Boogienight is retarded

same title and post. flagged for being repetitive

This topic was made 5 days ago. False reporting like a salty snowflake.

Flagged for flagging

Sunwell didn’t have significant nerfs to the bosses other than M’uru during it’s lifetime. The 30% prepatch nerfs weren’t even the “Sunwell nerfs” they were the WotLK all raid content 30% nerfs due to the spec/talent reworks.

Ulduar was basically fully reworked during the tier due to blizzard messing up tuning targets, with XT hard mode being actually impossible, much like how tier 5 was reworked prior to black temple/Hyjal.

Like with tier 5, it makes far more sense for Ulduar to be set to the proper tuning during the phase, not after.

The longer they plan to drag out the phase, the earlier it makes sense to put those nerfs in, so that guilds that can’t do the current hard modes have a better chance to progress in them.

No one is going to be satisfied grinding 16 weeks of normals because you want to keep hard modes exclusive.

Telling people to change guilds because blizzard is choosing to not put in the finalized version of Ulduar is also pretty lame.


And if they’re still too hard after nerfing them? What if Grandpa Jim and his group at the nursing home can’t clear Algalon? Got to nerf it so everyone can clear it or it’s not fair.


if only there was a way to make an alt for repetitive posts , go figure “takeuchi”

Nerf Ulduar

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Nah I actually don’t usually read forums but today I was bored at work so opened a thread. Didn’t realize there was already one with the same name. Happy to see others feel the same though!

sure and randomly your level 13 toon felt the need to “nerf” ulduar

Sure dude believe whatever idc :joy::+1:t2:

If they nerf it enough that yall can actually kill something the rest of us will get bored. No thanks.

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You still have hard mode

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Eh, if they are still too hard after that, that’s on the guild, because the raid had a pretty reasonable difficulty curve after the nerfs that made at least a few hard modes doable by most.

It largely closes the gap between the hardest normals and the easiest hard modes.

I don’t expect the nerfs to let everyone start getting Mimiron / Algalon kills in HM.

Eh, I personally find it pretty boring once the fight is figured out and you are just repeating it for loot anyway.

After a boss goes down, how high the tuning is doesn’t really matter so long as you just do what you did again.

50% or more of all guilds logged on WCL have HM kills on FL, XT, Thorim, Freya, and Vezax, and Yogg1 or 0. The majority can do some HMs already!

After experiencing the difference in TK/SSC before and after the enormous (and poorly communicated) nerf bat, I feel differently. It completely killed my interest in raiding for the remainder of the phase.

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That’s thousands of guilds.

I’ve seen you say this many times now and I have absolutely no clue what you’re talking about.

Slurs? If you’re going to troll, you have to know the rules my guy.

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I do think hardmode kills are inflated by alts of people who have already killed it on their main.

I have 3 toons full clearing.

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If I can kill it on my dookie DK alt that I play terribly, so you can you eh?

Who da f says “my guy”

I’m not your guy bro I don’t swing that way

That’s my point. You can take undergeared alts to this stuff and kill it as long as most of the raid has the experience to have already done it.

That’s why the numbers are inflated. It’s not REALLY new people progressing.


Exactly If you take out the website paid pro booster teams, the Pro-GDKP teams, the sweat lord guilds and when they go back and do it on their five alts…
Your left with maybe six guilds…

Nerf this dumpster fire raid

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