Bobby Kotick is here to stay: remains on Acitivison Blizzard's Board

Merger is probably happening around this time in 2023, so they are probably keeping him on until it goes through .

It did say he would hold the position another year until the 2023 Share holders meeting . Which will pretty much be June 2023.

By then hopefully the merger will have been completed and MS will put their own person in place .


It’s also no secret that he is responsible for recent downturns. His obsession with turning as many games into esports as possible has led to a company wide drop in MAU’s and, in the latest earnings report, earnings.

DI may look like a blockbuster, but it’s making far less money than if it had been sold as a PC game.


Nothing in that article states that He will stay past the merger. This was as expected. He will stay there until the merger completes which should happen by June, 2023.


Bad news :persevere:

Because money.

When you’re too rich to fail despite the controversy around you…Asmondgolds right when he stated this is bobbies world… Just can’t get rid of the guy…

I miss when games where made for THE PLAYERS not for shareholders. They are targeting the wrong demographic for making games invasive and fun. It’s all about profit and we are dehumanized as nothing but “consumer’s”. Late stage capitalism turning full corperatocratic.

I hope gaming returns to the players someday.


There were 647 million people voting on this? Or is that like the amount of shares that exist

at this point the problem is the board, not kotick.

in any other company worth their salt, the CEO would have been booted without question.

The CEO of Intel comes to mind.
Yes, THAT Intel.

Also, Avid Technology, the company that makes pro tools and media composer which are both assets that Blizzard Entertainment use in making this game.

There are more. But yet Kotick is special because he is beholden to the board who have proven time and again they are enabling him.

It doesn’t say that though. It says he’s staying for another year and they don’t know how Microsoft will deal with things yet.

Bobby Kotick determined that Bobby Kotick did nothing wrong.


thats the number of shares. so like you have 40 shares, you vote no, it counts as 40 no’s. but then the next person has 250 shares, they vote yes, its counted as 250 yes’s. thats my understanding on how its works, i could be wrong, if i am, someone feel free to correct me.

There’s nothing confirming he’s staying pass the merger

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I really don’t care about Bobby or what he does. I am here to be grouchy on GD and play WoW.

merger isn’t a done deal, there are still regulatory hurdles to clear. plus i gotta think MSFT is second-guessing their acquisition now that their stock has plummeted along with much of the tech sector, without a bottom in sight. purchase price is looking way overvalued now, and i have to think they’d rather have the cash on hand to weather the economic storm that’s brewing.

I didn’t realize there were still Bobby Kotick fans outside of the OG managers who are still working there, but it makes sense that Clàrk would be one.

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Does this surprise you? He might be scummy, but under his leadership those shareholders make a ton of money. It makes sense that only 12% of the votes opposed him. The only way this would ever change is if revenues have a huge drop, or he gets caught doing something wrong.


You mean, more serious than that death threat to an underling?

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You are correct.

You are correct but according to the MS president the merger is moving fast according to a interview last month.

“It’s moving fast, at least fast enough for an acquisition of this size,” said Smith.

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Isn’t something like 85% of ATVI held by institutions?

So you have folks at Blackrock who are voting. And they have their own shareholders/clients to satisfy.

a lot has changed in that month.