BM: Whats the second pet do?

Hey hunters, happy saturday!

Question: Whats the second pet do?

Thoughts: I’m thinking… that they dont do any special abilities, but just auto attack? Maybe I’m wrong. Sometimes I see monsters attacking the second pet, but that could be aggro and not auto growl.

Any idea?

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The second pet(Animal Companion) Auto Attacks, uses Kill Command, benefits from Beast Cleave as well as the talent Stomp, if chosen.


Beat me to it.

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I saw that you started typing, and I went for it! :grin:


Really? So when I use kill command, both my pets do it? Does it have like a damage reduction? Also would its damage increase from mastery too?


Also yes. It has a hidden 35% damage reduction aura to your pets. This is still a damage increase since you have a 2nd pet also doing damage rather than just the one.


Wow thats cool and you are really helpful :slight_smile: So I would want alot of mastery I think to make a big mean pet.

It doesnt matter if the second pet is not ferocity? Is there like a base damage amount for tenacity and cunning that is lower?

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You could stack mastery if you want to see more damage from your pets, though generally speaking I would recommend against it. While your mastery increases pet damage, it doesn’t boost your personal damage (as the hunter) at all.

For general stat or rotation guides, I would use the Icyveins or WoWhead guides.

The general rule of thumb is Agility > Haste >= Crit > Vers = Mastery IIRC.

But to see better results specific to your character (since stat weights start to shift once you have more and more gear), you should always sim yourself. Raidbots is a great site to do that with.

Sorry for the long winded answer to that question, but hope it helps!

It doesn’t matter what specialty your pets are. This goes for your main pet and your companion pet. Pets all actually do the same damage, regardless of specialization. The specializations determine a few bonus perks your main pet brings. Ferocity will grant you access to Ancient Hysteria (a bloodlust / heroism effect) as well as 10% leech. Tenacity provides a 3 minute CD for 20% damage reduction and 5% extra health. And cunning provides master’s call which frees your pet and whoever you target from roots, slows, and snares for four seconds. It also provides (8%? I might be wrong) movement speed.

Your second pet’s specializations do not matter at all and will not change anything.

I’m glad to help :>


Do i get 20% leech from 2 ferocity pets?

Unfortunately no. You can get up to 15% leech though if you have Aspect of the Beast talented.

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Ok thank you! Very helpful :slight_smile: I might go tame a bee next!

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I made a post a while back about Hunter pets, (This one), just some useful stuff to know about them. To get some sort of base to work with when you play as a hunter.

Feel free to read it through if you want, perhaps there’s something new in there^^

If you want to learn more about specific pets/families, don’t hesitate to check the links at the bottom.

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To emphasize this, Pettopia is every hunter’s best friend.


Aggro indeed. Most monsters are generally unpleasant and attack on sight. Some even have acid for blood.

stands in your way.


Mastery and crit sound like a fun build to make. Big numbers! Y not have some fun. Ima try it out when I get home and make yet another hunter :joy:.

Big bee the scariest? Maybe a spider? Spider maybe ill look for a spider next. Nobody seems to be afraid of sardines the seagull

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They clearly have never seen a pissed off seagul then lol.


Right!! Seagulls are vicious!

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LOL :slight_smile: Great thread.

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