Boosted character

I have a level 52 dark iron dwarf. Did not boost as far as I know. How to tell if this toon had a boost as I cannot access the heritage armor quest. Does “your character can get an upgrade” count as a boost? IF so I’m SCREWED

yes it still counts as boosted for some odd reason

The upgrade was counting as a boost a while ago, but I thought they had fixed it. Sounds like they didn’t.

You could ask in CS, though. You can move your thread or make a new one over there. See if the SFAs might have any further insight.

Here’s a thread I made about all of the issues with that upgrade:

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easier to say it’s been fixed and not fix it, because the people who complained the first time are unlikely to have the issue a second time.

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Thanks I went over to your link and it appears it was fixed for some but not for all


what is CS and SFA. Worth a shot for me to try. I did mention in your link that it still did not work. Appreciate you pointing me in some direction

Customer Support forum: It’s a peer to peer help desk with assistance from SFAs, which are Support Forum Agents who work for Blizz. They sometimes can help with more insight to things.

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The gear update is NOT supposed to count as a boost and this was fixed some time ago. It was only a problem very briefly when the gear update was first introduced. I had several allied races that I used that on that were still able to get the heritage armor.

Are you sure you’re not misremembering and did a race change or something?