Boomkin Nerf, yes please! :D (3.5k starfire crit in pvp gear)

Most people who play this game have no critical thinking skills.

Shamans are the weakest class right now lol, stop bugging.

What about on your boomkin?

“pure” enh shaman probably are one of the weakest if not the weakest honestly.

dont know if youre being serious but still.

You seen ziqo in brm? If thats weak every other class must be really weak.

Regen and barkskin are the only reason they are OP you take those away and they are a glass cannon like every other class… which I am fine with… Jus no nerfs until I’ve had my boomkin fun :slight_smile: it’s literally glorious

Lololol delusional

You want real mega op fun roll ret pala pve gear

Can do more damage as boomy from range. Dont even need pve gear

without frenzy up you die.

Boomy is squish you can’t leave form or you get 1 tapped. There is no kiting anymore way to much cc and gap closers now its gotten silly.

Pve ret geared absolutely destroying everyone outside of a very skilled hunter

You are just bad at boomy.

I solo 3 man groups with ease. If its outdoors theres no chance anyone catches me. If they do just root / cheetah and blow them up.

LoL please try to root cheetah anyone good. You aint getting away from anyone in sod except literal potatos.

That does make sense being sod is 99.9% pve trash and the pvp is non existent.

It would be so easy to balance the PVP without messing with PVE.
Individualized class damage reduction in PVP. Its not a new concept. League of Legends does it. With weekly tuning it could have been way better than this flat DR we currently have, and they could have gone bananas with PVE damage.

i prefer to have universal rules for everyone as i dont trust people to individually tune the knobs per class.

But flat reduction obviously doesnt work. Some classes have been way over tuned for their pve sake way more than others. That should be accounted for.
Your distrust in the devs is warrented but I would still prefer the team try something rather than leave it broken.

well its true that it doesnt fully address it but i dont know that i would trust it to be done right.

honestly its already kinda close to being “balanced” where it would only take tuning a few outliers right now.

moonkin and pallies both can turn on the “effectively immune to damage” through cooldowns AND do massive damage while doing so.

that is not balanced no matter how you slice it.

something like a 50% dmg reduction while defensives or bubble or whatever is popped would be the call here.

as for the “tank” specs/runes that are all the rage now, i dont know what could be done with them without nuking their pve abilities .

at least with the moonkin and pally it doesnt mess with their pve performance to nerf them while defensives are popped.

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They already nerfed frenzy you go oom in 2 seconds now. I find it amusing everyone is crying about boomkins still when they just get 1 rng stun and die instantly. Meanwhile prot warriors exist and are the most annoying creatures on the planet.

And rogues as well just globing healers in 2 seconds, but nah BOOMKINS are impossible to beat…

you know for a while there i thought it might be a bit much as moonkin are silly op to the point of parody and i thought it might not be fully true.

but i have a moonkin that is absolute crap gear and regularly stomp people in pvp at max range. (mind you my gear is so terrible that i have like maybe 4k hp in bgs though its probably less.)

its broken. if i got any gear on the moonkin , the shenanigans i could get into would be silly.

moonkin currently are every single thing they were saying ele shaman were (hyperbole included) but with 10 yards extra range , more instants, better dots, better defensives, and massive spell pushback included.

for you guys to be defending this (as some of you are the same ones who were calling for ele shaman nerfs) is funny as heck.

btw my moonkin in moonkin form (dont know that it matters) has 325 sp and 2.8k life sitting in org right now. its very very bad gear and the only piece i have that is good at all is the druid class staff from bwl.

like for real.

Except it dies in a global and doesn’t take passive 50% reduced damage.

It’s strong, not broken. 2.8k hp is a swift harlem globing

except it doesnt die in a global with frenzied regen up and ele shaman dont take 50% reduced damage.

but whatever.


ya my moonkin does die in a global but i have very very bad gear and no trinkets and all that but ya , geared moonkin are surviving alot more than youre giving them credit for.