Boogienight is retarded

[quote=“Dodaly-whisperwind, post:76, topic:1540422”]
Don’t nerf it!

You don’t need anything from there anyway You’ve already farmed it.

Let the Nerf flow through you, become one with the nerf.

Dont you just love it when the Lvl 24 DK calls content “easy” lol

Dont you just love that you can see my achievements and see I cleared hardmode Ulduar during current. It was easy then and it’s easier now with inflated ilvl and addons.

The only fight that’s not a 1shot in my weekly raid is yogg 0, takes 2-3 pulls based off sanity rng on the ranged.

Sir this is WOTLKC Phase 2, Ulduar.

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That random hit that does 12% sanity triggers me.

Can’t dodge it it’s pure RNG and it BULLIES me


It bullies our warlocks it seems.

Nothing like a 3% wipe :slight_smile:

These pre-nerf versions either didn’t exist in OG Wrath or existed for a very short time.

Difficulty is relative. Ulduar is quite difficult relative to every other raid in Classic when looking at completion rates.

If you did HM Ulduar in 2009, you did it with addons lol

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There was far less addons, weakauras was not a thing. DBM was about it. AVR didn’t exist until ToC, and was cheating.
Raid dps was much lower, all these fights minus algalon existed pre nerf for the first 2 months of Ulduar. Feel free to check the nerfs but we definitely threw our faces at them.

Ulduar now is much easier than it was then. The overwhelming amount of addons and info spread make everything simple. You can 3 heal algalon using a addon to doom stars so nobody takes explosion damage.

Hodir? You have a weakaura tracking debuffs for fire and your current buffs. You never guess it just tells you.
Mimiron? You’re told when your fire capped.

It’s all really dumbed down. We didn’t get week 1 algalon because of sick people rng, got em week 2 tho

Algalon is a custom boss on wotlk classic atm

I really don’t think this is true, but I barely see any Ulduar nerfs in patch notes. XT world first was a 10 minute kill. Pretty sure Hodir world first was a 3 minute kill. Many of these nerfs happened really quickly or even before release.

That sounds more complicated than just doing the fight normally lol

It’s just that, like you said, we have all the information we need readily available.

I will say though… you pug often? If you think Ulduar is super easy, join a 25m pug attempting HMs. LOL

I don’t hate myself enough for that.

I “pug” via community discord’s

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It’s truly eye-opening, though.

Just found an article from April 29th, 2009 btw on some Ulduar nerfs. They were nerfing it 2 weeks in. In fact, Razorscale only had a 6 minute enrage for 1 day.

Average dps in naxx gear was 4k-5k. Affliction supremacy didn’t exist then.
Different talent trees and everything
I think I was only doing 7k in Ulduar gear.

I finally found a list with a lot of the changes

Interesting to see some pre-nerf things they decided not to include. Like, Mimiron could move and use Shock Blast while Spinning Up for weeks until that was nerfed.

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I don’t think this version was really cleared back then.

I thought they nerfed most of it right away.

Our guild almost got Yogg 0 Light done on 10m yesterday.

I don’t think it’s time for nerfs quite yet.

Funny. Your achievements show you effectively got the achieves… Only you didn’t clear ulduar until ICC was out and we’ll advanced. 5-6 months before the cataclysm release…
Most of your HC kills are post cataclysm and even during mop,

Ilevel are boosted but so are bosses in their pre nerf state

Ulduar 10 is pretty much a joke because of how poorly tuned it is but uld 25 is hard for 90%+ of the playerbase

Only boss I didn’t kill was vezax due to swaps. So I never got the descent to madness till ICC correct

I want people to know theres some cheese that original was abused with that classic never was privy to. Things like mages spellstealing a buff from some of freya’s trash to help murder hodir. They eventually changed it and we got a version where we’re not able to spellsteal, and singed only stacks to 25 instead of 30 like it originally was.

Until I see everyone playing bejeweled/peggle during trash we’re just having two seperate experiences.

Sounds like we’re past due for nerfs then.

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Git gud.