bonus honor wk..take a break..premade city

"Noobs" should be encouraged to play with other people instead of trying to get into PvP solo. That way you will have a better time overall, learn from those around you, socialize/make pvp friends, etc etc etc. The issue isn't that others are premading ruining their time, it's they're going at it solo when they should be grouping.
10/25/2018 07:41 AMPosted by Forums
10/25/2018 07:33 AMPosted by Muffindiving
I will continue to seek out and make it a point to play with other people all day, every day.

Pugs are people too.

I disagree, Pugs are cute little pupperz
10/25/2018 10:40 AMPosted by Jugajr
Also you're a solo queuer, right? I don't see low winrates other than av/ioc

10/25/2018 10:50 AMPosted by Inemia
yep, but i don't stand around mid picking my nose.

I'm sorry, this needs to make it to the next page
10/25/2018 10:50 AMPosted by Inemia
10/25/2018 10:37 AMPosted by Jugajr
Nothing can outweigh the positives of playing with your friends/guildies in a videogame.

10 friends get together and pugstomp 10 bgs. those 10 people's fun ruined the fun of 100 other people, its a pretty significant difference. there is also a difference between losing a close game and losing when you are getting pugstomped. a close match lose will still let you feel good as you know both teams played well and tried hard. getting pugstomped however is different as there is nothing you can do, you feel helpless. one feeling will beget more pvp, the other will traumatize many noobs into never pvping again. growth and health of the pvp community should outweigh the fun of playing with friends.

10/25/2018 10:40 AMPosted by Jugajr
Also you're a solo queuer, right? I don't see low winrates other than av/ioc

yep, but i don't stand around mid picking my nose.

Okay which is it?

Is a premade 2 to 5 people playing together or is it 5 man teams syncing their queues?

One is allowed and encouraged by Blizzard.

The other is gaming the system.
10/25/2018 10:53 AMPosted by Jugajr
I thought we were talking about 5 mans or less. Doesn't matter, you already confirmed why people lose and it's not premades

well here's the thing, you can get a premade together full of tryhards, when the tryhards meet the nosepickers its going to be a bloodbath everytime. made worse by the fact that many of these premades would rather pugstomp than just get a clean win. losing is bad enough, getting salt rubbed into the wound makes it worse. its why PVE is full of people who tried a bg once and won't ever pvp again.

of course what i want to see as a solo-queuer is two groups of random pugged tryhards, win or lose, these are the games you enjoy and want more of.
of course what i want to see as a solo-!%!##@*#* is two groups of random pugged tryhards, win or lose, these are the games you enjoy and want more of.

I like the premade vs premade personally. I'm a little turned off by nose pickers
10/25/2018 10:54 AMPosted by Dangerjosh
hat way you will have a better time overall, learn from those around you, socialize/make pvp friends, etc etc etc.

socializing in wow? i hardly see that anymore, bg chat often turns into a toxic slogfest and people only join discords for the duration of the yolo with very little socialization going on. i see the same thing in pve as well, people join, talk, then leave. wow's socialization at this point is made up mostly of 'single serving friends.'
10/25/2018 11:09 AMPosted by Jugajr
I like the premade vs premade personally. I'm a little turned off by nose pickers

is that what rated is for?
10/25/2018 11:12 AMPosted by Inemia
10/25/2018 10:54 AMPosted by Dangerjosh
hat way you will have a better time overall, learn from those around you, socialize/make pvp friends, etc etc etc.

socializing in wow? i hardly see that anymore, bg chat often turns into a toxic slogfest and people only join discords for the duration of the yolo with very little socialization going on. i see the same thing in pve as well, people join, talk, then leave. wow's socialization at this point is made up mostly of 'single serving friends.'

One of the many problems solo queue accessible content as caused...the decline of socialization in WoW.
10/25/2018 11:13 AMPosted by Inemia
10/25/2018 11:09 AMPosted by Jugajr
I like the premade vs premade personally. I'm a little turned off by nose pickers

is that what rated is for?

rated is for you to gain rating and have your performances ranked against others who desire the same. Just in case you're still confused, rating is assigning a value to something based on a particular scale.
10/25/2018 11:13 AMPosted by Inemia
10/25/2018 11:09 AMPosted by Jugajr
I like the premade vs premade personally. I'm a little turned off by nose pickers

is that what rated is for?

They have 5 man rated BGs?

10/25/2018 11:12 AMPosted by Inemia
socializing in wow? i hardly see that anymore

I see it almost every night. Makes logging in more fun imo. You could try it, doesn't hurt
10/25/2018 11:14 AMPosted by Dangerjosh
One of the many problems solo queue accessible content as caused...the decline of socialization in WoW.

bgs have always been solo-queable, even back when you needed to travel out to the queue guy for a specific bg. you could make that argument for LFG and LFR, and i would agree, but it fails when you are talking bgs.

10/25/2018 11:16 AMPosted by Dangerjosh
rated is for you to gain rating and have your performances ranked against others who desire the same. Just in case you're still confused, rating is assigning a value to something based on a particular scale.

what about YOLOs? they play in rated queue with little chance of gaining rating, its mostly for the fun and socialization right?
10/25/2018 11:21 AMPosted by Inemia
what about YOLOs? they play in rated queue with little chance of gaining rating, its mostly for the fun and socialization right?

If they had 5 man rated BGs, you'd have a point.
10/25/2018 12:42 AMPosted by Dereorc
premades galore. whatever faction you play..if you play solo..just take a break. pvp is turned on its head.
honor bonus has brought out the groups.
It's more like rated bg's
10/25/2018 11:22 AMPosted by Jugajr
10/25/2018 11:21 AMPosted by Inemia
what about YOLOs? they play in rated queue with little chance of gaining rating, its mostly for the fun and socialization right?

If they had 5 man rated BGs, you'd have a point.

are you saying you don't have 9 friends?
10/25/2018 11:25 AMPosted by Inemia
10/25/2018 11:22 AMPosted by Jugajr

If they had 5 man rated BGs, you'd have a point.

are you saying you don't have 9 friends?

Correct. I have a few Alliance side.
10/25/2018 11:27 AMPosted by Jugajr
10/25/2018 11:25 AMPosted by Inemia

are you saying you don't have 9 friends?

Correct. I have a few Alliance side.

then are you saying you don't have time to start a small group and pug the rest as a YOLO?
10/25/2018 11:28 AMPosted by Inemia
10/25/2018 11:27 AMPosted by Jugajr

Correct. I have a few Alliance side.

then are you saying you don't have time to start a small group and pug the rest as a YOLO?

Why should I do that when Blizz allows us to queue randoms (my favorite hobby in wow)
You can blame premades but it really comes down to:

10/25/2018 10:50 AMPosted by Inemia
yep, but i don't stand around mid picking my nose.

I win more than lose solo queuing as well, so we're in agreement why people lose more often.
10/25/2018 11:30 AMPosted by Jugajr
10/25/2018 11:28 AMPosted by Inemia

then are you saying you don't have time to start a small group and pug the rest as a YOLO?

Why should I do that when Blizz allows us to queue randoms (my favorite hobby in wow)

doing YOLOs ensures you get what you want: premade v premade, and it also ensures you aren't pugstomping helpless nosepickers.

premade vs solo-queue is also like an arms race, a group of skilled solo-queuers can and do beat even full 10 man premades, but the odds of getting than kind of pug are very low, much lower than the odds of running into a 10 man premade, let alone the odds of running into a 5 man premade. this means that if premades are the current fashion, in order to win as a solo-queuer you must form a premade, you are forced to do something you may not want to do in order simply balance the field.

at that point, why pvp at all?