bonus honor wk..take a break..premade city

10/26/2018 06:10 PMPosted by Darthkitanax
10/26/2018 03:16 PMPosted by Bloodymane
premades shouldn't be with pugs. pretty simple concept

Single player people dont belong in MMOs ,pretty simple concept.

It's why they que to play with other people. Pretty simple concept.

Tbh if that's how an MMO should be, I don't know why wow did so well since how easy you can solo was a big selling point to players back in the day. EQ should have exploded with players in the millions since the basic trash mob past lvl 20 was the wow equivalent of a 5 man group quest mob of equal level. Killing those was the only way you leveled. No 5 man group, no leveling. Yet for some reason, that game only hit 1/20th of the population of WoW. It's almost like not being able to solo at all isn't something the majority find appealing. Weird.
10/27/2018 09:17 AMPosted by Ridicruel
10/26/2018 06:10 PMPosted by Darthkitanax

Single player people dont belong in MMOs ,pretty simple concept.

It's why they que to play with other people. Pretty simple concept.

"play with" is used very loosely here.
10/27/2018 09:22 AMPosted by Dangerjosh
"play with" is used very loosely here.

No more so than it is with any other Pug'd content. *shrug*
you canā€™t do much with honor anyway
10/27/2018 11:15 AMPosted by Hellpop
you canā€™t do much with honor anyway

^Remember thats what your pouting about
10/25/2018 03:18 PMPosted by Inemia
10/25/2018 02:39 PMPosted by Sevenlions
This, All of this.. and thats


hey do you want to pvp?


hey do you want to pvp?


hey do you want to pvp?

"i have a raid"

hey do you want to pvp?

"do you have a healer?"


"ping me when you find a healer"

hey do you want to pvp?

"not with a dk"


Sounds like a you problem :^)
10/27/2018 11:25 AMPosted by Darthkitanax
10/27/2018 11:15 AMPosted by Hellpop
you canā€™t do much with honor anyway

^Remember thats what your pouting about

aww you remembered : )

i do love those fish!

'keep em comin'!
10/26/2018 07:52 PMPosted by Jadei
The part I don't get is some of them claim they're herding cats and don't even like most of their teammates, so why are they not fixing that with the tools Blizzard already put in game? I know I won't get an answer to this either, but it just seems there are types that just won't compromise or even try to make their experience better.

Not sure if you're referring to me and while I can't speak for anyone else, I admit I'm getting tired out from cat herding. And by that, I always meant in AV on alliance side. Not sure if you think I would premade for AV? lol
You know, the 'premade' is not fun or engaging for either side.
for the losing side it is a bad experience. on several levels.
for the winning side, it's too easy and intuitively...we like challenge.

premade is like throwing red rubber balls at kindergartners.
It gets old after a while, there is no challenge.

Blizzard actually (unofficially, it was a comment by a former employee) acknowledges that premades/groups are a problem somewhat. But they want the social aspect of the game to remain intact very much, so there is no real solution. But it is a problem also.

No one's denying the social aspect of the game, or your right to group up..or that grouping up is the spirit of the game. I'm not denying that anyway.

I am though pointing out, as others have, and even Blizzard internally...that premade groups sort of ruin the competition of the match.

So sucks. bonus honor weekend and and the pvp quest means just ridiculous for solo players.
and no...'get your own group' isnt a answer. It's not a answer in blizzards own discussions.
Just stop with that response.
10/28/2018 01:57 AMPosted by Dereorc
You know, the 'premade' is not fun or engaging for either side.
for the losing side it is a bad experience. on several levels.
for the winning side, it's too easy and intuitively...we like challenge.

premade is like throwing red rubber balls at kindergartners.
It gets old after a while, there is no challenge.

Blizzard actually (unofficially, it was a comment by a former employee) acknowledges that premades/groups are a problem somewhat. But they want the social aspect of the game to remain intact very much, so there is no real solution. But it is a problem also.

No one's denying the social aspect of the game, or your right to group up..or that grouping up is the spirit of the game. I'm not denying that anyway.

I am though pointing out, as others have, and even Blizzard internally...that premade groups sort of ruin the competition of the match.

So sucks. bonus honor weekend and and the pvp quest means just ridiculous for solo players.
and no...'get your own group' isnt a answer. It's not a answer in blizzards own discussions.
Just stop with that response.

I thought i said dont tell me what to do. This is a MMO not an RPG . People group and play with friends . Get over it. Blizz allows it is what a MMO is for.
10/28/2018 02:07 AMPosted by Kitanana
This is a MMO not an RPG .
World of Warcraft (WoW) is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) released in 2004 by Blizzard Entertainment.
10/28/2018 01:49 AMPosted by Utterly
10/26/2018 07:52 PMPosted by Jadei
The part I don't get is some of them claim they're herding cats and don't even like most of their teammates, so why are they not fixing that with the tools Blizzard already put in game? I know I won't get an answer to this either, but it just seems there are types that just won't compromise or even try to make their experience better.

Not sure if you're referring to me and while I can't speak for anyone else, I admit I'm getting tired out from cat herding. And by that, I always meant in AV on alliance side. Not sure if you think I would premade for AV? lol

I quoted you in this very thread and asked you very direct questions which you dodged. You can still take friends with you into AV. ;)
10/27/2018 09:22 AMPosted by Dangerjosh
"play with" is used very loosely here.

about as loosely as the term "friends" is used.
10/27/2018 07:54 AMPosted by Jadei
Begging players to help return the flag but 5 are stacked on our flag and 4 canā€™t seem to make it past mid.

While that is frustrating most likely you are playing against a team that is having the same issues.
10/28/2018 06:28 AMPosted by Realugly
10/27/2018 07:54 AMPosted by Jadei
Begging players to help return the flag but 5 are stacked on our flag and 4 canā€™t seem to make it past mid.

While that is frustrating most likely you are playing against a team that is having the same issues.

Itā€™s a mixed bag for sure, but if bringing a friend fixes that problem or even helps, why not? And I assure you when I say friend Iā€™m talking about someone I spend time doing all aspects of this game that I care to do.
10/28/2018 06:34 AMPosted by Jadei
Itā€™s a mixed bag for sure, but if bringing a friend fixes that problem or even helps, why not? And I assure you when I say friend Iā€™m talking about someone I spend time doing all aspects of this game that I care to do.

I have zero issues with 5 mans and even if people want to do it with strangers I don't care. My experiences have just made me move away from them.
10/28/2018 02:07 AMPosted by Kitanana
This is a MMO not an RPG .
[quote]World of Warcraft (WoW) is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) released in 2004 by Blizzard Entertainment.

Yeah pve content is mostly for rpg stuff they act like they expect a competitve teamwork envrioment aspect of the game to just magically work for solo rpgers .
I will /w dks on my own team when they grip my target out of smokebomb and fail to kill them. Does this count as bad sportsmanship?
10/30/2018 11:59 PMPosted by Afks
I will /w dks on my own team when they grip my target out of smokebomb and fail to kill them. Does this count as bad sportsmanship?

No, dks that use grip on a target that someone else is about to kill should get a week off.