Bolvar is "the Magni" of Shadowlands

Bolvar’s no longer Alliance once he died and became the Lich King. Khadgar stopped being Alliance at some point before WoD if not sooner, even going so far as to refuse fighting for either side when BfA began. Magni stopped being Alliance when he became Speaker of Azeroth.

I like Khadgar and Magni and I look forward to working with Bolvar. However, even though they’re not Alliance anymore, they’re still of Alliance origins.

I really would not mind seeing a character from the Horde be the central quest figure like they are in a future xpac.

This entire thread is just the Horde manufacturing a new reason to get pissy and whine and complain over something that’s essentially meaningless (guess they finally got tired of milking the “Sylvanas dindu nuffin” cow) But hey- if you want some of your beloved lore characters to practically die off or turn traitor only to become neutral quest NPCs, be my guest. Because honestly, I would prefer them to just die off and not come back at that rate.


Our beloved characters already die off anyway, so I’m not quite sure what you’re trying to get at here.


Or they become hostile to both factions and get turned into dungeon or raid bosses. That’s been happening with Horde characters since BC after all.


He should have a bias though. We don’t know how much the helm changed him, but to think he wouldn’t side with his daughter whom he called his “shining star” would really hurt his character.

I mean after Arthas was freed of the helm didn’t he reconcile with his father in ICC? So I think once the helm is gone, they get some of their humanity back.

Like he can still help the Horde characters out, but even Magni has a bias. He’s not going to sit on the sidelines if the Horde start to invade Ironforge and threaten his daughter and grandchild.

Not really the point, just like illidan, and now magni, the ‘neutral quest-giver’ is absolutely steeped in alliance lore. Would be nice to have someone horde players are little more familiar for once be the neutral quest giver.

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I would have said that Bolvar the Lich king wasn’t an alliance character because he became “the Lich king” the same as Nerzul and Arthas. When you don the helm you become one with the rest and the Helm.

However Because blizzard is so Intent on stupid stories them bringing Taelia in who is strongly Alliance and have that whole father/daughter thing going its gonna make it hard to seem as a neutral character when Horde Don’t even know who Taelia is.

So that part of the story will be strongly alliance focused and likely never explained horde Side. Likely to be the Same with Tyrande and the Nightwarrior stuff.

Blizzard fail to realize that players generally only play one side on or the other. However they’re writing things these days like they expect players to know both sides of the story.


I really wouldn’t say Illidan is an Alliance character. Outside of Tyrande and Malfurion he doesn’t really interact with the Alliance.

In fact the only time I can really think of him interacting with Alliance personally was in WCIII where he was their enemy, and he captured a paladin. He also burned down a nelf village.

He’s not an Alliance character, he’s never sought their interests outside of a general World one, which would include the Horde.

I don’t think this actually happens, unfortunately.

It’d be cooler, but it was clear Arthas was the Lich King, not a merged mind of Arthas and Ner’zhul. Likewise I see nothing suggesting Bolvar isn’t the Lich King. Sure, personality shift, but that doesn’t immediately show a personality merge.

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Agreed, but still has his roots in their lore.

Ehhh I’d still hesitate to call him Alliance.

Bolvar stood for the Alliance and fought for their interests. As Thrall stood for the Horde and fought for their interests. Like how Thrall never stopped being “Horde” while he was the leader of the neutral Earthen Ring, I don’t really think Bolvar has stopped being “Alliance”.

Illidan though has never been Alliance. He has never stood with them, and never cared for them. Having his origins lie in an Alliance race just isn’t enough for him to be an Alliance theme character.

Though, it ultimately doesn’t matter to me. Bolvar being Alliance or not won’t change the fact I just don’t want a world character. I love Vol’jin but I still wouldn’t want him to be the world character I have to hear on my ally toons.

Taelia was for sure one of the best characters during the BfA leveling overall on both sides. Really wish the horde got to do stuff with her lol. Really enjoyed questing with her ally side.

Right, esp with how alt unfriendly BfA has been.

While i dont necessarily disagree with what you say, the only reason i call illidan alliance affiliated is that A very good chunk of his story is with the alliance. Positive or negative.

Here is the critical flaw with your logic, that would require actiblizz$$ to spend more money for a better player experience.

I feel a lot of Alliance focused players are missing the point. Bolvar isn’t Alliance but he has strong connections to the alliance and his narrative is Alliance leaning. That is fine and all but it does tend to almost always be the case with characters in roles like him. What Horde players want is to feel they have some connection and relevance to the plot outside when either their faction is being villain batted or when we are dealing with a villain from the horde or connected to the horde’s past. Only once has it noticably been present in WoW and that was in Cata with Thrall and Alliance players still treat it like Horde players treat Tuarajo. People call WoD a Horde expansion but there was barely any of it relevant to the current Horde itself until BfA and relevance retroactively doesn’t make the experience at the time any better. Orc clan culture had been all but wiped out by the Legion corruption and only a few clans had anything close to their original identity.

Horde don’t need the Alliance to have less. They just need their involvement to feel more than just being tacked on mercenaries. The Horde players have, for the most part, no connection to Bolvar. We had no connection to Magni. I am not even sure why he was suddenly treating us like he was our best bud when we had literally never met him before that point and been his enemy prior. It was jarring as hell. Alleria and Turalyon weren’t much better, particularly with Alleria hating on the Horde during the neutral content we had with her.

This is an extremely hypocritical comment, particularly coming from you. What you find meaningless doesn’t make it meaningless. We are paying customers too so what effects our experience of the story is just as valid as yours. Stop telling Horde players they should be second class customers because of the faction they chose.

Attitudes like yours are what results in toxic gaming communities.


I really wish Blizzard would go ahead and confirm/deny the whole Calia/Taelia Bolvar thing.

Yeah, Bolvar was a Stormwind Knight,but… Lady mara Fordragon was the patreon of the refugees of the first war who fled to Lordaeron. Maybe she lived there… maybe Bolvar’s the “unnamed soldier” that Calia fell in love with in the Arthas novel.

If they did confirm that theory, it’d give Horde players a connection with Taelia since she’d be the princess of Lordaeron.

If they just abandon the whole Lordaeron thing that’s hanging over the Horde’s head it’s going to be a shame.

Right now Horde players are going to be greeted with Uther for the Kyrians, Cenarius for the Night Fae (how is he going to deal with the Orcs lol). Then Kael’thas for venthyr and Draka for Necrolords. Clear favorites for Horde players.

I really don’t buy Calia is Taelia’s mother. For starters, Taelia has black hair while Bolvar has brown and Calia has blonde. And I don’t think the timeline matches up quite right.

Even if it ends up being true, I don’t think it was the original intention.

Uther isn’t actually a member of the Kyrian Covenant when we first encounter him in Bastion, he’s one of the Forsworn, thus technically our enemy. I’m assuming we bring him away from the Forsworn since they are being used by the Jailer.

Cenarius isn’t in Ardenweald, he went there after he died in the Third War, but he was ressurected since. He’s not there currently.

The only dead character I know of we’re seeing in Ardenweald is Vol’jin, who’s becoming a Loa.

Draka is only one of the Barons there, another is Alexandros Mograine and Vashj.

Naw, building a connection is something that takes time also I dont think telling horde/forsaken players that HEY LOOK THIS HUMAN IS ACTUALLY A PRINCESS OF LORDAERAON!!! SEE YOU HAVE THIS DEEP MEANINGFUL CONNECTION!! would go over well at all. See calia, and shes undead lol.

A connection is something that has to be built, I honestly hope the horde player gets to build a connection with her throughout SL, but shoving it in the players face is not the way to go about it, again see calia.


You don’t need to have a deep meaningful connection right away. I know it’s a stretch, but I hope we learn more about Taelia with Bolvar.

And a note on Calia. Calia’s journey with Horde players hasn’t concluded. It’s in its infancy. Notice how Calia hasn’t barged in and claimed the Forsaken. She’s taking her time.

Do you want horde only characters while the alliance has our own, or do you want a horde neutral character? Who would you want to fill the neutral role? Y’all hate Baine more than we do. Lor’themar is not exactly a world hero. I can live with Vol’jin even though mop left a bad taste in my mouth dealing with him. I would’ve loved Gallywix.

Maybe its more so in how you suggest it. Seems like you suggested that she/bolvir just barge in and be like ‘yo im actually the ruler of this land’. If its something that can develop over time then, sure I could see it, but really seemed like you suggested just jumping off the deep end right from the git go.

Basically thats what happened, LMAO. Basically forsaken had any NPC of relevance either killed off, or left the faction in BfA then calia shows up and is like dont worry ill save the day (after having rubbed elbows with the alliance elite)!! Im pretty sure the definition of forced and in your face.

Yes. Let’s do it. Gallywix as the world character leading the fight in Shadowlands.

We’d probably get more of a Ghost Buster theme with this.


Honestly, it would prolly be best for the game if horde mostly followed around horde and alliance mostly followed around alliance characters. I think players of both factions would just feel overall more invested in the story. With minimal ‘neutral’ characters.

You could avoid these situations in which the horde player feels weird in the sense of ‘why in the heck are we so chummy all the sudden’, it feels jarring.

My guess would be some alliance equivalent would avoid the problem of ‘why do you all the sudden have the amnesia’ and dont talk about your past much anymore if ever.

Or do away with factions, like seriously horde and alliance have teamed up way to much at this point to not have at least some mutual respect/friendship.