Boon of the bloodhunter

The legion shoulder enchant that would drop quarry bags full of bloods of sargeras shows equipped but the quarry’s are no longer dropping after pre-patch.


I am having the same problem.


i also have the same problem on multiple toons


fix plz reeeee

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I noticed boon of zookeeper stopped dropping bags for my max level main on the broken isles and thought I was just having bad RNG.

I tried adding the enchant to a max level alt and couldn’t. The Boon said my ilvl 83 shoulders were too high. Not sure if the change was intentional, but it seems the Boon may not work on BFA shoulders.

I was able to apply it to ilvl 48 shoulders. I still haven’t had any bags drop, but it’s only been one evening.


Yea I think it’s all the shoulder enchants, I hope eventually they do fix it and this is not intentional!


plz fix im dying irl from this coughs

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I tried a similar test to saturnyne. I tried to apply the enchant again to my BFA shoulders and it gave a level too high error.

It was fine applying to the order hall shoulders, but wouldn’t drop anything. I also attempted to wait an hour for the cd to expire just to be sure, no luck.


+1 to getting 0 Bloodhunter’s Quarry since prepatch. Also noticed that I cannot put a Legion herbalism enchant on BFA gloves, says level is too high.

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Any update on the fix…losing out on serious gold from not getting these to drop on kills >.>.


bump reeeeeeeee

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It is happened for all of the Boon Legion Shoulder enchants. You also can’t apply the legion shoulder enchants to current gear, when we could before prepatch. Please fix ASAP!

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Even if you apply it on a low lvl character or a low ilvl shoulders there is currently no way to make it work

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Yep unfortunately still seems to be broken D:

So not just it is broken for higher levels, but everyone? Too bad there doesn’t seem to be a high priority on this, shame.

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Still broken. Any update blues?

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So from r/woweconomy if you party sync and use it in chromie time the enchants still work. It is NOT a fix, and it’s annoying, however it’s a work around until we hopefully eventually hear more.

What if you just use it in Chromie time?

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Yes that works too

Apparently there is some strange character level maximum calculation attached to them now. My xp locked level 45 gets procs from all of the shoulder enchants with no issues. But my level 50’s get none, even using Legion content sourced shoulders. Will have to try Chromie Time

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