Boost is coming

I wouldn’t play if there wasn’t a boost because I didn’t play Classic. Really excited to jump into TBC, and I think this is great.

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I dont mind it either… I only care when its something P2W like getting shop gear or something for pvp… something that makes someone stronger at cap lvl.

Blizzard did the old bait and switch for the original bloc that actually had the passion and interest in classic WoW.

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i’ll ask again. which would you prefer? perma exp boosts higher than RAF levels or a 1 time boost to below cap? cuz right now you essentially get RAF on steroids to CAP not to an arbitrary point below cap. they’ve already made it very clear they’ve tossed #nochanges into the trash. what do you think would be less harmful overall?

the people who are arguing for RAF don’t seem to realize you can RAF yourself. so instead of paying once for 1 58 toon you’d be able to level however many you can to 60 AND grant multiple toons to 60 if you’ve gotten the exp from no lifeing leveling. every 3 months, indefinitely, for $45. that’s 3 months of game time. if you have no issues with that at all then idk what to tell you.

It’s not bait. Maybe you’ve had a bad experience, but I am actually asking. If you want me to understand your perspective then you have to communicate that perspective.

First I hope you understand before I continue I’ve got no issue with you personally and I have a couple people in my guild that are ok with boosts and we get along just fine. I am merely going to address your points.

Just because Blizzard has been doing it for years doesn’t make it right to do, but putting retail aside, it definitely doesn’t make it right to do for classic tbc. Level boosting was not introduced to the game until much later in MoP. There were plenty of people who wanted it back in original tbc, but they didn’t get it. Why? One of the main reasons is that tbc was not fundamentally designed to have a level boost. Unless they massively changed the very foundations of the game to be in line with how retail works, then this will remain true. If you don’t believe me you can ask one of the original developers Kevin Jordan, who you can catch on twitch streaming.

The boost is obviously NOT for existing players. It is to attract NEW players who want to play the new expansion, NOT the previous expansion. In this case, players who want to play TBC, not Vanilla.

I know this is Blizzard’s stated reason, but if it is truly for new players then why is it that those who already have level 58 characters are able to purchase it? If the goal is to recreate the experience and bring in new players while not negatively impacting the game in a major way, anyone who has a lvl 58 now has no need for a boost, but the fact is everyone has access to a boost.

It turns out there are a lot of those players, so each boost adds tens (or even hundreds) of thousands of new players to the game.

It is true that having a level boost adds more players, which is a positive for the game, however, it’s a short term gain over the long term health. It is the text book definition of the game adapting to the player, sacrificing gameplay for convenience. Which is one of the major reasons people cite for quitting retail in the first place. If this is such a superior design choice then why do we even have classic and classic tbc in the first place? The whole point of classic and classic tbc is to go back to a time before all this retail convenience. As soon as Blizzard saw that classic was not a fluke and there’s money to be made, Voila! Time to monetize.

If you’re against new players in the game, you will be ignored. Blizzard isn’t interested in following a self-destructive policy, just because it pleases you.

Maybe I’m wrong here but you appear to be saying that being against a boost automatically makes you against new players. If this is true, then it is making a false dichotomy. It’s not one or the other. It’s not black and white. Plenty of the classic community that is against this boost help new players on a daily basis and want new players to play, but paying for progression with real life money that compromises the integrity of the game is not a healthy way to go about it.
Blizzard is completely fine following a self-destructive policy already, which they’ve proven over the years, some examples being wc3 reforged or diablo immortal. It’s clear they are fine squeezing the life out of what made Blizzard special to begin with in order to satisfy shareholders.

Lastly, if all that is preventing a new player from playing tbc content is leveling then they shouldn’t be playing classic tbc to begin with. They already have modern mmos to go to that provide this service like retail wow.
If leveling is too boring, time consuming, and/or unfun for you to be bothered with, then you can say that with just about anything. The attunements are time consuming. Guess we need to bring out a boost for that too. Farming gold is time consuming and grindy. Guess we need the wow token now.

I hope you know I do not hold ill will against any of you for wanting a boost. I just don’t see how you can say this is a net positive for the game after knowing about all the cascading effects a boost actually has attached to it. But, I’m happy to learn anything new that I might have overlooked.

My bad I missed your post because I thought you were another person that I’ve concluded talking to.
Has Blizzard said, “It’s one or the other.” Because, I don’t see why we have to choose only between these two options. This seems like a false dilemma. Why can’t we do away with both? I never believed in #nochanges and am all for adaptation. There are many changes I like that they’ve made such as the pally seal of blood change. But this is not adaptation this is undermining the core philosophy and design of classic and classic tbc and why they exist in the first place. The types of changes matter and changing aspects that affect the core pillars is not the type of change I’m ok with.

I mean, your point is pretty irrelevant.

Fact is, I wouldn’t play TBC if there wasn’t a Boost. Since there is a Boost, I’ll play the heck out of TBC. I know at least 5 or 10 old friends who are in the same boat, and I imagine Blizzard’s internal discussions revealed this which is why they decided to implement it.

Don’t know what else to tell you.

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A lot of no boost crybabies’ sure like talking for the entirety of the wow classic community for no reason. Just because you want something doesn’t mean everyone else does too lol. I also see no statistics showing an overwhelming majority does not want a boost, all I see is a handful of crybabies on the forums being vocal like most games.

The second point is they sure like to completely ignore people such as the Hunter above me who had people who wanna play tbc, but didn’t care for classic. I got a few friends coming aboard strictly for the boost too cause me and them can jump right in! I gotta help em gear, but no big deal

Third point seems to be that leveling is some kind of badge of accomplishment and a stranger getting to this point in a video game somehow invalidates their efforts and the only answer I got for that is, why do you care?

Lastly. For a botter to use the boost to get a completely now bot account they must

Make new account
Pay the Boost
Lv 58-70
THEN they can bot.

Anyone who was gonna pay and do all this just to bot gold, was going to do it regardless of if the boost existed.

It’s not about who has money to spend on a boost. It is about how the boost effects the game. If that were not so, ask yourself why there is a proposed one boost limit per account? If it does not effect the game why not allow unlimited boosts?

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make a thread asking for RAF instead, then. cuz you know. #nochanges

and that would obviously be totally fine, and totally less abused by bots. right?

They want to think so but it would actually make botting far easier. Especially since you can multibox level at an insane speed and then, with enough recruits, you get a free max lv char by using the 2-1 free lvs they give.

People who aren’t private server Andy’s know this. We were there when it happened. We saw what actually went down. A large number of them actually think it’d not make botting worse and save the “integrity” of the game. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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I’m not for #nochanges or boost. I like many changes they’ve made like seal of blood. Why do we have to choose between raf and boost, how about neither?

Then you’re the biggest hypocrite of all. What you want isn’t a classic tbc experience what you want is a paid private server experience tailored to your own specific desires. Lol

So I either have to be #nochanges or change anything? I say that I don’t want boosts or raf and that makes it tailoring the entire game to my specific desires? The logic you are using is astounding, but I know it’s easier to paint people in black and white.

Recreating the experience and recreating the game are not the same thing. By your same logic I should arbitrarily advocate for multi-boxers to come back. Blizzard made a good move and made the input broadcasting while multi-boxing an actionable offense. It obviously affected the game and was against the experience of classic. I am being consistent and applying this same logic to boosting.

Why don’t you talk to Kevin Jordan one of the original developers and see what he thinks about boosting and what has been going on cause you can on twitch.

is he currently on blizz’s payroll? no? then i care about as much about his opinions of a game he abandoned as i do ghostcrawlers opinion. aka not a single flying fig.

Modern Blizz did not design it. Since he’s one the reasons you even have tbc to play maybe you should. If all you value are what blizz has to say then you have a very myopic view. Way to avoid everything else I said.

if i had wanted to respond to the rest of it i would have. if it had mattered even a tiny bit to me. it didn’t. so i ignored it. and he was part of retail and he left retail. he never worked on classic at all. only retail devs and old EQ devs have. once someone leaves a company they are no longer representatives of said company. he could’ve been in holly’s position if he’d cared about classic enough to see it “done right.” but he didn’t.

Your missing part of the equation though, blizzard is a business and wants profit.

It’s annoying to hear because it’s pointless. The absolute fact is that the boost will not negatively or directly impact a single persons ability to play and enjoy TBC. It will not keep your from doing dungeons, it will not keep you from doing arena, it will not keep you from grinding reps or raids. It’s completely and entirely pointless to even attempt to have something removed because of your feelings on it. It’s going to exist, people will use it, and it’ll benefit a lot of players. It will not hurt any players. This conversation no longer needs to happen.

The next concern is always “yeah but this means there could be more, what next, they sell warglaives?!?!”

Irrational paranoia is bad for your mental health.

If you want to complain about something impacting people and ruining the game, complain about the Classic community and blame them for ruining the original experiences. Personally I don’t care, i’m sure you don’t really either, but streamers are getting all of you riled up, and you people need to think for yourselves and settle down and just be happy you get TBC.

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