Yes, that is where it sort of started, but then they later changed it so that the content scaled based on how many players were in the raid. I quit after mop, so I don’t remember when it happened or much about all of the details.
Yo the better solution would be to just make 10 mans and 25s share a lockout and while they are at it make loot the same ilvl
Small necro but beats remaking the exact same thread.
I think its time to look into ulduar nerfs though. Those who are stuck on bosses like IC will appreciate it, and those who have cleared all hms will appreciate the relaxation as well. Even after clearing Hodir having to constantly reset due to bad rng is not good raid design. I think we could all use a little break
At this point I think nerfs are coming with togc and not before.
I don’t need a break no thank you
Weekly reminder that the hardest content in classic so far, i.e. Algalon and Yogg 0, is about equivalent to a first-turn savage or an extreme trial in FF14, and that’s being charitable
Yeah but Final Fantasy XIV is all scripted and bad
Right, I forgot wow content isn’t scripted!
I have no idea what those words mean.
It means classic caters for about the lowest quartile of gamers
oops mb u probz don’t know what that word means either
Wow focus is more on RNG for its raids.
Final Fantasy XIV fights are all timed out to be the exact same the only difference is maybe who the things happened to changes.
You could literally use cactaur and it will literally tell you where to stand because that’s how scripted the fights are
Final Fantasy XIV fights are literally just memorizing a dance
height of ulduar wow difficulty equals don’t stand in cloud and spawn bad guy
even this is too much for most people
I mean I don’t disagree.
Classic players for the most part are bad.
But comparing current ff14 to it is kind of silly.
If anything compare FF14 raids to Retail raids.
Heroic raids are like Savage and Ultimate is like Mythic.
It’s 2 different things tho as FF14 basically goes off of a fight system where you just practice the dance over and over until you down it focusing more on memorization and Wow focuses heavily on RNG and making players adapt to that RNG.
You’re literally agreeing with me that Ulduar does not need to be nerfed. I don’t know why you feel the need to be rude about it.
you just got caught in the crossfire
Shouldn’t you be wiping on the new Ultimate in 14?
Only when reclears go poorly.
Which is always.
I doubt you did the new ult.
Just like I doubt you’ve played the game at all, let alone reached max and done any of the actual hard content.
Not sure why people like you are always the first to opine about stuff they haven’t experienced.
Your views come across as 2nd-hand stuff you’ve heard other people talk about, or watched a streamer say or something.
I never claimed to have experienced it, my stance was you haven’t done the new Ultimate.
Pretty easy to understand.