Bonechewer Alliance Reconnections

damn havent seen that name in forever

LOL… what can I say, I’m getting old these days mate. Real old…

How you been? O_o

Woah! The droogies lives on?!


OMG Hayato!

I was known as Nolie back in those days, then Gnolie, then Goatbert, and now I’m Terra (because some other stuff changed…). I was in Royal Knights, Novus, then Eye Candy, then in MoP I moved to Serious Casual on Mal’Ganis, and now I hop around random alliance guilds. Mostly I just don’t play though, no time :woman_shrugging:t2:


Zargon, reporting in! Dwarf Holy Pally healer

Im getting nostalgic chills! Zargon here!

Heya Nolie! I havent played in some years now but still keep in touch with a few people. What server are you on, Im going to Herod.


Miriam/Mirialle/Elorae of Crimson Guard - Warrior/Priest/Hunter. Former spouse of Tacitus (yeah, the forum troll). Probably rolling horde this time around, unless the old CG crew pops back into this server, but I think they’ve relocated.

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Listenup - Human Rogue
Glistens - Human Warlock

Guild: Thought Police


So i see alot of guilds and people going to whitemane lets just make it the offiical post bonechewer server?


Yo dude how you been?

Can yall all add your battlenet ID’s ?!

I’m going to be rolling on Whitemane as Horde with some of these guys:

Cezar, Ruku, Magicmeat, Avinizm, Ror, Usky/Iwhin, Straightjack, Shadowtalon, Stricken, Crib, Warl, Chop, Imhairyer, Hallucify, Emillo, Mikoi, etc… the list goes on. :smiley:

Yes I believe so, sounds familiar for sure

A bunch of friends and I are rolling Horde on Whitemane also, Rizzle#1873

Yo, do you know if Fwosty still plays? I reached out to Cen but he’s probably a no go ….

alot of familiar names on that list

FeelsGood to see a familiar name FeelsGoodMan

We don’t have contact with Fwosty atm. Cen is feeling the nostalgia, but is too busy to play right now

Whats up Arth?! Omg long time no see!!! Yes I remember Roten and Nutrition! We’re gonna play on Whitemane this time around. Where are you guys playing?