tldr; Boomies need spell hit from moonkin form for PvE and some defensive for PvP.
Moonkins are now bottom of the barrel DPS in raid and pretty much a free kill in PvP unless they’re just completely ignored and left alone to free cast or in a group with insane peels.
I think two adjustments could pretty much fully fix moonkin right now. The biggest issue in PvE (and one of the bigger PvP issues) is spell hit and resists. Moonkin would probably float back up towards the lower half of the middle of the pack in DPS if moonkin form gave the druid itself 3% spell hit.
PvP boomies have a very slow ramp up in damage and are super reliant on low% crits or procs to get any kills right now. They can’t really kite anymore with everyone having great gap closers/slows themselves now and don’t have the defensives to survive the burst a lot of classes bring. One single defensive could give them something in their kit to have a chance though: Typhoon (a version that’s single target, with a short knockback is all that’s needed). Just make it only usable in Moonkin form and give it a 1-2 minute CD and it would be the perfect defensive to round out boomie’s kit.
Show me a video of you kiting any class right now on a boomkin making the 36 yard range so dangerous. I’ll wait!
Oh wait, that’s right, as soon as you start casting anything the gap closes immediately. Warriors charge you over and over, rogues are shadowstepping and stunlocking you, hunters out range you, spriests out range you, shamans laugh, paladins freedom and chase you down, etc. It’s basically either fully tuck tail and run away trying to live another day or die. Like I said, there’s zero issue with any of this if there’s 1 defensive ability on a long CD. Then at least there’s a chance for counter play.
What? Boomie is insane in pvp. I’m usually netting 20-25 kills on my ele sham per bg with minimal deaths. Normally 25+ is the average per bg on my bal druid, IF the time is allowed. I die a lot, but securing kills is not hard and we support our team by dealing massive damage single target and our dots bleed everyone dry.
bullcrap. Boomy is still one of the best specs in PvP. with the tankiness from boomy form and bursty instant spells from 2m yards away. They also have off heals and movement speed. Not sure what else should a damn class do to be considered OP.
Walking backwards? Ok, so you’re just trolling. Got it.
What bursty instant cast spells? There is no burst on instant cast whatsoever and hasn’t been for weeks since nerf. Pre-nerf, yes starsurge definitely was out of control and needed to be nerfed. But not since the nerf.
As a boomy I couldn’t disagree with you more, the class is enjoyable, I can farm higher level mobs, I absolutely slaughter in pvp, I do well in raids, we just got a huge buff and i’ve resto’d a few raids and it’s great too. The class is in a goldilocks zone where we’re strong and fun but not in the nerf spotlight
With what spell hit? Trying to kill anything above 41-42 gets extremely dangerous quickly with a bad string of resists…
Also huge buff? It is like 20 dps higher, it was a very marginal buff. It just made our DoTs worth casting from being previously an actual DPS loss to use.
All we need for PvE/world soloing though is a slight bump to spell hit and they’d be middle of the pack and great.
Lol again. No dude, it was never nerfed. It was fixed. Its spell coefficient was set wrong and they fixed it.
If your definition of bursty = 1 shotting people, yeah that crap rightfully ain’t happening from boomies anymore. But their deeps is still closer to the top of bursty list comparing with others in PvP.
Pretty much this. Fire mage/destro lock/melee hunter are basically in their own rank of dps compared to other specs/classes Nerfing needs to happen more then buffing right now. Burst in pvp is too high, pve will be just fine if the top performers recieved nerfing.