Boosted character unable to continue or start/restart Shadowlands

I returned after long absence used the Draong flight boost on Bleedtheský, I had already just started shadowlands content before my break, thought I was in Oribos after setting up portal to Orgrimmar might not have turned that quest in or I was still in the maw before going to Oribos (I play a few too many characters) right before I boosted. Now after boost Oribos portal in Orgrimmar isn’t interactable and when I was portaled to Oribos by a mage the only quests to pick up were not campaign ones and I cannot select a covenant I was hoping to continue where I left off but running scripts from wowhead to check completion show as if I never started A Chilling Summons and there is no where to pick it up

I think it’s related to the issue where boosted characters aren’t being offered the starting quest.

Ahh well then hopefully it will fix mine when they do get that hotfix in, thanks