and in general, can we just not talk about whether boomie or ret is more broken? its besides the point…
just address this situation so ppl can enjoy the game again cause this is just extremely frustrating…boomie, lock, sub rog, enha…other specs dont rly get to play
You’re talking about supa and are we not gonna mention all the losses they had too? They also got absolutely wrecked by enh/sub. The same sub he was playing with mind you :P. Perhaps it’s a different common denominator…
Boomy is for sure strong but you’re way over shooting the impact even remotely comparing it to ret to be honest.
Same lol. While im not saying boomir isnt doing damage but everyone is doing crazy damage (and ill keep saying this too).
Its not even close to what ret was. I hit 70 on ret went into bgs with subpar non pvp gear and walked out with 20 kbs and no deaths. It was insane.
I just came out of an rss with me as boomie, an arms war, a ret pally, and an mm hunter.
The matches were burst fest and i was so stressed out.
its all equally bad. except ret was x100 worse than anything imaginable.
Yeah until I see nearly 1000 players reach 2400+ rating in less than a week, I don’t think there is any comparison with how busted 10.7.0 ret was.
I healed through the so called ret saga as a HOLY PALADIN. Im telling you, the current fire mage and boomie FOTM are destroying it. They can sheep or cyclone me and 100-0 anyone before my global cooldown resets after trinketing it. Ret never had that much burst.
Actually this. Sub has slowly risen to “absolutely cracked” status and revealed itself as the best spec in the game imo.
Chose ur fate
Blizzard figured out that having a few overpowered classes and specs per patch keeps people playing the game. It gives them the endorphine rush. This is a trend that isn’t going away and its making wow a scapegoat for money.
How many overpowered classes are we talking? I see people complaining about enhancement, deatro, sub, boomie, warriors, hunters, mages, priests, rets, and devokers. Kinda seems like there are lots of choices this season, and the others aren’t in a bad spot (except maybe DK, from what I’ve been told).
Look at the top arena charts for this season so far. There are always a few classes ahead of the rest.
stop the cope…no, im talking about Shifter being 2.6cr they won everything with Nahj and Sleepi
already explained this, u just dont understand how mmr inflation works…ofc u cant compare the timing cause now ssn is starting and everyone is low, ret rework happened in the end of ssn so every ret went insta 2.4+
…but like i said in the original post, boomie isnt nearly as busted on low ratings as ret was thats why most ppl replying here are saying how ret was 15x worse…
so ye u are right, for the more casual players boomie isnt as bad as ret for sure, but very few ppl replying to this were above 2.4 before last ssn hyper shuffle inflation so…kinda confirms exactly what i was saying
That is Sir Robert Frost to you.
Drunk posting?
i pray for every lobby to have a fire mage
Boomie has the damage but is nowhere close to how tanky ret was when it came out.
Not to mention ret had that stupid judgement talent making half the classes obsolete.
Don’t be ridiculous.
Are you saying that for the majority of players boomie isn’t an issue but for the small amount of high rated players, there is a small amount of boomies terrorizing their fellow high rated players?
like i find it kinda amusing that literally what i said in my original post that boomie on low mmr is nowhere near ret lvl since ret was stomping across the whole ladder is showing to be the case…
every lower rated player is gonna say how ret was worse…and ye, you are right…
but on higher ratings there is no difference, you cant beat a boomie without having a boomie on your team…
im talking mostly about 3s not necessarily shuffle
i guess my bad, wasted effort
im yet to see a high rated player who has any idea about current caster situation to say that casters are fine