Boogienight is retarded

I would be ok with nerfing trash a little just to make the instance faster, but i dont think the bosses need nerfs.

Example, reduce all trash mob hp by 10%
Reduce number of worms spawned from snow piles by 2, reduce hp of flame leviathan towers (the ones that spawn the dwarves) by 25%.

Essentially just nerfs to reduce the more mindless time spent on trash. Makes the instances faster and gives worse raids more time to progress on bosses.

This is just a fairy tale that people tell themselves to seem like they’re better than they are. I have cleared all hard modes on multiple characters and have my Herald of the Titans title.

I want Ulduar nerfed so that I can quit carrying so hard. I would love to raid more, but PuGing is just more work than it’s worth right now.

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Looks like you only have 10 man done on that toon…

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Given the reason they buffed Ulduar there is zero reason to do the same to TOGC.

don’t you know, people only post to the forums on alts.

that would do almost nothing. How much time do we spend on trash, and you’re talking very minor changes anyway.

Also, fyi, you can bypass some trash.

Warlock eye to spawn worms.

You can use a rogue to skip trash for mimiron.

Ok wait but that isn’t my point. My point was that retail isn’t easier. The reason im against the nerf is because I want more time to progress… I mean I have had what, 4 blind pulls on mim hm. No shot most normal people clear that fight with less than that no guides and no experienced rl to carry. Just gimme a few more weeks and we will pull through. Honestly my personal investment in content getting nerfed ends after I clear it… But I feel it’s selfish at that point because there are probably others like me who want to clear it pre nerf.

Edit: I feel like there are a lot of pvpers who really want ulduar nerfed so they can get to the content they want quicker, but to that I say the better answer is to buff pvp gear

Not sure what bearing that has on Ulduar.

Yes, you need to be coordinated to clear raids. Why would you expect different?

Then you have to get lucky and be willing to carry 5-10 complete idiots.

Well idk how to quote stuff on my phone so let’s work through this 1 at a time

  1. It doesn’t but my original post was in response to someone who said “people who want nerfs should go play retail for free loot”

  2. Yes it seems you are just agreeing with me, we will figure it out eventually, I would hope it wasn’t down in 4 pulls with no idea what we are doing (hence why I don’t want nerfs because having killed it by now would suck)

  3. What do you even mean by that I run a guild, and all of us are idiots. There is no luck involved. But it’s about all of us idiots slowly building a ladder over the wall, and that becomes significantly less interesting when blizzard hands us half of the ladder through nerfs

Fair enough, I can concede that point, as I haven’t played retail since MoP.

I guess I don’t understand why you think things shouldn’t be nerfed, then. If you’re in no hurry to make serious attempts, then I would say that’s on you.

Similar to the previous point, why should things remain un-nerfed if you aren’t putting in effort to beat them in a timely manner?

What? What do you mean it takes too long? If you’re hanging out and clearing casually, Ulduar takes about two and a half hours to clear. That’s with all of the hardmodes. Normal modes are way probably faster. What exactly is a slog to you?

This would essentially do nothing. Six less total worms in Hodir’s hallway? Really? Or the flame leviathan towers that most guilds just… pre-clear with 1 or 2 people before the raid even begins? You can literally solo 25m Flame Leviathan trash.

Razorscale - Zero trash
Ignis - 3 trash pulls
XT-002 - 2 trash pulls IF you even bother to pull them

Anti-chamber - 7 trash pulls (three of them are single mobs), but spread across three bosses (so an average of 2 trash pulls per boss)

Auriaya - 2 trash pulls if you pull left and right, so that you don’t have to sit and wait for her to patrol

Hodir - 5 trash pulls as I do not count the worms as most groups send a warlock eye down the hall to pre-spawn them and we just aoe them down on top of whatever else we are killing. Also, two of the trash pulls are single target giants.

Thorim - 3 trash pulls

Freya - 3 trash pulls

Mimiron - Zero? One? Most people send someone through the hall to activate Mimiron’s portal while the rest of the raid works on Thorim / Freya trash.

General - 7 trash pulls (the largest trash wing in the entire instance and rivals Patchwerk’s room with quantity of trash)

Yogg - Zero trash

So you have 14 bosses in the instance and roughly 32 trash pulls. So about 2.5 trash pulls per boss on average? Let’s make it 3 just to be generous.

THAT’S what’s slowing you down on progression? 10 weeks after the release of the instance? In a raid that has a dozen teleports to move you around quickly instead of having to run back for 10 minutes like a Thaddius or 4 horseman wipe would cause you to do?

Come on…

I guess my whole thing is that you shouldn’t have to be in a rush to still get challenged. It’s not like we aren’t giving it our all during raid times we just only raid 1 day a week. The whole “in a timely manner” thing has always been a huge turnoff for me like if I killed yogg 0 week 2 what would I do? Just play other games till toc? (I guess I never enjoyed grinding for bis, once I clear a raid that’s kind of it for me) by goal is to kill yogg 0 the day before toc release.

If your only goal is to kill the boss once, then yeah. Go play another game in between raid tiers.

Brother again missing the point. why always be in a rush just enjoy the path. I guess I’m super against “in a timely manner” gaming.

I mean to an extent ofc I don’t think a raid should still be hard when the next one comes out. Because now I have a new challenge to work through

Your point seems to be that the game should be balanced around your personal ability to kill hard modes without putting effort into raiding.

My whole point is that I want to put in effort but not be in a rush.

It would reduce time on trash by about 10 minutes overall that gives raids that are still progressing an average of 2 extra attempts (depends on boss) a night.

Sure overall its not that big, but the goal isnt turning a 2.5 hour raid into a 1 hour raid. My reasons for wanting nerfs to trash and not bosses isnt to make the instance faster for me, its to give a slight nudge to players still progressing to have more time to progress.

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bis loot in 10m is TERRIBLE system, because it forces you to run the same gruelingly long instance 2x per week.

10 and 25 is 2-3 nights raiding per week. have an alt? 4-6 nights now

slog slog slog

Idk we running 25m in 2 hours now.

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This is where flex raid size came from, and I think it started in Cataclysm with the same loot dropping from 10- and 25-man, didn’t it?

I would love to just grab 9 other people instead of 24, and kill the bosses in a situation where I don’t have to carry anyone, instead of carrying 5-10.