Boogienight is retarded

Pretty sure Ion was one of the main raid/encounter designers during Wrath…

The new raids only goal is to overload you with mechanics and puts the “fun” last

Ulduar combines all lore, loot, difficulty, storytelling, and fun in a perfect way.

Even if you wipe on flame leviathan there’s an npc telling you why you are getting new vehicles. Your wipe was built into the STORY of the raid.

Vault of the incompetent is literally a bright slot machine designed to fight with your addons, keep you in there as long as possible with literal low chance extra rare loot that dramatically affects gameplay.

Blizzard doesn’t care about fun, they want you in the raid/dungeon/earning flying AS LONG AS POSSIBLE.

Once you realize everything in modern wow has the primary design purpose to milk gametime out of you, you can appreciate what the company used to value.

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I mean I like Ulduar as well, just saying that one of the key people desiring the raids/encounters there is still around.

Wrath was a weird expansion with raids. 2 amazing tiers and 2 of the worst tiers of all time.

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there’s an old video of ion raiding zul aman with his guild and it’s clear he’s having a ball.

This guy has clearly been promoted out of his passion

I mean I get it money and feeding your family

The love is gone though

the point of buffling ulduar gear was to NOT buff togc/togc gear

It will also make TOGC easier because of the ilvl we enter it now.

I am massively concerned about this. Mathematically, the gearing and DPS coming out of Ulduar in OG wasn’t much higher than being in full tier 7. Tier 8 was NOT that big of an upgrade and the itemization in many cases flat out sucks.

ToGC was designed with all of this in mind. 25 normal and 10 normal were almost balanced assuming SOME tier 7 gearing. I remember lots of folks going straight in with iLevel 200 items and clearing it. Heroic wasn’t much better, it just wasn’t.

Assuming that they keep the original tuning, clearing the place is going to be joke mode immediately for 245 gear on 25 man and 232 on 10 man.
10 man will be dropping Ulduar 25 man normal mode iLevel.

Due to how easy this place could potentially be, we will NOT be seeing this “Ulduar will still be current content with ToGC” fantasy ever develop.

One of the root reasons that Naxx 25 and tier 7 25 in general was such a joke in OG is because it was balanced for 5 man heroic and pre-raiding gearing. Like 10 man was. But the 13 iLevels (and 26 for the end bosses), completely self nerfed the place in a matter of a few weeks.

ToGC is going to suffer from a similar problem. It’s really balanced assuming 213-226 iLevel. NOT 226-232. Unless Blizzard retunes it, we’ll outgear it the second we walk into the door, and just continue to grossly outgear it from there.

The only real proper progression we’ll have this entire expac is going to be ICC, and it was always going to be this way.

With all of that being said, I wouldn’t mind them putting Hodir back to his original version with the 3 minute timer. Which isn’t a nerf, but reverting the buff they gave him and restoring the original version.

so? why would you want it to be harder to get gear that’s about the same

Because I like a challenge and most of you are bad so it’s funny to read the forums while most of the people are crying for nerfs.

Maybe I’m just evil

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you’ll get it in ICC

Naw people will be here crying to nerf heroic TOGC

so? that’s always gonna happen, welcome to the wow forums.

You are the one asking me questions and I gave you my reasons.

Idk how you come to the conclusion I don’t know people will be crying.

I can’t wait.

yes, and then i made a statement and then you made a statement rather completely unrelated to the one i made :stuck_out_tongue:

My first reply to you was literally me saying how I find joy in them coming to the forums to cry.

You ok?

I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make. Your replies seem to be to something you’ve imagined I’ve said rather than anything I’ve actually said:

Like this here ok, you’re saying you’re a troll, you don’t need to convince me I believe you. I don’t see how that has anything to do with.

  1. TOGC is fine and does not need buffs (or nerfs for that matter).
  2. You’ll get your challenge in ICC.

Thats uh…kind of the point.

what if instead, we push ourselves and our team to be better and we rise to the challenge?

Some people are mentally incapable of being better, and they play wow. A lot of them.

but that’s why there’s multiple difficulties…

i still dont understand who the ‘heroic’ difficulty is for since retail has M and M+ and classic has H+ but … there’s got to be a target audience that i don’t know about since everyone acted like they had rabies when I pointed this out…