BM nerfed to hell in prepatch with no warning but we have to wait for 11.0.5 for some fixes?

Look, I’m happy to see Blizzard doing something about they mess they created but let’s take a moment to see how we got here.

Prepatch made some changes that includes a bug with Lacerate IIRC in prepatch and we did a lot of damage, possibly too much. So during that prepatch we had a bugfix and nerfed. Hard. That’s where we are now. It felt so hasty and not thought out at all.

And now we have to wait for fixes for 11.0.5, which is what? 1-2 months away?


there will be tuning prior to this

There will be some changes along the way surely, namely when m0 starts and definitely when raid hits - nerfs and buffs all around ofc.
But yeah probably near end of october for the rework.

Bliz will pull the normal and wait for wowhead to post charts. It lets others do their work for them. Then, instead of fixing the real issues, they will do percent damage buff and make the balance even worse.

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There aren’t any fixes in the 11.0.5 to fix BM damage.

so basically Blizz just told BM to sit out season 1 of M+


There are. The changes to companion and is approximately a 40 percent buff to AOE.

Sounds that way. Go survival bomber until it’s nerfed. It’s pretty simplistic. Use all CDs, put on buff, use energy spenders until CDs reset, win. Probably the dumbest hunter spec in history.

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However, we will have to wait through the first week of M+ to see how behind BM is and receive changes. Before that, the damage will already be done. People are quick to jump to the conclusion that if a spec behind in damage, then it is not going to get any better.

BM is embarrassingly awful. I can’t even wrap my head around how it got out into live as bad as it is. What a giant whiff by the dev team.

I output a ton more in dungeons as Survival with easily half the effort, I just hate the way it plays. It’s just a testament to how bad BM really is though.


They need to put in changes before season.

There’s still tuning to come lol

Tuning doesnt help people who dont know how to manage barb shot stacks

I do comparable aoe to my BM hunter on my DISCIPLINE priest, it’s embarrassing indeed.


You should’ve just stopped there. No point dwelling on the current situation when you see them helping you. Just be happy

Until the changes come out:

If being competitive is your thing, MM and Survival both look to be in a good spot.

If pets is your thing and don’t care about AoE, then roll that BM and don’t listen to anyone tell you otherwise!

And keep reading the posts about how great hunter feels on the ptr

Might want to work on your AOE rotation then

Things just die too fast in heroics so not getting any time to do much compared to say my demo lock bringing procs from a previous pack and doing over 3+mil burst in two gcds

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Still doesnt excuse the fact that as a dps being out dpsed bya healer or tank means youre making major mistakes

It has nothing to do with speed of kills. The damage does not go up. This is evidenced using a 99 percent rotation on the test dummies. The fixes in the anniversary patch will solve the issue, but Blizzard needs to fix beast before season 1.


Did you see one someone cuz you’ve never parsed a 99 in your life (if you could you’d be beating tanks comfortably)