Bobby Kotick is here to stay: remains on Acitivison Blizzard's Board

“Item 5.07 Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders” asked the entirety of the company—where all 647,887,763 votes “were represented in person or by proxy”—to approve the nominated Board of Directors to serve another full one-year term ending at next year’s stockholders’ meeting.

An alarming majority, 533,703,580, voted for the Board to remain, with only 62,597,199 opposed and some 2,162,178 abstaining. Robert Kotick has been approved to stay on the Board of Directors until 2023


I thought that was the case anyway with the merger cause the merger was happening in 2023?


Hes staying past the merger

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Ah ok I must have misread a piece then. Woops.

Until 2023. Does this mean 5 more months or another 1.5ish years?

I’ve no surprise or doubt he’s staying on until MS fully takes the reins but would be downright flabbergasted if he’s there past that. For all the devil he is, ousting him would cause a massive stock dip and, surprise surprise, business folks who make these kind of decisions are no doubt just as filthy and corrupt as he is and absolutely are going to side with making/keeping money over losing some of it ESPECIALLY in support of plebs who they actively look down their noses on anyway.


He will probably leave the company after it transitions to Microsoft’s ownership. Buyouts are profitable for shareholders and he can take his money and run.


:nauseated_face: :face_vomiting: ughh whyy


Sad, just sad. Not surprised, not angry, just stupid sad decision making.


let me guess - the workers didn’t get their board member either. I forgot to vote for that but I am doubtful my vote would have made a difference anyway.


It’s their money and their vote.

Well of all the news i’ve heard this is certainly one of them.


good lord that kotaku article.

I don’t disagree with their attitude towards Bobby, but c’mon, at least try to act non-biased as a news outlet!

as far as I can tell neither of those articles say he’s staying past the merger, or at least not far into it, just until 2023 which probably means their 2023 fiscal year?


yeah, that was my point

“their” = people; everyday people like ourselves. They love, laugh, cry, hurt whatever, but people who know exactly what went on, (probably some who knew more), but most knew as much as any of us has bothered to inform ourselves. yeah, they voted with their money. Honor and ‘the right thing to do’(most of the time) went straight out the window in favor of $$$.

Yes, I know, this is nothing new, but it just seems worse. Corporations and countries dictate what we eat, watch, buy - There’s a few that stand out and their search engine things have a bead on everything we do - Grocery store example: They sell everything; we buy; rearrange store, offer their own brand; We buy. They change certain “usually 16 oz cans to 14 for the same price” :We buy. They no longer sell small cans of item, they make only larger cans and bags of food; We buy. Slowly brand items you usually bought have noticeably disappeared. The clerk asks at the check-out if you found every
thing you needed (I said no once and suddenly you had to fill out a slip to tell them what) so you say no and don’t really want to fill out any forms for one item. WE buy.

Acti-Blizz and people just do what’s easy and these corporations and companies are in it for the long haul.

I’m sorry I like my evil corporations to at least make an attempt to hide their evil. Blizzard is just not even trying anymore.


Some parasites are really hard to remove, I see.


Can’t get rid of Gallywix that easily…


Why would he be? He may be disliked by a majority of the community, but it’s no secret he contributed to Activision’s success. There’s a lot of documentaries on his success and i’d be shocked to see him going away anytime soon. He brings in too much $$.


Idc, im eating taco bell right now. Is he?

gross, I can’t even…