Bookmark It: How Will the Specs Rank in TBC?

Rank the specs in order from top DPS to bottom DPS.

Bookmark it, and check back once TBC is out to see how accurate you were! For bonus points, bet how much DPS the 90th percentile will average.

Edit: The point of the thread is to give your own predictions, not to debate my own.

For Tier 4, I predict:

  1. Beast Mastery - 2,600 DPS
  2. Destruction - 2,550 DPS
  3. Combat - 2,100 DPS
  4. Arcane - 2,000 DPS
  5. Survival - 1,900 DPS
  6. Affliction - 1,800 DPS
  7. Marksmanship - 1,750
  8. Fire - 1,700 DPS
  9. Assassination - 1,650 DPS
  10. Cat - 1,625 DPS
  11. Fury - 1,600 DPS
  12. Elemental 1,600 DPS
  13. Enhancement - 1,575
  14. Arms - 1,550 DPS
  15. Frost - 1,525 DPS
  16. Balance - 1,500 DPS
  17. Demonology - 1,475
  18. Shadow - 1,450 DPS
  19. Retribution - 1,400 DPS
  20. Subtlety - 1,300 DPS
  21. Bear - 700 DPS
  22. Protection Warrior - 650 DPS
  23. Protection Paladin - 500 DPS

I don’t know, seems about right I guess. In before endless arguments about relative performance of DPS warriors, rogues, ferals, and DPS shaman.

If I had to bet on any changes, maybe elemental shaman higher, arms warrior higher, fury dps lower, at least in T4. Time will tell.


We’ll see!

ret paly?

I played on a high tier guild near the end of tbc and the top 4 were usually arms warrior, rogue, enh shaman, and fury warrior. They all played off each other’s added buffs. After that I seem to remember locks and mages battling it out. This was towards the end of the expansion when we were all geared I can’t remember the start to well but I do remember the lock always being near the top and the huntard. I think people are underrating warriors. Each raid will have at least 3. A tank, a fury warrior, and then an arms for the melee buff. It will still be the most popular class.

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Haha, forgot about them. Added them in.

Alliance or Horde? :stuck_out_tongue:

Either, I guess.

Just consider each spec to be the highest possible. Some specs will favor Horde, some will favor Alliance.

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tier 4? this list is a bit off. Shamans actually do a loot more damage early on then drop off, so you have them way too low. They drop off later since they don’t scale as well, but early on their damage is excellent. Rogues are almost bottom tier in t4, they will not be topping charts in t4 lol. Arcane is not that good until t5 when the tier set kicks in and the kill times shorten as gear gets better. Destro as #2 is kinda iffy. If you mean the end of tier 4 then sure I think they’ll be there but if you mean right out the gate with basic prebis I’d put affli over destro just because of gearing.

Everything else looks ok. In the end though we don’t know how the meta will be like 100% because blizz can frankenpatch stuff and make it 10x easier than the pserver data we use to construct these lists

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Give us your list so we can compare when TBC is finally released. That’s the point of this thread, after all.

tier 4

  1. hunter
  2. lock
  3. dps shamans (both enh/ele)
  4. mage
  5. spriest/boomkin
  6. melees
  7. tanks


  1. mage (arcane only)
  2. hunter
  3. lock
  4. ele sham
  5. spriest/boom
  6. melee
  7. tank


  1. hunt
  2. mage
  3. lock
  4. rogue
  5. fury war
  6. ele sham/spriest/boomkin
  7. other melees
  8. tank

think this is how it will go for the most part

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We’ll find out soon, hopefully.

This ranking is all wrong. WHAT ABOUT MUH SEAL OF BLUD?! #1 DPS

Feel free to give a list and I’ll check everyone’s scores after maybe a month of TBC.

I’m sorry, I’m just being a sarcastic jerk. I’m not sure about the numbers, but your order is probably pretty close to what it’ll be.

Neither am I, at least not with 100% certainty, but it’s fun to have a guess and see how things end up.

its gonna be some crazy out of the blue class that ends up being top dps like combat rogue or arcane mage just watch

Could be! Give us a list and see if you’re right once it’s out.

Just to clarify, we including trash/whole raid, or just boss?

  1. ret paladin, affliction warlock, any rogue, arcane mage, idk
    keep in mind i know nothing about tbc metas other than hunters got their too close range reduced and got a few more damaging abilities and that blood elf paladins get seal of blood. thats it. im going into tbc blind on purpose so i can have fun.