Boomkin trying to get back into the raid scene. Play Alliance on Trollbane, but am willing to switch servers to get into a good 10/25 man raid team. Can do any nights of the week. Current guild is taking a break and isn’t consistent with raiders currently. Would like a semi hardcore raider group who wants max ilvl and to finish heroics and mythics. TY for any responses
Hey Shlimmy,
I’m Part of Current and we are looking to recruit some like minded players that want to stick to a casual Mythic raid schedule. What do I mean by that well we want to have a fun and social environment where we raid Tuesday and Thursday 9pm-12pm est. Nothing too serious but still get a chance to see the mythic content and enjoy it.
You may look into us and see we are a new Guild, this is because we were part of another guild that decided they wanted to cut off the content at heroic and not see mythic. Most of us are ex hardcore raiders though and sitting in heroic clearing content for no reason didn’t sit well with us. If you’re interested in getting to know more about us hit me up.
Discord Tristrem#0363
B net Tristrem#1953
I wish you all the best and hope to hear from you soon
We’re recruiting for fast AOTC and into mythics, with a healthy side dish of m+; how does that sound?
Semi Retired is a raiding and m+ focused guild on Area 52 looking to build up our roster to push into mythic raiding for upcoming Patch 10.1! Our goal is to create an active, inclusive m+ community to strengthen our forces and teamwork so when Aberrus is open we go in ready to push hard.
We’re looking for more people like the people we have now: People who want to engage and do things together. People who are looking to be apart of the guild, not just use the guild to achieve their individual goals only. People should have goals and we want the guild to help people get them, but we also want people who will turn around and help others to achieve theirs.
The currect raid schedule is Tuesday/Wednesday 9-12 EST. M+ is run throughout the week and we do anywhere from baby keys for valor and alts to higher keys pushing to KSH.
If this sounds like a good fit for you, reach out to talk to one of our officers. Add one of our officers on either Bnet or Discord!
Xrusader (Guild Master) - BNet: silver9172#11607 - Discord: Xarali#6374
Akeychi (Officer) - Bnet: Rusams#1495 - Discord: Akeychi#1141
Lets chat on Discord.
ayo Shlimmy, I am looking for someone that is a exp boomkin for our mythic raid team. We raid Tuesday/Thursday/Sundays from 8 - 11 cst . If you are interested let me know on discord Disbeliever#1140
Add my battletag BJensen28#1130 would love to chat with you
Hey there, I think we would be a great fit. Take a look at our spam and let us know!
Good morning!
I’m an officer of a guild that aims to keep our raid team small and filled with skilled players to take on more challenging content. Specifically, our goal with each raid tier is to achieve AotC. A lot of us run Mythic+ that you could join us on!
If you’d like to chat, add me on Discord: Sweetsour#2703
Falkor on stormrage is a newer guild that is looking for folk to join our community and raid teams. Right now we run two raid groups! We have mythic raiders leading each group that have decided to step away from the Mythic grind in order to have fun with the game. We also run M+ frequently throughout the week as well and random guild events.
Raid group 1
Tues/Thurs 830pm-11pm EST
Focusing on AoTc prog, killing a few Mythic bosses for vault drops, current prog 8/8 H, 2/8M
Current needs: DPS- Havoc DH, healers- Holy priest
Raid group 2
Fri/Sat 830pm Est-11pm Est
Focuses on casually clearing normal and heroic at a slower pace. Current prog 8/8H
Currently need: Anything you want to play.
Casuals and alts welcome as well.
For more information, please contact via disc:
Hello!!, 10.1 is coming on 5/2 and raiding on 5/9, and we are looking for a few folks to help us round out our mythic roster. First a little bit about us…Our core has been playing together for the better part of 10 years, and every tier we’ve raided in, we’ve gotten AotC and gone into mythic content, usually pretty deep. We were 11/12 M Nyalotha and went into Dance Party in Castle Nathria and 3 deep in SoD, but took a breat through SotFO. We are currently 3/8 in M VotI. We currently have a raid schedule of Tuesday & Wednesday from 8:30pm - 11:30pm EST.
At the core we are friends who want to progress in a competitive yet fun atmosphere. We are politically incorrect and rib each other constantly. We almost always have folks running keys and in discord, and we encourage all to come in and hang out!
Our current needs:
Evoker - Preferably Devastation, can be a Preservation but needs the DPS OS.
Monk - Preferably WW can be a MW but needs a DPS OS.
Mage - Preferably Fire…
Priest - Preferably shadow, can be a healer but needs the DPS OS.
If you’d like to know more send me a BTAG request at Ŧoxic#1753, Outcast#1921, Plumpspoon#1836, jobizness#1440 or on Discord at Rød#8628, Tyrelil#1760, Kappa#9311, bringitback#0118.
hey, Shlimmy! Chain Reaction is Heroic Raid guild on Lightbringer looking for some rdps including a boomkin–sounds like we might fit well! 7-9:30 pm pacific on Tuesday and Thursday. Hit me up if you’d like to chat!
Battletag: RowanBeth #1291 or Discord: Beth#0208