BM: Whats the second pet do?

Its best Holybell. It is doing its best.


I was looking at the crabs on petopia to replace Dave who seems to be an elephant, but is completely useless as he could not tank my torghats.

Then I got really hungry and closed the webpage. WHY ARE U SO DELICIOUS CRABS

If you want the best pet for tanking torghast, you should get yourself a clefthoof for BM. For MM or SV, get a scalehide. Ferocity pets are the best due to the leech healing them for the damage they do, with those families in particular having defensives abilities to keep them up easier.


You can give a crab a shank too.

Sadly having a second pet also doubles the pathing problem.

As for Tanking Get a Clefthoof. and have AotB talent. Better to not use AC talent if going up against tough elites solo.

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I’ve had a day at the beach trashed by a group of seagulls stealing part of the picnic lunch! We shooed them off but once there are webbed footprints in the potato salad, you can’t eat that. Lol.

Seagulls are gangsta.

Are there some pet treats I can give them besides these really old mammoth treats?

Also, is it normal for second pet to out damage first pet? Maybe mastery is a good idea!

Upon occasion I have noticed second pet out dps’ing main also,

Suspect it was just a glitch as it soon reverted to main pet top dps. or perhaps as I prev stated pathing ?
My second pet is a raven have noticed it reaches target by as much as a half second faster on many occasions esp if there’s ground clutter.
Plus If you are a bit quick on the trigger with KC main pet could be out of range for its stomp if using that talent esp if pet charge/dash is on cooldown.

As far as mastery heavy build is concerned use Raidbots as a baseline then adjust for yourself

I’m looking at this raidbot thing? How do I make it so I can see what a max mastery geared hunter would do for dps? It says to load my character, but my character has junk gear…

This thing is complicated

It also wont work properly till your Character hits lvl 60 then buy crafted rings with sockets and hope for luck on socket-ed drops. Then choose mastery chants and Gems only I know a few hunters have Vers Mast builds for PVP. Myself Mastery is last on PVE sims H-C-V-M

I keep getting mastery drops, so its up to 40% now. Seems okay. Not sure if haste is increasing my pets attack speed. Having all this mastery makes them pretty high on my dps chart though.

Pretty hard to target specific pieces of gear that features high Mastery other than PvP reward and Covenant.

Drop rate from Dungeons is miserable. I am a pretty random M+ runner but have done a few still using Heroic CN Raid Bow and Covenant shoulders.

Secondaries are 29-31% Critt 12-15% Haste dep on Leggo and 31% Mastery I average slightly higher than my pet overall damage.

I ran 3 raid bot sims comparing Killer Instinct and Animal Companion: patchwerk, hectic add cleave, and the new m+ sim.

Animal Companion beat out Killer Instinct slightly on one sim, while Killer Instinct won slightly on the other two.

If you’re asking what the second pet does to see what you’re gaining or losing, I recommend doing a raid bots sim comparison.

Oh no, I’m not going to go to one pet. Two pets is where the magic is.