Boogienight is retarded

I mean, it’s determined by the group of 25 people if you can kill them, not the individual skill or gear of an individual character.

I still find only 50% ish of guilds that can kill yogg 4 having at least 1 hard mode kill via Warcraft logs to be too low. I’d like to see the easiest hard modes at 70-80%, with the hardest being around where Algalon is.


You’d like to see 80% of teams clearing what you call “hard” mode.

Language matters.

You are referring to grammar…

You just burned yourself

80% of the teams that can do all the normals killing the easiest hard mode? (Do keep in mind that the word “Hard” isn’t a set difficulty, just harder than normal.)


That’s just a reasonable difficulty curve.

I didn’t say 80% should be full clearing all of them, even the fully optional vanity ones like yogg 0

Not sure why people would want to nerf Ulduar… it’s on par with the difficulty of HEROIC raiding in retail right now, not mythic.

I mean, it’s not 100 to 300 pull bosses, if you can’t handle 20 wipes, maybe the problem is… don’t do hard modes?


No it will hurt Icc gear incentive if they do this, not a good idea. ToGC gear will nerf ulduar for you.

No. I watch pugs on a weekly basis clear everything except 0L. Get good.

I’ve killed Alg25 11 times and I still want nerfs. I’m ready to dad game until togc.

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Yeah, thats basically why i would not mind nerfs.
Time to play the mindless parsing game as a tank, nerf the content.
Hunting the top 100 parses as a tank during naxx was more engaging then this current content to me, atleast you could tinker with your gear every week, test out the limits etc, instead of having to create a stable as possible build and gear just to reduce RNG dying on algalon only.

At least Nerf the last three bosses

Why? They arent all that hard, just takes practice with the mechanics.

You will get your nerfs when toc comes out.

Yes, if you take out all the guilds who have downed the hard modes, no one has cleared it!!! Nerf it now!

Nice opinion there champ smh

You don’t represent anybody so we don’t care about your opinion.

Nerf it!

Oh the irony of this post.

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You don’t represent anybody so we don’t care about your opinion.

Don’t nerf it!


Ulduar needs no nerfs, it’s a incredibly easy raid.
ToC will not be buffed, Ulduar will be a longer raid tier than ToC.

252 gear is optional, it’s overbuffed to make ulduar worth running during ToGC. Ulduar has some of the easiest mechanics in Wotlk, excluding t7. ToGC and ICC are the era of personal responsibility.

If you can’t clear Ulduar with buffed gear, you aren’t clearing the next raids.

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Dont nerf ulduar. Why would you want to take all the fun out of progression already smh

This is solo true. It’s very time consuming but perfect progression, and it goes away when toc hits so please let us enjoy it to the fullest!

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Saying ulduar is easy generally like that is just being a … Ulduar HM is rather hard for any casual/semi-casual content runners. Anyone and their mothers will clear all the normal raids tho as they are really easy. Sulfuras probably has one of the worst guild of casual on the entirety of classic and even that group clears ulduar 25 normal with green and grey parses in 1 night, it will be the same for the following raid tiers normal

Ulduar is easy. It’s a fact.