure with such players still operating in ways in violation of the agreed upon rules or the spirit of them.

Link to the twitter thread:

Link to the wowhead post:


Until blizzard flat out bans boosting and tells people boost at your own peril it will remain. The people justifying boosting all have their hands in the kettle. If they flat out say boost and you will get banned for 6 months it will have an immediate effect and don’t think for a minute world first raiders will risk their accounts.


i forgot why is bossting bad?
edit: like, if blizzard sells it for real money, why is it bad for players to sell it for gold?


idk. The people on Stormrage at least, just seemed to want trade chat back so they could troll about politics and such. :woman_shrugging:


Bring back dungeon level boosting, let me powerlevel my friends through dungeons again.


Ok so I have a ton of gold. I’m in a guild progressing through certain content and the only way I can help my guild is to get better gear to tank or dps etc etc. I spend my hard earned gold to get some gear. Who am I hurting in RL ? Its a game, if people are selling their hard earned experience to help ‘boost’ people for gold, I don’t care and neither should other people. Its a transaction between players the same as using gold to buy items through trade chat. If players are soooooooo worried about world firsts, you need to step outside the house and realize there’s more to do then this game.


Agree 100%


This isn’t just about world first.

This is concerning escrow services being done to help run boosting communities for all guilds.

And escrow is not allowed for all players.

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Boosting for gold isn’t bad at all. It makes Blizzard money and gives players a source of gold income to fund whatever they want (e.g. RWF guilds need to fund consumables and loot funnels etc.)

The only people who dislike boosting are those who view their in-game achievements as a virtual manifestation of their self-worth. If others are boosting to get these achievements, it somehow devalues what these players think it’s worth. In short, these anti-boosters derive their joy of the game based on what they have that others do not. Anything that ruins exclusivity, ruins their experience.


Something something achievements. Okay…what if like me you don’t care about that?

something something gear funnels. OKay…player x is good at making money. Since some who pay for boosts don’t use tokens even. they had 5 million gold at SL start. all made in game. got the money…well brute force that RNG can happen with extra runs.

LEts have them go you know…I made 5 million before BFA AH mount so clearly I don’t need it. so they didn’t feed that gold sink.

Made 3 more million in SL. So they are now at 8 million. A few carries at say 100K pop…no big deal for them. WTH else can they spend it on?

Answer is…nothing. Literally…nothing. SInce all gear must need Raid level work. can’t have good gear jsut there for sale. the world would end. Okay…raid’s prestige maintained. and…vendors are useless besides selling stuff to and repairs.

this ain’t TBCC. their vendors sell still useful things. Till I can make better I keep the cenarius rep vendor’s family well fed.

Several stacks of arrow my dude!

You are really cleaning up the mobs I see. Oh yes…getting the plant parts to get my rep to buy your nice armour soon.

as with 5 million to work with I will also assume they have token speculation going. Probably how they got to 5 million. Buy tokens at 110…sell at 200. They get some for their play time ofc. The rest they keep till market gets better.

A 90k profit per token not doing a damn thing besides storing a cheaper token in their bank a few months.

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No one cares what you spend gold on. It’s that people are making a large sum of real world money. It’s why you now have to run the boost on the character you are advertising and all those 3rd party websites are getting hit.

Name checks out


Boosting Communities shouldn’t have been banned.


They are everywhere. They are often spamming trade chat, but now they call themselves a guild. Blizzard isn’t even enforcing their own policy so there’s nothing you can do about it. Every day there’s a new guild w/ new spammers (about 5-6 of them) spamming the same advertisement in chat for several hours.

They’ve also gotten smart w/ what characters they spam on. They used to do more of the low level characters but those are easy to report. Now they are using boosted level 60s so it’s harder to report.

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[quote=“Zenazin-wyrmrest-accord, post:11, topic:1235977, full:true”]
No one cares what you spend gold on. - very true, move on nothing to see here.

It’s that people are making a large sum of real world money. - large sum compared or based to what/who, how much you make $ in RL or Blizz? Do you think blizz is going to worry about communities keeping players in the game and paying subs…no.

It’s why you now have to run the boost on the character you are advertising and all those 3rd party websites are getting hit. - is the world going to end because of this? No. Do YOU have to run the boost, no, its a choice !

I just wish they didn’t clutter up LFG tool, make them a separate page or something else.

Shocked pikachu face…

“Legitimate” gold-only boosting acts as convenient camouflage for the RMT flavored variation, which in turn allows RMT boosting to flourish in a way that wouldn’t be possible if paid boosts were banned outright.

It also creates perverse incentive for Blizzard to tweak the game’s loot, achievement, and gold acquisition in such a way that pushes people to buy boosts, and thus also tokens.

I have no problem with player offering boosts
But when you go to LFG and all yiu see is boost taking you to the LFcarry website for real money. That just gets old real fast.

So I report them everytime.


Yeah that’s the other thing, boost sellers know no limits when selling their services. There’s even been reports of these groups having players get into M+ groups and intentionally bombing them to increase demand for boosting services. They’re a greasy bunch at best.