Very nice!
Kaypee/Shorti - Section Eight
Rolling alliance on Whitemane to kill Crib.
It went to a good cause IIRC, didn’t you buy a chopper mount with it or something? I think the amount that I gave you amounts to chump change these days.
I just started playing again , and yeah it was a chopper hehe.
Warlocks: Rxeight and Shadowshoes. I planted some alliance on Faerlina for classic
I am Statillius
Aevin - Human arms warrior (Respice Finem was the only raiding guild for this char i think?)
Elisar - resto druid
i have a few Evolution/Nexus people(the cool ones) hanging around on Pagle for this launch.
Damn guys. We are now old as sh*t!!
I’ve put together a group of rl friends who used to play together from 2004-2008ish consisting of;
Ladyd, Juri, Hananeem, Sheki, Richardlee, Trebleko, Rlmage, and a few others who haven’t confirmed on throwing their lives away with us.
If you recognize any of us and want to link up on a server, give me a shout!
Also, Vis Maior, are you taking applications? Got that sponsorship money now
Are you in contact with Ghalar? I used to play with that dude A LOT. Haven’t heard from him since BC.
Let me know if you’re able to find Ghalar, we used to roll together also!
Hey mate,
Ghalar was a Night Elf Priest (Male), from the Droogies if I remember correctly. You might be able to touch base with some of the members inside of the forum to see if they can get in contact with him.
I haven’t spoken to Ghalar since maybe the end of TBC as I moved server and being an Australian, its hard to keep in contact with most people I used to play with a lot.
Sorry I couldn’t help.
Best bet, see if some of the Droogies members might know.
Power Word Funk is still around? O_o I was in that guild all the way through my Grand Marshal Grind, so many good memories of that guild, lol
If you played with him a lot we have prob ran into each other more than once. I was a human rogue, Errand from Lethal Affinity.
I remember you! I was a human rogue named Rikimarru. I was also on BiPolar at one point.
I was on Royal Knights too! Rikimarru Human rogue
Rikimarru Human Rogue reporting in. Looking for Bandis and Mindsnap
PK!!! Its Zargon!!! Your pocket Holy Pally Healer!
Zargon - 60 Pally, Evolution
I’m actually helping the droogies reform for classic, we have about 30 players who were with us back in vanilla and another 20 or so new players for classic. Ghalar is one of the people we’ve lost contact with and I was hoping to find. Also, yes power word funk is still raiding in BFA, Copper and Shaylar run the guild =)
Oh man, I was wondering if I’d see anyone from De Novo in here. I raided with you as my class leader through BWL and early AQ40. I was 12 years old and “quit” because my dad wouldn’t let me renew my subscription.
Do you remember a NE Druid named Valadair? I’m pretty sure he raided with you guys.
I’m insulted.