Boosters and boost buyers

Can’t we all just get along?

Can we also get a megaserver forum so when people complain about things that only happen on megaservers the rest of the playerbase doesn’t have to listen to it?

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It’d be nice if people used other chat channels for their political junk and boost spam. But then no one would see it, hence why they don’t do it. They’re in LFG because they want you to see it whether you like it or not.

“Blizzard already said their boost spam isn’t allowed in LFG/Trade/General. So just report them. Helps cut down on gold sellers too. Double win.”
-Actually it’s allowed in trade but NOT the others. Really doesn’t matter though because they don’t enforce the rule no matter where people post it. I’ve seen boost spam in LFG every day since they said “we don’t allow that.” Well no one cares if you don’t enforce it, Blizzard.

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