BM nerfed to hell in prepatch with no warning but we have to wait for 11.0.5 for some fixes?

Show to me, then. I asked another person to show off and he posted himself doing like 300k damage and was proud he beat a mage that was equally as terrible, good luck. He is trolling around here too if you would like to join him. Maybe you can get a bridge together.

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They can’t because they are full of … The sims are a 100% parse, and they show exactly how bad BM AoE is.


Don’t the sims show that bm is clearly above tank damage which is all I was saying not that it’s amazing or top tier. Bm aoe is bad but some people saying they are losing to disc priests is clearly just eating glue instead of pressing buttons

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No, they do not.

Post a tank sim higher than bm then if you’re so confident

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That was 431k overall in city of threads I was even with an equal level mage and almost double thank. Which was what that proved.

You also stopped responding once it was linked because it showed you that you were wrong.

My suggestion is to focus on learning your rotations and improving instead of blaming a spec for not even getting aotc.

But I did. I linked a SS and everything.

They are also factoring in perfect scenarios and a set number of targets.
Sims should be taken with a grain of salt.

The entire point is that while BM aoe does need to be addressed and it is being addressed, if you are doing tank level damage you are making major mistakes.

He wont because anytime he is asked for evidence he blocks people and tells everyone they are a troll.

If dude spent half as much time reading a guide instead of whining on the forums he might stop being beat by tanks.

Crazy thing about hunter, you have two other specs and can swap to help your group by playing the better spec to fit the scenario.

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Crazy thing about hunter. Beast is the one true spec.

Yeah, I just ignore them. You know how bad they are when they use insults instead of facts or intellect. Typical troll behavior. Ignore and move on.

Still waiting for you to show me those sims bro

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You might be waiting a while.


Anyone who actually cares about hunter class fantasy, specifically the central thing since classic, which was our pets, doesn’t want to play MM seeing as its lone wolf centric, and certainly not survival which is just goblin cosplay. Blizzard should be addressing the wide imbalance between BM and pretty much every other dps spec. Saying “just switch” is just giving Blizzard a free pass to not do the work to fix something they broke.

Anyone that cares about that is going to be fine playing BM as they don’t care about performance.

You can simultaneously be interested in performance and class fantasy, these things are not mutually exclusive, and no spec should be so wildly underperforming that they are essentially unviable in content.


If you care about performance you’re not going to play sub optimally.

If you choose to not play lone wolf you’re not playing optimally.

BM isn’t unviable in a conten. It’s just performing low in aoe.

BM is going to have strong single target in raid.

However anyone that actually play at the levels it would actually affect already know that.

You have completely miscategorized my entire argument, I never said I wouldn’t take lone wolf I said it doesn’t play into the major class fantasy of hunter, namely having pets. It is what makes a hunter a hunter, and not just an archer, gunner, ranger, whatever you might call it. You also attempt to dismiss the entire argument by trying to throw a sneaky little jab. you aren’t clever. I can know what I am doing and still want to play something because it has class fantasy appeal. Have the day you deserve.

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Nope. I completely understand your argument.

And anyone that cares about that fantasy isn’t playing at a level where they care about performance and they can run

without lone wolf.

I didn’t throw any jab.

I said you don’t play at that level it matters. Didn’t say anything about your “skill”

Heroic is literally the highest “level” content in the game at this moment so you can’t have meant anything other than that with your comment. I’m not stupid, I can read between lines, I’ll be blocking you cause I have no interest in trying to engage with someone who has no intent on genuinely engaging with anyone other than to inflate your ego.


Oh boy, you must have met Snozay. Yeah, he is a troll. Just block. And a terrible hunter.