Boomkin Fixes

Jeez, this guy sure is mad he lost his 1 shot button. Its like, how did boomkins ever pvp before?

Is there a point where you dont OOM in 4 casts anymore? Im 26 rn and i go down to 50% after getting my dots up, and then i have barely enough mana to shapeshift, offheal, and kite and do all the things druids need to do in pvp. Does that part at least get better at 40?

Which instant casts provide enough damage to do anything? You know the only instants we have are moonfire, sunfire, and starsurge. Moonfire/sunfire don’t hit very hard at all, especially when you have to leave moonkin form to cast. Sunfire can’t even be downranked so you don’t want to spam it because you’ll clip your DoT. Downranked moonfire hits for 100-150. Starsurge hits for 200-300 now with 500-600 crits but it’s on a 6 sec CD. The only burst we have is from starfire which requires setup and a long cast. If you’re being kited by a moonkin right now you’re awful at PvP or fully missing runes.

Pretty much no until you get gnomer geared. Then once you get all of the spell hit pieces you’ll at least be able to fight a few things your own level without having to stop and heal after every single pull and that’s when it gets a lot easier.

Yep this is why I was told I should stay Balance when talking about switching to Resto because we were short on heals. So apparently raid leadership is seeing something different than you. I dunno…

Flapjaks just hates boomkins i think.

Im in feralas rn and i can kill 43’s 44’s pretty comfortably and I only have 1% hit bonus from a piece of raid gear I got last night, and I was killing these mobs well before I got the piece.

That’s why I bring up some very small bump that would put them middle of the road? Not even asking to be OP or anything, just fine.

Because your other casters want the buff for parsing and it was before the armor nerf hit where casters were way more valuable?

What are you comparing it to? For example, farming the dragons in dustwallow that are 43-44 if I pull 2 of them I have to burn CDs generally unless I get really lucky with resistances and land every hibernate and pretty much after every pull I’m needing to sit and drink. My mage laughs at this kinda stuff, hunter has zero downtime, warrior can cleave them down with ease and just needs to bandage after every 2-3 pulls, I watch rogues crush this stuff with no downtime, priest has zero downtime, warlock zero downtime, etc. Even feral has no downtime crushing multiple of these at once. Again, the issue is more or less purely resists. When starfire/hibernate gets resisted it’s just an awful experience. Or when a string of resistances causes your eclipse stacks to dry up.

Again, I think our damage is fine, our mana usage is fine, everything is feeling great right now. It’s just that our talent tree is missing spell hit or spell pen that every other caster gets. That’s it and if it got baked directly into moonkin form then it wouldn’t be OP for resto/restokin either.

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Give them Cyclone for PVP in a rune next phase;

Make the Talent that reduces threat in the balance tree also add hit % per point spent.

That should do it.

Maybe Bark skin rune next phase, too.

Cyclone would be awesome, but in my opinion probably too OP even which is why I suggested single target typhoon. I think Barkskin next phase will help with the pushback and a minor CD against melee, but probably not enough to combat the gap closers.

I also think it should be tied directly to moonkin form so it can’t be used in/out of travel form while kiting.

They are fine. Like, the star surge nerf was heavy handed and all, but it put them in a fine place.

Could boomkins use a little bump up? Sure. But there’s no content you can’t clear, so they are fine.

Have you seen what I suggested? Legitimately just ~3% spell hit exclusively in moonkin form.

No. Never. Get it from gear like everyone else.

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Mage gets it from talents.
Priest gets it from talents.
Warlock gets it from talents.
Shaman gets it from talents.

Again, every other caster has talents for it. Which is where tying it to moonkin form is essentially just adding a talent for it.

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What talent are you referring to? Boomkin spec is notoriously bad at reducing or controlling threat.


Anyone else see the goofiness here?


This doesn’t exist FYI.

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In the resto tree. We dont have that yet. We have to be full level 60 to get that talent.

Ele shaman is operating on 0% hit.

Must be nice. Still not available to boomie even at 60.

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Hi, I appreciate your feedback on moonkin druids in SoD. I play a moonkin myself, and I agree that they need some improvements to be more competitive and enjoyable in both PvE and PvP.

However, I don’t think that giving moonkin form 3% spell hit and adding Typhoon as a defensive ability are the best solutions. Here are my reasons:

  • Giving moonkin form 3% spell hit would make it too easy for moonkins to reach the spell hit cap of 16%, which is already lower than other casters due to the [Balance of Power] talent. This would make moonkins less dependent on gear and consumables, and reduce their diversity and challenge in gearing choices.
  • Adding Typhoon as a defensive ability would make moonkins too similar to other classes that have knockback abilities, such as shamans, mages, and hunters. This would reduce the uniqueness and identity of moonkins, and make them less interesting and fun to play.

Instead, I think that moonkins need some other adjustments that would address their issues without making them overpowered or boring. Here are my suggestions:

  • Increase the damage of [Starfire] and [Wrath] by 10%, to make moonkins more competitive in DPS and burst damage. This would also make them more rewarding for landing critical hits and procs, and encourage them to use both spells in their rotation.
  • Reduce the mana cost of [Moonfire] and [Insect Swarm] by 20%, to make moonkins more mana efficient and less reliant on innervate and potions. This would also make them more viable in longer fights and sustained damage, and allow them to use more dots and debuffs.
  • Add a new rune that grants moonkins a passive ability called [Lunar Guidance], which increases their spell power by 8% of their total intellect. This would make moonkins more scalable with gear and stats, and give them more incentive to stack intellect and spirit.
  • Add a new rune that grants moonkins an active ability called [Solar Beam], which silences all enemies within 10 yards of the target for 4 seconds. This would give moonkins a new utility and crowd control option, and help them deal with casters and healers in PvP.

TLDR: I think moonkins need some improvements in SoD, but not the ones you suggested. I think they need more damage, mana efficiency, scalability, and utility, without losing their uniqueness and identity.

wrong. you may now uninstall the game.

" * The base damage of Starsurge has been reduced by 30%.

  • Additionally, we’ve identified and fixed a bug in the Starsurge spellpower coefficient and this has now been corrected. Starsurge should be properly gaining 42.9% of spellpower as damage now, as intended."

and then

Starsurge base damage reduced by 35%

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