Boomkin Fixes

Uhhh are you thinking of Wrath? Balance of Power isn’t a thing in classic. Every other class gets minimum 3% hit from talents and moonkin has zero.

No class in SoD has a knockback???

Moonkin can’t even cast Insect Swarm???

I think you’re thinking of Wrath???

Interesting additions, I like the scaling idea a lot. I think the silence might be too OP though and doesn’t really add to the toolkit for the addition of gap closers - would love to have it, don’t get me wrong, just think it might be too powerful for classic.

I appreciate the effortful post, but Balance of Power is not available in SoD. That’s TBC/WotLK.

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Definitely some good suggestions, but seems like they are thinking of wrath/tbc, yeah

Boomie needs solarbeam and maybe typhoon. Not having an interrupt makes me feel like the only option against most other casters is to run away or pray for a starsurge stun, since a shadowpriest can basically kill me in their silence AND still gets to pray for those same stuns.

resto sham gets it from talents. i propose adding 3% spell hit for druids right next to insect swarm

You do know you can’t use insect swarm in moonkin form, right?

At least at 60 we can generally pick up feral charge in PvP spec, but you’re right and that’s a good point.