Boomkin has been completely gutted

Of fun of course

A. I used to love playing mine, but now they have to cast wrath/starfish instead of rotting with dots. Maybe I’m missing something here

B. The talent tree is god awful. Their defensive are the worst of any class in the game. No, going bear form for 50% of a match is not a solution anyone should have to deal with

C. Let them at least cast rejuv in Boomkin form again. Let starfall be 1 instance that didn’t draw the circle for everyone to dodge the damage with

D. You can nerf cyclone, but please give them better defensives as a trade-off


almost bit man, remember to always check achievement points


This is a good thing!

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You’ve played yours? I’m going to be honest, I hadn’t played one all expansion until recently, but they are a shadow of what I remember from MoP and BFA

Where is the clone nerf? Has it been? Or are you just saying “it can be”?

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I’m not sure what changes are happening Tuesday, but I don’t expect it to change with the design of the spec. I mean sure people might be effective with it like always but it is not fun to play IMO

Edit: I just threw that clone part on the list because everyone complains about it. I’m not going to play one either way, which is a shame because I used to love it

go away homogenizer


As a boomy/feral main, I definitely vibe with some of what you’re saying.

Casted wrath/starsish vs dots though? Eff that, I don’t want to be a dot class. I want to get a good clone, and capitalize with some chunky Surges. I also want to have good tools to kite and live - I guess ultimately think a playstyle more like a frost mage/destro lock as opposed to fire mage/affy lock. Good kiting tools, good opportunity for big burst, fairly slippery with meaningful dcds(but not like the extremes of what both destro and mage have(the jack of all trades bit and all).

The talent tree is indeed god awful. The fact that as a boomy, I need to put 2 talent points into increasing shred, rake mangle and thrash damage before I can even get improved barkskin, well-honed instincts(as a class with minimal self heals mind you) and even BASH, is actually laughable and insinuates that the developers don’t play PVP at all.

Cyclone is difficult to get off without precog, but is insanely op if you’re good at it. Remove precog, increase boomy defensives without nerfing cyclone, make starsurges chunky so even if you can’t clone(because it’s powerful but difficult to get off), you’re still not gimp if you’re good at kiting.

Boom. Boomy is BIS playstyle imo.


Back to doom posting I see.

Boomkin is fine.

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They always have to do any meaningful damage.

Absolutely true, but it’s better than what it was. I’m hoping to get a real defensive that doesn’t silence, but having tireless pursuit and feline swiftness should help a ton.

Starfall is useless in arena and should stay that way. Also, rejuv does nothing on its own anyways; it’s only a relevant hot with Rdruid mastery

Agreed 1000%


I’m not doing this again. Either talk about what’s in my thread or stop the attacks please

Attacks… ok bud :+1:.

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It just doesn’t stop, so it’s a form of attack/harassment, whatever you want to call it. You can just not post in my thread if you don’t want to talk about the matter at hand. This is the last response I’ll give you this time, you can have the last word


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Do you mean you always have to cast wrath/sfire to do meaningful damage? Just trying to understand what you’re referring to

This 1000%

I’m not even sure how to remedy the situation without an overhaul going into an expansion with talent trees like this


I don’t think it’s too hard. I think you just swap Instincts of the claw with Roar/Bash and Innervate with Lore of the Grove. That way druids dont need to waste 2 literally useless points. I’d also change ursine vigor and spirit of ursoc to stuff like old ysera’s gift so we have some kind of passive healing/sustained that doesn’t involve turning into a bear and silencing ourselves.

I also wouldn’t hate if fluid form let you cast frenzy in boomy form and auto shift you to bear, and the trigger for boomy form was moonfire/sunfire and not wrath/starfire.

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How are they going to change those mid expansion without affecting the other 3 specs? Doesn’t seem likely to me. They’ll probably give them armor.

Edit- I’d like making rejuv worth it(similar to earth shield) but Ysera good too. I just know they are about to be the most trainable spec for an entire expansion :frowning_face:

It’s a buff to the other specs, though. ALL druid specs will ALWAYS invest in their respective 2 point throughput buff node. Not making them a block to the other good options at a 2 point cost would help tremendously.

They were all of DF, though, and that didn’t stop them from being the most insane caster the entire expansion.

Even so, with the new talent trees, druid side and moonkin side(Wrath and Starfire dmg modifiers lol), I don’t foresee it being enjoyable to play. I’m sure the hard-core players will find a way to make it work, like many other specs, but it just doesn’t seem appealing to me.

Ya, I think most players would agree with you. As powerful as boomy was all expansion, it had a fraction of the playerbase of warlock/ele/spriest, despite being just as strong if not stronger (depending on patch obviously) AND having a larger overall class representation.

At the end of the day the cyclone minigame where you fish for precog and win or lose by spamming a CC isn’t fun for a lot of people to play as or against.