Bonechewer Alliance Reconnections

I think I remember you, I played as Wizlferd. Me Garlas and Stingingbee’s were the main mages

ahhaah whats up Shorti, this is Wizlferd/Bigwiz. I was lookin for Crib n Boss lol! Crib’s playin horde? I’m goin ally

Emmies here, specifically looking for Colamisu and Drakis/Casedog. Add me on discord Gaffa#4585

Hayato! :blush:

Man I remember the name Rosella. I even remember being in Amazonians among one or two other guilds before I server swapped back in the day. Not sure if anyone remembers me, but I was;

Raeon - Nelf Hunter :slight_smile:

The Droogies are still looking for Wookee, Poison, MDrocker and Shinnmutt.

Sprigga/Stormlord (Sprigg#1471)

Naomireyna, Human Paladin that raided with Novus… I spammed Chuck Norris facts during raids >.>

Most likely rolling alliance on Whitemane with Hellhound (Another Novus paladin)

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I was in Shield of Light too and was there for the Rag and Ony take downs! My name was Atma at the time, a Gnome Mage.

Knew you as Nolie, when you stopped a lowly warrior by the name of Thebratt on the slopes of Ironforge and gave me one gold because I amused you - when one gold was a small fortune! I have never forgotten that!
I’m still playing, but have benched my warrior in favour of spell casters (Coffeebratt, Skwishie, Bratt & Demonlass) - now on Galakrond, transferred to get away from being ganked.
Great to see you again!

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I played Rotwind a Night Elf Rogue in The Brotherhood of Steel and Stoic. Might be coming back with my brother Thulian, Night Elf Hunter.

i know texx was sending wookee a message for ya, gona wait a day or 2, then send another my self for ya as well.

Hahahahaha, i vaguely remember that, been a long time. i will be rolling xentrill on whitemane, and if enough (not likely at this point) return, i will look into bring back the DN name, if not i will prolly run with the droogies.

Looking for the people from the Alliance chapter of WarSwarm. Znalred, Zedawg…don’t remember who else was there.


Wow! What a blast from the past. How the heck are you!

Not many BOS people that joined EOTS are left playing currently - EOTS is on Elune in the live game and have reserved horde character names on Pagle for classic.

I believe you knew me as Snyrf back in Eye of the Storm

SNYRF! Holy crap! Its been forever - how are you?

My BNet Tag is BigDaddy#1568 if you guys want to contact me further. I am just glad to see that some of the old crew still play! It has been a long time since I have seen some of these names.

Don’t know how active I can be in Classic - as I just don’t have the time needed to succeed in Classic due to the immense time commitments, but I am usually online (raiding/M+es) in the modern game a few times a week at the minimum.

Played on this server during BC but i have been playing since Vanilla, i was in a Guild called Darkenbane, Manßearpig Night Elf Druid

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Seeing a lot of familiar names. I played in BiPolar as an Enhancement Shaman in BC, Mcshockshine

During Vanilla I was Ryno - Night Elf Hunter
Played in guilds Damage Corp and Eye Candy
And in BC I was Mcshockshine - Draenei Shaman
Played in guilds Last Resort and BiPolar
I had a Paladin named Surona too

It’s funny seeing so many familiar names/guilds here

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Omg Emmies, how’s it been! Where you rolling BTW