What is it like to go through life where something so inconsequential eats away at you to the point where you need to tell everyone about it?
They aren’t going to go against the tide, and right now the tide is about being sensitive to people wanting their pronouns, inclusivity and representation. Just deal with it. It’s not that big a deal.
If it’s truly “so inconsequential” then why was the change made in the first place?
If you need a moment to visit Reddit for a response, I understand completely.
inc Bearhands
Because it’s clearly not inconsequential.
Someone like you will dismiss it as inconsequential but if it gets removed suddenly you’re denying trans right to exist. You’re responsible for the disproportionate suicide rates through non-affirmation. You’re transphobic. You need to be cancelled etc.
It’s a ratchet problem. Once you’ve tightened the social fabric in this way it becomes really difficult to pull back against it.
We play to the most sensitive in our societies under the guise of ‘kindness’ without realising the most sensitive in our world are usually pathological in their psychology.
you might need to touch grass if the words body type 1 and body type 2 upset you this much. That is not a normal thing to be upset about
I really don’t think it’s that deep.
I think the change to the verbiage was to allow players to apply their own role-play and pronouns to their character, rather than the character select screen enforcing that choice from character creation.
Nothing really changes otherwise after you click “Enter World”. Really not important in my opinion.
The games quest, gossip and skill text still use the masculine and feminine pronouns depending on which gender you choose for your character, so it does seem like a half-measure either way.
Since this is probably just something in the UI XML, why not make it default to the male and female icons on the Classic client and allow disabling that and having “Body Type” instead in the accessibility options.
I would assume this change exists in Classic since the Classic client was based off of some retail version of the client that had this change, but I’m not sure.
to apply their own role-play and pronouns to their character
Except the game doesn’t let you do that.
If you pick Body Type 1 the game will automatically assign you masculine pronouns, and if you pick Body Type 2 the game will automatically assign you feminine ones. So, Type 1 is still Male, and Type 2 is still Female.
It was a lazy virtue signal change. Allowing the character to select a Body Type and pronouns would be inclusive. But that would require effort to program, instead of merely changing the art on two icons in the character creation screen and calling it a day.
yeah they put no effort bc how come bt2 can’t be shirtless lmao its nbd but its just a fail way to be inclusive but its the easiest
It was a lazy virtue signal change. Allowing the character to select a Body Type and pronouns would be inclusive.
I think you guys are just trying to “gotcha” because you don’t like anything “woke” most of the time. Be careful giving them suggestions by the way. Next thing you know, they will add customizable pronouns into the game’s dialogue officially and then the forums will explode with even more anger. (I think certain types want this to happen so they can have something to be reactionary about, but that’s another topic. People LOVE being angry).
I think you guys are just trying to “gotcha” because you don’t like anything “woke” most of the time.
I don’t mind whether they use Male/Female or Body Type 1/2, or let people use their preferred pronouns.
I do care about people rushing to defend soulless multinational companies for taking the most shallow and tokenistic of gestures in a vain attempt to fix their terrible PR.
I didn’t even realize this was a thing, lol. I just wanted to make my character and start playing.
Most people don’t. The ones complaining about it generally just like to complain. And if they claim they actually care about it and try to come up with reasons other than “woke” bad they are lying.
I do care about people rushing to defend soulless multinational companies for taking the most shallow and tokenistic of gestures in a vain attempt to fix their terrible PR.
Where in my post did I “rush to defend” blizzard? Please don’t use my post as a springboard to “take down the man” or whatever you’re going for lol. I simply said it’s not that deep.
God. I can’t stand people that grandstand on the internet like they’re winning an award for the smartest person or “most right”. Literally no one overthinks this perceived issue other than anti-woke weirdos that can’t think of anything other than baiting reactions out of others online.
Interesting perspective. I’ll put it in my suggestions box. I know exactly the type of person you are. Not worth interacting with actually so, have a nice day.
If a change doesn’t impact me, and it helps other people feel better, then it doesn’t bother me.
This is totally inconsequential for most all players, but it could help some feel more welcome. Why? why can’t you give an inch? Why not just let it go? Calm down, relax, and forget about it.