I’m pretty sure it will.
Hopefully youre accustomed to dealing with disappointment then
And if I’m right?
Doesnt bother me cause I dont boost or buy boosts but you wont be.
If only there was some kind of way to learn what words mean.
I hope you don’t backpedal this much in game
Is spamming allowed?
This really is a lot of backpedaling friend…
Give your S key a break…
If someone advertises lf1m ramps n more than 3 times in 5 mins, do you report them?
cows have 4 stomachs but not much brains
Wish i had 4 stomachs, I already got the other part covered
Why you replying to me with that
Why don’t you ask Blizzard to make more than just 1 global channel?
This has been suggested since 2004. The problem is that the people who want the boosts, don’t know they do, until they’re hit with 10,000 messages saying that everyone else is doing it so why don’t you.
There’s no incentive for the boosters to leave the public forum.
You’re smarter than that.
No i thought this was the lfg ui thread
I dont really care about boosting so it is what it is
You cared enough to reply to me multiple times in this thread telling me I was wrong. Well, I was right.
Win some you lose some? What more do you want
Please don’t fight.
You’re both pretty.