If you were this drinknblink guy that would bother you. I can already tell hes the guy to tell people who dont play wow about his 99 on (insert boss).
It’s always the loud bad ones.
If you were this drinknblink guy that would bother you. I can already tell hes the guy to tell people who dont play wow about his 99 on (insert boss).
It’s always the loud bad ones.
They should just have separate servers for remedial people that have the nerfs. This content is already becoming too easy as we get geared, its going to be an absolute joke if they nerf it.
Yeah I agree. All of the raid content is “easy”. In fact, for the players that it is “easy” for, the only challenge they get out of it is either parsing or speed running.
The people asking for a nerf just get no sense of accomplishment from self improvement. I know it’s a meme to tell them to go back to retail, but they really do need to go there if they just want the “free purple lettered items”.
I never said being bad was a bad thing.
Its just the way it is.
Not sure why youre offended by that?
Im guessing youre bad.
Honestly would file myself under the “Bad player” category. not because I am just zugzugging and expecting to be carried by gear/others, mainly because I really do not care greatly about parsing or the more extreme end of the sweaty player meta guides.
I learn my class/role, follow strats and mechanics, and kill bosses. My guild is just starting in on hard modes with any seriousness, but focus on overall having a positive raid experience over hard pushing content.
You honestly dont need to worry about parsing.
Like parsing happens from killing bosses and learning your spec along with boss strats.
For instance i do nothing special to parse, i literally just press my buttons and the boss dies.
My guild doesnt do anything to favor parsing.
Oh for sure, parsing is a good gauge of checking personal progress and I do track it for that when I primarily was a DPS. I mean parsing more in regards to the player base that ONLY focuses on parse. Ironically those are usually people who fall into the bad “bad player” descriptions.
Its good to look at to see where you can squeeze more damage out or have better positioning for a boss so you have to move less and little tricks like that.
People on here thinking 99% of the player base does anything but push thier buttons to parse is weird, there are parse guilds out there but most guilds want to clear faster than try and parse.
Imagine doing the fight but rng was bad so you wipe and you doing a 3-4 hour Ulduar rofl.
It isnt the way it works for 99% of us, we literally just go in and push buttons.
Have had this happen before, rarely but have had it happen. Mainly just bad saronite gas spawns but we are learning quickly on how to manage it.
Our Ulduar runs are usually 3-4 hours but most of that is chitchat and BS’ing with each other. Though we have our fair share of wipes.
I think there are a sizeable group that expects to just face roll content and feels no need to learn strats or basic gearing and get upset when bosses don’t just fall over. Go in, avoid the bad things, push your buttons in close to the right order, don’t die, kill boss. That’s how to do it.
I meant you wipe becasue your procs and rng of your personal damage didnt line up so you wipe to try for a better parse, not because the fight went bad because you guys failed the starting mechanics.
Yeah i mean we are 10 weeks into P2 and people are still struggling with easy HM’s and i think classic players hate prog.
No thanks.
Ah, I misunderstood you. Yeah I didn’t know people did this but I am not surprised.
Guilty TBH
we are progressing though. Ulduar taught us a lot compared to naxx in terms of playstyle and patience. We should have more HM’s down before ToGC due to that persistence.
I admire your attitude. We just got mim Hm last week and pushing for alg 25m. So kind of similar as we weren’t fast on HMs either. Wish you the best!
I bet it feels good when you get it down after progging on it tho!
nice! congrats!
we’re going to be focusing on getting FL HM down, which should be super easy then trying Thorim as we had good progress last week on him.
feels good man, way better than a face roll through content. Comfortable level of difficulty in normal and in HM’s.
Lol it’s a video game touch grass you dork.
100% I am friends with another guild that has algalon down and they invited me and even offered a Valanyr on an alt, but I turn them down. We’re still friends, but I don’t want the first kill with that guild. They 100% understand and I think they respect me more for it. Plus my main guild gave me first Valanyr and I get to make in monday!
I feel honored to be the third post you have ever made on these forums.
The only other two posts are from your “I quit the game, my sub ends soon” thread. One is thanking everyone for responding to your original post, which is about the same as thanking everyone for liking a comment you made on social media. As if it gives you some sense of accomplishment? Probably more than you achieved in Ulduar I suppose.
Do you even know what grass is?
Well to be honest most people who want this content nerfed have cleared nm and not hm which means they don’t just want free purples they want the best purples for free, and honestly mythic raids in retail are much more difficult than ulduar hms
nerf asap to keep player retention
also it takes too dam long
what a slog