bonus honor wk..take a break..premade city

Lawlz, the level 1 is still trying to talk to me, even though I’ve ignored them/it/her/him. I ignore anyone who is too scared to post on their main, and hides behind an alt.
10/25/2018 08:05 AMPosted by Tsataga
Why make the assumption that when Ellisanna groups they don't work with the PUGs?

I said they don't need to be in a premade group to work together with others.
10/25/2018 08:07 AMPosted by Ellisanna
Lawlz, the level 1 is still trying to talk to me, even though I’ve ignored them/it/her/him. I ignore anyone who is too scared to post on their main, and hides behind an alt.

Anytime premades come up, he shows up on his level 1 hero ;) But, he will gladly watch more than 5 man premades play in AV with np
10/25/2018 08:12 AMPosted by Jugajr
10/25/2018 08:07 AMPosted by Ellisanna
Lawlz, the level 1 is still trying to talk to me, even though I’ve ignored them/it/her/him. I ignore anyone who is too scared to post on their main, and hides behind an alt.

Anytime premades come up, he shows up on his level 1 hero ;) But, he will gladly watch more than 5 man premades play in AV with np

He’ll even intentionally queue into them and plant flags of ownership in 5v1s to screenshot but will only share this ss after he blurs out 90% of it. He secretly loves premades I think.
4-2 on Tuesday night via solo queue to get my weekly done already. It's not that bad. Even if it is, you can't really blame people for grouping in an MMO. Being social is the nature of the game.
10/25/2018 08:25 AMPosted by Griefs
4-2 on Tuesday night via solo queue to get my weekly done already. It's not that bad. Even if it is, you can't really blame people for grouping in an MMO. Being social is the nature of the game.

Yea, I got my 4 BG wins in 5 games for the quest while solo. Last night ran a 5 man, lost a Temple lol
10/25/2018 05:58 AMPosted by Tsataga
I haven’t had any issue solo queueing.

Have had some ridiculously fun and close games this week.

I’ve had 3 games (ToK, EotS, and BfG) all decided by 10 points or less, just since Tuesday.

Lost an AV with the boss at 7%

Good games this week.

Its funny you say that. Every IoC I have lost has been with the boss <10%. Nailbiters.
10/25/2018 08:12 AMPosted by Jugajr
10/25/2018 08:07 AMPosted by Ellisanna
Lawlz, the level 1 is still trying to talk to me, even though I’ve ignored them/it/her/him. I ignore anyone who is too scared to post on their main, and hides behind an alt.

Anytime premades come up, he shows up on his level 1 hero ;) But, he will gladly watch more than 5 man premades play in AV with np

And then proceeds to talk in endless circles.
I am people
10/25/2018 08:33 AMPosted by Dangerjosh
I am people

No, you’re beard wearing a Paladin suit.
10/25/2018 08:27 AMPosted by Jugajr
10/25/2018 08:25 AMPosted by Griefs
4-2 on Tuesday night via solo queue to get my weekly done already. It's not that bad. Even if it is, you can't really blame people for grouping in an MMO. Being social is the nature of the game.

Yea, I got my 4 BG wins in 5 games for the quest while solo. Last night ran a 5 man, lost a Temple lol

We got ours in 5 too running as a 2 man. All 4 wins in SSM. Sucks getting SSM 4x in a row but it got our quest knocked out. And a couple of the wins were super close too!

We had one of our most competitive WSG games last night and it was premade vs premade. Very fun game.
10/25/2018 08:07 AMPosted by Ellisanna
I ignore anyone who is too scared to post on their main, and hides behind an alt.

i usually see people with this mentality when they like to use ad hominem and gatekeeping for validity instead of proper arguments. you don't need to see someone's main when you have sound arguments.

btw, there is really no reason for premades in unrated pvp, its like using iddqd in doom then feeling "skilled".
10/25/2018 10:15 AMPosted by Inemia
10/25/2018 08:07 AMPosted by Ellisanna
I ignore anyone who is too scared to post on their main, and hides behind an alt.

i usually see people with this mentality when they like to use ad hominem and gatekeeping for validity instead of proper arguments. you don't need to see someone's main when you have sound arguments.

btw, there is really no reason for premades in unrated pvp, its like using iddqd in doom then feeling "skilled".
There is plenty of reasons for friends to play with friends in a video game in all aspects, even casual Bgs. Inb4: the good old friends excuse.
10/25/2018 10:20 AMPosted by Jugajr
10/25/2018 10:15 AMPosted by Inemia

i usually see people with this mentality when they like to use ad hominem and gatekeeping for validity instead of proper arguments. you don't need to see someone's main when you have sound arguments.

btw, there is really no reason for premades in unrated pvp, its like using iddqd in doom then feeling "skilled".
There is plenty of reasons for friends to play with friends in a video game in all aspects, even casual Bgs. Inb4: the good old friends excuse.

cough*the old friends excuse* cough ;P

would you agree though that many unscrupulous players get premades together just to pug stomp or increase their chances of winning?

should the real argument be whether the abuse of premades is enough to outweigh the positives like playing with friends and community building?
10/25/2018 10:29 AMPosted by Inemia
should the real argument be whether the abuse of premades is enough to outweigh the positives like playing with friends and community building?

Nothing can outweigh the positives of playing with your friends/guildies in a videogame.
Also you're a solo queuer, right? I don't see low winrates other than av/ioc
Fair play is more important than playing with 5+ friends/guildies.
Certainly happy that new communities have sprung up and new friendships have been formed. But not at the expense of fairplay.
10/25/2018 10:37 AMPosted by Jugajr
Nothing can outweigh the positives of playing with your friends/guildies in a videogame.

10 friends get together and pugstomp 10 bgs. those 10 people's fun ruined the fun of 100 other people, its a pretty significant difference. there is also a difference between losing a close game and losing when you are getting pugstomped. a close match lose will still let you feel good as you know both teams played well and tried hard. getting pugstomped however is different as there is nothing you can do, you feel helpless. one feeling will beget more pvp, the other will traumatize many noobs into never pvping again. growth and health of the pvp community should outweigh the fun of playing with friends.

10/25/2018 10:40 AMPosted by Jugajr
Also you're a solo queuer, right? I don't see low winrates other than av/ioc

yep, but i don't stand around mid picking my nose.
1 Like
10/25/2018 10:49 AMPosted by Forums
Fair play is more important than playing with 30+ friends/guildies.
[quote]Certainly happy that new communities have sprung up and new friendships have been formed. But not at the expense of fairplay.

Again you're combining full group premades and 2-5 man premades into the same issue/thread. These are two different discussions and issues.
10/25/2018 10:50 AMPosted by Inemia
yep, but i don't stand around mid picking my nose.

The truth comes out. It's not premades holding players back, it's that their in mid picking their nose. I agree

10 friends get together and pugstomp 10 bgs.

I thought we were talking about 5 mans or less. Doesn't matter, you already confirmed why people lose and it's not premades