BM nerfed to hell in prepatch with no warning but we have to wait for 11.0.5 for some fixes?

Yeah I figured that out after a few posts, dude’s just a chud trying to get a rise out of people. He doesn’t have anything meaningful to contribute to a conversation.


You aren’t playing at a mythic level where that matters so you can run a pet if it’s that big of a deal to you.

I would disagree.

How does telling you that you don’t play at a high enough level that you can lose the 5% dps and not run lonewolf of it’s that big of a deal have anything to do with my ego?

Are you pushing CE level content? If not then not running lone wolf isn’t a big deal.

Considering I’m miles better than you what does that make you?

Sometimes I wonder what they are testing when they make these changes, like there is a target dummy in the main city, how hard is it to balance it.

They’re responding to complaints on the forums.

No, I’m not kidding.

That’s how Blizzard makes game decisions.

Blizzard doesn’t base anything on the forums.

Only a fool would think that.

They base it on data they have during testing