hrm ill see in you brm
Hey, man. Not sure if you remember me. I played a Gnome Mage named Nirvonikz with my brother Florand (NE Hunter) and neighbors Florish (Dwarf Paladin) and Mistical (NE Rogue). I also had a NE Rogue named Misties at one point. I remember you grinding rank 13 or 14. Can’t remember what you ended up getting.
Hey. I don’t know if you remember me, but we have the same parents and stuff.
Name: Dazansus
Class: Human Rogue
Guild: Method of Destruction
We were a sloppy leveling guild back on Bonechewer, just looking for any familiar faces to catch up with!
Popeobrien dwarf priest
Emery human paladin
Guilds that I remember being in: Chromatic Dawn, Novus, Pwetty Pwincesses - a lot more I can’t remember bc i’m old
turan sucks at bgs he never got any killing blows
I had no idea this thread existed until today.
Nightelf Druid
Guilds: Power word funk, Brotherhood of steel (for 3 days before it broke ), Daes Daemar, Oblivion
Haven’t seen any of these names in a really long time. Didn’t know you transferred to Maiev either Gil. Most of my characters were sitting on Maiev, until friends moved to Moon Guard.
Highly doubt I’ll see my favourite gnome rogue of all time join back up… Yapp my love…
Edit: PWF guys would know me more as Prox/Nalica’s brother. I still enjoy the game, he doesn’t want to touch it again, but was surprised to hear Cop, shay and Meave were still playing.
Yondis…weren’t you the gnome rogue who started Silent Assassin? I still have that guild
Good to see you Ryu, yes Gil is still on Maiev, Daes is still on Bonechewer.
Hi all, Helmhammer here. I’ll be playing Horde this time around on either Herod or Stalagg depending on queue times.
My name this time around will be Velrek
Omfg Cryptarius! haha!! And Pope!!! The nostalgia right now xD
You guys playing classic?
I’m on Whitemane alliance, Char names Yondo (main) and Yondis (alt.)
Also, I am not sure if I was the one who made Silent Assassin, that was ages ago but I guess it could have been my gnome @$$.
haha whats up yondis, yeah im playing. got some friends and family on skeram alliance
Hola Bre
Those are some names. Haven’t played in years but considering a casual return for Classic. Advent/BL was the most fun I had playing, not even close. If y’all can forgive a turncoat lemme know which server or if there’s a discord going for the group. Druid Chat Forever.
Dawni - Tree Druid
Started out in the OG Sentinals of Alexstrasza, with Theiv and then turned into Stoic with DVA folks.
Then played BC with Heavens Wrath and BiPolar. Any oldies out there?
Whats up Bolivar I remember you! So many familiar names
Goldmoon - Amazonians/AZ
I’ve made Deathbringer aware of the thread. Good luck convincing him to play Horde. XD
Is everyone still planning on Whitemane cause the Queue is … 13k
Horde Executioners (2006)
Hoping to connect with anyone from the guild
Night Elf hunter
I was in the New Huxtables guild. We did MC with RNG for a while until they broke up. I stopped playing after the Huxtables broke up. I had a lot of fun playing with you guys. Dentalfury, Yukiasa, Yukiban, Binkmaster, Konomichi and a bunch of others I’m forgetting. If you’re out there say hi!
It’s definitely great to see everyone popping up slowly but surely =D
Name: Rixas
Race: Night Elf
Class: Rogue
Guild: Team Havok
Looking for: My old guildies!! GetinmyBelly, Darkstar, Zal, Cerseii (even though I still talk to you)