Boost is coming

I’m ready to buy wow tokens for gold in Classic

I hope all the morons who are anti-boost quit the game out of frustration. I have no desire to play alongside toxic people like this. Good riddance.

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In game we are supposed to be on equal footing, at least this is a core philosophy when it comes to classic. When you introduce this boost it gives those with more money an advantage and brings real life wealth disparity into a game.

It’s unbelievable that you would justify this for classic let alone any game, because this is the same exact argument seen from people supporting p2w games.


“To have such a stance against it is simply gatekeeping and you wishing to impose your sense of world order on them.”

Are you saying that being anti-boost is gatekeeping? If so how so?

“Sadly, repeatedly on these very forums, the anti-(whatever) movement only asks to understand without trying to meet halfway with the other side’s argument.”

This is confusing. Are you really saying that people against a boost have to meet you halfway without even understanding your side of the argument? It sounds like you are not willing to meet halfway.

So new players have an advantage with the boost to 58 with 0 professions and zero gold over older players that are lvl 60 going into TBC with tons of gold, got it. Stupidest thing I read today is your comment.

You are making a false equivalence. How is paying for an uber to a concert, so you don’t have to park the same thing as paying to skip content, which is what leveling is, content. I didn’t realize parking is part of the attraction at a concert. :thinking:

Second, if sacrificing gameplay for convenience is such a superior game design, then why does classic even exist in the first place? It’s the textbook definition of the game adapting to the player instead of the player adapting to the game, which is one of the major reasons people cite for quitting retail in the first place.


Don’t compare things that are irrelevant to something in a video game, just make zero since like your point of view. Let’s get on the opinion of advantage as you say. Please explain exactly how my boosted character has the advantage? Also why not post comments on a main vs your troll 7 post hunter.

Also what part of the barrens is TBC content if majority of the players want to play TBC?

You are straw manning my argument. I didn’t say that, but I’m glad you brought it up. First you are paying to skip the leveling journey in order to get ahead faster, because you don’t want to put in the time to achieve it. This is in an of itself an advantage. Time is money and you will earn exponentially more gold per hour than a new player that does no boost.
And again what about the people who lack the disposable income for a boost? They are the ones at a disadvantage, particularly new players. Older players that are 60 going into tbc with tons of gold, earned that through time an effort not swiping a credit card to skip content.
What about all the people who already leveled that now people can just pay to skip it? That doesn’t seem very fair.

Furthermore, if this level boost is in fact supposed to be for new players like blizzard claims, then why is it that those who already have level 58 characters are able to purchase it??? If the goal is to recreate the experience and bring in new players while at the same time not negatively impacting the game, then everyone who has 58+ has no need for a paid level boost.

What are you talking about? You were the one who made the comparison not me. I pointed out that it’s a false equivalence.

Secondly, leveling is part of tbc content. There was no level boost when it launched. It was built with leveling as part of the content of the game. A big chunk of it in fact. The old world is part of tbc, just because tbc comes out doesn’t mean the old world doesn’t exist. What you seem to be saying is “forget the old world, this isn’t world of warcraft, this is world of outland.” This is not retail where leveling is a side attraction. TBC is not built in the same way. The boost is designed for modern mmo gaming, not for a game where leveling is a bigger chunk of that game’s content. Thus you are letting people skip a huge part of the game in the context of the classic mmorpg while also sending a message that the game begins at the high levels and the leveling is indeed an unimportant distraction that’s meant to be skipped over. This is the very mentality that lead us to classic in the first place.


Hell yeah, brother. I can’t decide between Hunter or spriest.

There is no way you will get em to stay off the chash shop. Bobby Kotic needs his new yacht

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So once again you go off differently, here let me go real slow to my question I asked you. Also I have and will characters ready for TBC, I only plan on boosting a hunter. Just answer the question.

How Does A Level 58 With Zero Gold Zero Professions HAve an advantage over a level 60 with tons of Gold and max professions and better gear?

Don’t go off comparing all the bs about the journey and blah blah blah. I have friends in real life I play with that I promise you have far more hours played in this game and began in 2005 to 2006 time period. They raided in Vanilla and only want to play TBC. The problem I see with the anti-boosters in saying Classic and TBC are the same, which in my opinion they are not. Which is why there are TWO clients.

Once again, when TBC launched I already had a lvl 60. Most that went from Vanilla into TBC were 60. My friends that are returning to TBC and only returning because of the boost had lvl 60’s. You only throw the opinion of a jealousy point of view, “I did it and so should you”. So do not compare TBC when it was first released to today as they are so much different. I mean how many players actually had legendries going into TBC back in the day versus today.

Also leveling alts like when I level my Belf pally I will have to level in the “old world”. You act as if because everyone can get ONE boost per account that it will end anyone leveling alts in the old world. The realm I am on is dead, hell I can go to org and see maybe 20 people on a Sat morning.

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I already answered your question, even when you framed it as a strawman statement that I never made. You are either not reading my reply or are willfully choosing to ignore it. You can at least give me the common courtesy that I’ve given you in reading your arguments.

I don’t understand what your friends playing in 2005 have anything to do with the argument. I was there for vanilla wow beta, but I don’t use that as some kind of cudgel of credibility to be wielded against you. I could be brand new and it wouldn’t matter. The principles would be the same. You are acting like TBC is as far removed from classic as retail, but the fact is it was just the first expansion. All the principles of the game design are still there. It is still in the classic era of WOW not a whole different game. A good reason it’s called CLASSIC TBC, so this two different client argument is ridiculous to support boosting, because again tbc was not fundamentally designed to have boosts.

Classic TBC’s worst enemy is stagnation. Eventually you will “complete” the game and run out of stuff to do. It’s an mmo with a planned end, so why is it suddenly ok now to start paying to skip content and move people along more quickly to that finish line?

If you are rationalizing a level boost because it takes a lot of time for someone you’re directly developing against one of the biggest weaknesses of your game. It’ll cause players to finish faster and therefore it will stagnate faster if the level boost wasn’t otherwise part of the design. And playing on an alt doesn’t address that problem it only prolongs it.

You only throw the opinion of a jealousy point of view, “I did it and so should you”
I can personally buy the boost if I wanted to. This has nothing to do with jealousy. I said, “What about all the people who already leveled that now people can just pay to skip it? That doesn’t seem very fair.” You are trading money for time for those who want something but don’t want to put in the time to get it. If anyone is being selfish it is the people boosting. And why is it ok for you to buy the boost when there will always be those who can’t.

There are problems with leveling like the mage power leveling, but having a paid boost does not address that issue. I want what is healthy for the game. If you are rationalizing a paid boost you’re not interested in the betterment of the game, you’re just interested in fast tracking yourself, b/c a paid boost doesn’t solve any problems, it avoids it.

No I don’t think that it will end leveling in the old world completely, but it will greatly reduce the amount of people in it. Many people do not play a bunch of alts. Just because there is going to be a bunch of belfs and space goats leveling doesn’t mean the leveling activity is now saved. It’s going to be a surge of people which is nice for a bit but it’ll be mostly paladins and shamans. Then it’ll be over and I wouldn’t be surprised if sometime after, Blizzard lifts the race restriction, because really there doesn’t seem to be much point to have the boost but restrict those 2 races other than to give a false image that the boost isn’t that bad because “see we have some restrictions on it.” You yourself said the majority of players want to play tbc. A level boost in turn will encourage more people to skip. Also, I’m not sure what your realm being dead has to do with it. Hopefully that changes, but maybe you can pay for a server transfer. It sounds like you have the disposable income for it.

I only attacked your arguments, but seems like this is not productive, and you obviously don’t want to have a healthy discussion, with the constant condescending remarks. So, I bid you farewell.


This is what you said.

This is what I asked. You would be a great politician as you went around with your answer in a paragraph style essay multiple times. It should only be a very easy answer, yes or no with a very simple explanation as to the advantage the newly boosted player has over the level 60 player when TBC Classic launches… You keep throwing out strawman which means you either do not pay attention to your opinions you have posted or have zero idea of what strawman argument means.

You clam oh the world will be dead, well besides alts which most probably will not be leveling many the first few weeks. What areas do you feel majority of the players will be leveling? Will it be Outland or Azeroth?

I am sure you will respond with some bs about courtesy and all the other arguments I have seen but not provide actual substance. I am only concerned with your stance on the “advantage” a boosted character has.

Also to note, after a month of classic when I began leveling my alt there was ZERO players in the world accept the occasional mage AOE grinding.

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You have left out context.

In my answer to the poster, I was responding to. Yes. He is gatekeeping.

Whenever someone tells someone else how they should play or enjoy a game because they believe that to be the only way, then you are gatekeeping.

Context again. I will give you a pass as you may not know my posting history, however.

I come to every argument with the knowledge that what they are saying can and more times than often do have nuggets of truth. I try not to dismiss a person’s statement unless some obvious dishonest things are stated.

However, in most of the time, you will see the person who is anti-flavor-of-the-day refuse to listen to points presented by those trying to defend their position.

A discussion requires both parties to at least listen to one another and then weigh the merit of the argument. That, more times than not, tends to not happen with the anti-crowd.

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blizz has down played the boosts in retail cuz of this whining. what they changed though? it takes like less than 12 hours to get to the equivalent of old level 120 out of 130 levels. (we were bumped down to 60 at cap though) plus a few more hours to get to cap. would you rather a one time boost or people being able to be at cap on every single alt at less than a day /played, each? cuz those are the options we have in retail. blizz HAS made it fair for everyone but in a way that i would imagine would piss yall off even more if they put it into tbc classic.

Blizzard has been doing the boost (to the lowest level of each new expansion) for several years. Every new expansion gets it. The boost is obviously NOT for existing players. It is to attract NEW players who want to play the new expansion, NOT the previous expansion. In this case, players who want to play TBC, not Vanilla.

It turns out there are a lot of those players, so each boost adds tens (or even hundreds) of thousands of new players to the game.

If you’re against new players in the game, you will be ignored. Blizzard isn’t interested in following a self-destructive policy, just because it pleases you.

I see sounds like that’s just a different conversation I’ll leave alone then. I appreciate the response.

I’m more than down for a discussion, but all I’ve been met with is poor reasoning if any reasoning at all, along with incredible hostility, behind boosting being a positive. There are obviously pros to having a boost, but everything I’ve seen thus far points to it ending up being a net negative.
When I first heard about the boost it only bothered me a little bit, because I like many of the people that are currently ok with the boost had the initial reaction that it wasn’t a big deal, but then I started remembering how we got classic in the first place and I started hearing both sides of the argument and at this point unless I see a lot of well thought and backed reasoning on why boosting is a net positive then I don’t see how this can possibly end up being good for the game.

Yea, not taking the bait chief.

Enjoy your morning though.

I’d be more in favor of a recruit a friend like system but everyone is lazy and wants instant gratification now a days


Boost is 100% happening, and it’ll benefit the community and most players. Friends and family can play on the same servers/factions now together much easier. Great addition, really excited I get to play with everyone. Really disappointing all the nonsensical crying about something that won’t have any effect on anyone in any negative way, some people are just sad and angry irrational people I guess.

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