Boomie is the new ret

Nerf unbalancedkins by overheating their rigs every time they join arena, problem solved. I approve.

Oh no… A warlock main thinking boomy is better… There’s no way this is real…

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well i think trying to argue some sense its pointless cause you think boomie is the squishiest caster in the game…try telling that to any high rated player/streamer…honestly…try…

and when i said boomie is broken and ony 4-5 specs get to play the game, i thought its clear that i am talking about the high lvl play…you go ahead and name 3/4 specs cause they “see play”…i mean ye they do, you are right…
lot of them played first 1-2 weeks and havent played since…but past week all i see on high ratings are 2x casters and enha/sub/disc

There’s nothing to argue. It objectively has the worst defensives and least self healing in the game. This is a fact.

Name a caster with worse defensives/self healing.

Yesterday leaderboard Qs consisted of boomy, destro, demo, spriest, devoker, arcane, fire, ele, arms, fury, ret, Fdk, enh, sub, dh, Rsham, Disc, MW, Rdruid. (That’s 19 specs with great representation between melee, range, and healers)

Only specs noticeably missing are Hpal (getting reworked) uhdk, hunters and feral, and I saw double survival, jungle, bm enh, bm destro, and bm demo literally three(?) days ago.

Please explain to me how this is a boomy overrepresentation issue.