Boomkin Nerf, yes please! :D (3.5k starfire crit in pvp gear)

The only ones that are are stam stacking in full pvp gear with titans. and they just get ccd on their cds and then die. Prot wars and rogues are much more terrifying than the boomkin bums of silithus.

ok 30% reduced damage. Aside from tank shams and prot wars they are the tankiest creatures on the planet.

try again.

ele shaman arent running the tank rune (which is 30% hp 10% dr and 5% less chance to be crit) so the most you could say is their natural mail gear with a shield being around equal to a plate wearer without a shield. funny how you seem to be discounting the armor gain from moonkin form too… weird.

you are being dishonest or mixing up things to say the least.

So you are saying they are just that tanky on their own? I can never crit them and I hit them for like 40% less then normal. if they are that tanky without wote then idk.

Moonkins don’t take 40% less damage from my chimera shots so idk why you are even bring up the armor. It’s a tank thing not an armor thing. Prot wars are just as annoying.

You mean bad shamans. Any shaman that wants to pvp is the tank spec

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Exactly. You will not find those Shamans here on the forums, they are busy playing the game

Ziqo bored because of how easy his shaman is. Only people crying on the forums about shamans are bad players not playing the right specs.

Would be like rogues complaining about combat being bad in pvp. Or fury warriors / destro warlocks / holy priests ect ect.

Prot warriors are annoying. Thats exactly right annoying not deadly. Im the warrior preff above. This druid does way more damage in bgs and much easier to get that damage off safely. Look im not talking out of my butt I play both and when a dungeon gear alt is out pumping and more fun than your pvp bis main somethings not right.

again you thinking all ele shaman are also tank shaman or just being dishonest in the discussion but whatever.

tank shaman and other tank spec/rune combinations are indeed tanky. i mean its in their name.

i clearly was talking about ele shaman that werent tank spec/runed.

and if you followed any logic and train of thought , you wouldve made this connection.

but again all of you are thinking somehow im comparing a tank spec to moonkin and saying moonkin are more defensive, like that would be an actual rational thought.

quit misrepresenting my arguments please.

Bro they are tanks… Why should they be deadly? They do plenty of damage for being as tanky as they are… Not deadly? They can literally carry in a team fight. default death grip, charge out of roots, Shield wall is up for every fight, stunlock people. Prot war is absurd.

2 people focus a boomkin, dead. Frenzy regen? oom. Why shouldn’t boomkins be able to do damage when they die in a starsurge stun?

I am not sitting here looking up shamans specs and gear. 90% of the shamans I see all do the same thing. And their main source of damage is always flameshock/lava burst. Wolves, rage, flame shock, run at you while spamming lava burst. Ele/Tank/hybrid whatever you wanna call it. They are super tanky.

this is the problem with people talking about shaman or even other classes without knowledge of the class or any experience playing it or deeper knowledge than “this guy beat me, nerf pls” .

i have experience playing 5 different classes at 60 and i also have a pally that i havent really played enough to say but i have played against them plenty and am familiar enough to say what they are capable of and have watched enough to realize most of what they do.

one of the classes is a moonkin and another class ive played quite alot of is a shaman.

sure by nature tank spec/rune combos are indeed tanky and some of them do more damage than is good with very big caveats and really good rng.

the spec isnt even a full ele spec btw. its 21 in ele and 30 in enh tree.

anyways , pure ele specs that arent running tank runes are indeed less tanky than moonkin are naturally. moonkin have more armor and better defensives in the from of improved frenzied regen and even improved barkskin.

if those 2 are up, they are effectively immune to damage (even moreso if nobody can purge the barkskin) as they heal so much and take such little damage that they can face tank while spamming all their instants .

also everyone says “well stun them or otherwise cc them” faps exist. laps exist. and good luck getting off a non instant cc cast if starfall and the massive pushback is up .

What if the moonkin isnt running those 2 runes? Means he is no longer super tanky right?

You are only talking about the druids that are running those runes. Not every boomy

Shut up Kyle

are you really comparing switching 1 or 2 runes to a whole gear/spec/rune combination that is fully different from regular ele?

like just seeing what you are actually saying here.

All i was asking was would boomies be tankier than eles if they werent running those runes?

Your whole argument assumes everyone is running those runes. Ironic

easily ran runes vs a whole different spec/gear/rune combination.

ya i am comparing that vs a regular ele spec .

Yep that is very hard to do on sod. If you want to play a sub par pvp spec, dont cry on the forums about it

I understand thats how you feel. But Im talking from experience Dungeon gear druid > R13 Warrior
Yeah my druid isnt as beefy but it better not be, it already does more damage in trash gear.

Yeah I’m sure barkskin helps against magic damage… oh wait it doesn’t. And frenzy regen with the rune is a 3min cd and drains almost all of your mana. Most of the people I fight aren’t even melee but ranged shamans and casters. Barkskin doesn’t help against that.

Boomkin are in no way, shape or form tankier than shamans.

again , which shaman are we talking about?

base ele vs boomkin with 1 or 2 runes , boomkin have better defensives and are indeed tankier.

but again thats being honest.

vs a tank speced/geared/runed shaman for the purposes of being “tanky” it is indeed tankier. as it should be.

btw vs the melee moonkin are very very tanky , to the point of melee not making any headway at all when your regen is ticking.(funny thing is even as an ele vs moonkin or any other druid using frenzied regen i can make headway either and thats with flame shock up and lvb critting and even getting a proc to insta crit lvb.)

but do go on about how moonkin arent beefy and able to face tank people.

Bro I have played shaman across multiple expansions and I played it in sod until ENH became worthless at level 60.

I never said anything about nerfing shamans. idc if they are tanky and annoying.

Boomkins are not naturally tanky… esp without gear.
Their defensives are meh, barkskin can be dispelled and frenzy ooms you now.
All the tryhard boomkins I see are all rocking like 7k+ HP and pop a fap every fight. and half they time they still just die.

Boomkins are squishy and die easily. They are easy to CC. They are strong and they do good damage and they can win fights, but they are not OP broken impossible to beat as all these BUMs suggest on the forums.

unless it’s an enh shaman without a shield it is tankier than a boomkin…