BM or MM for PvP?

Hello hunters, this expansion is the first I haven’t mained my hunter. But I was thinking of dusting him off for some PvP arenas and rated bgs. I’ve been enjoying my warrior in PvP also, I have to admit it can be tough to kill some of you guys.

But I was thinking if I want to dust off my hunter and do some PvP which spec should I go MM or BM? Both specs seem viable, MM seems a little better but I could be wrong? Anyways I wanted to ask you hunters what you think, so I can make up my mind. Thanks for your time, and I look forward to y’alls advise :+1:

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I don’t think you can go wrong with either one. Just make sure you stack the right secondaries!

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/10 toons

Hunter is in a pretty good spot PVP wise. BM will perform better than MM in the arena but I’d take a MM over BM any day in an RBG setting.


Hmmm, this is a tough decision.

MM is more burst, BM is constant pressure and a stun. It all depends on the comp you plan on running. RBGs MM with 4 set bonus all the way for insane damage, although if I am base sitting I prefer BM.


MM does well in 2s and BGs, BM does well in basically everything.

MM is much more bursty (you can absolutely chunk other people), but BM has great sustain and their pets are a massive nuisance to the enemies as opposed to MM’s (which is good for you)

BM will suffer from pets being CCed, which MM won’t be as likely to since your pet is less consequential. BM has a hard stun that doesn’t break on damage, MM has a disorient and a knockback. MM also has the advantage of binding shot being baseline.

Can’t go wrong with any hunter spec in PvP rn. I haven’t PvPed extensively myself this season (been PvE focused) but followed along with my friend’s experience and basing it off of my experience playing both specs this season and last season.


All three specs are strong right now so it boils down to preference.

Each has their own pros and cons and boils down to what mode and comp you are running.

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BM/Surv are better in PvP. MM still pretty good tho

It depends on the PvP content and the comp you are wanting to play.

In RBG MM is CLEARLY better by a wide margin.

In 3s surv>BM>MM but MM is ran by the top Arena Champ teams in both Jungle and Thug

In 2s they are the all pretty much the same.

I’d rather just have a bm/surv base sitting and have a bane of havoc destro lock on offense instead of an MM.

Ideally you want both.

I’d rather just have 2 destros. If you sit on one the other solos the team.

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MM with 4 set bonus can pump the DPS without a ramp. As well as 2 knock backs on key fight like LM.

I’m aware, I play one.

BM for arena or base sitting. Marks for rbg team fights, surv for arena 2s.


Hmm still tough decision, I’m more familiar with BM. But in arenas as a warrior I notice BM are easier to kill, if they try to kite me I just kill the pet, charge, disarm and game over. MM I run out of chasing him around and he feigns death and disengage constantly making extremely hard to keep up and not get kited. I might try MM though I’m more familiar with BM. I just need to figure it out sooner than later because legendaries are so damn expensive on AH.

I’m not sure if I want to melee with my hunter, but maybe.

Just curious why you’re Kyrian? Guides are saying Necro is better, do you mind elaborating on that?

Why not both!