BM Needs a Full Rework

The thing is BM is actually not bad in raids. It’s single target damage is totally fine.

It is however not even remotely close to competitive in AOE and that is what needs to be addressed.

BM’s representation in raids in fine in raids because BM is fine in raids. BM’s representation in M+ is not fine because BM is not fine in M+. It’s that simple.

As they should. You’re deliberately choosing to play a spec that does barely more than half of what MM does in M+. Why would anyone want to play with someone who’s deliberately gimping themself?

I actually really enjoy BM atm but I would love to be able to use stampede more often.

Unless the fight happens to be Sire Denathrius. Looking at the logs for Mythic and BM Hunters aren’t included.

Actually I take that back, I just checked and someone squeaked in there recently. However, previously there had been none. But that’s just 1 BM Hunter since Mythic has been released. That’s kind of terrible. Every spec should be viable for endgame content.

Terrible mentality. All specs should be viable for all content. If I want to play BM Hunter, I should be able to play all content. I shouldn’t have to be forced to switch to a spec I do not want to play just to be viable. That’s just bad game design, and completely against Blizzard’s initial philosophy of “bring the player, not the spec.”


I agree completely, but BM just currently isn’t for M+.

But in the meantime if you choose to play BM in M+ then you are deliberately holding your group back.

Well, we need a solution to not drag our group back but at same time let people play BM if they want, right?

I think Blizz just really need to put more effort on balancing the spec or people gonna be more rage about it.

You can argue the same about playing MM because that’s also no longer “meta”.

If you’re not a Fire Mage/Boomkin/WW/Outlaw, are you deliberately holding your group back if you dare sign up for M+?

The difference is that you can’t just click a button and respec to Fire Mage.

Why draw the line at “you shouldn’t have to make a new character”? Why do you deem that not acceptable, but you think it’s fair to “force” people to do the following:

  1. Refarm a new set of gear with different stat priorities. We must not “deliberately hold our group back” by using poor stats on our gear now, right?

  2. Farm different trinkets as their performance greatly varies based on spec.

  3. Upgrade brand new conduits

  4. Completely alter your soulbinds

  5. Maybe even completely swap your covenants (in the case of some classes having to swap MS - Shaman, DK, Mage are great examples of this), which is, in itself, a multiple-week endeavour because of the atrocious renown catch-up. It’s bad to “deliberately hold our group back” by being a sub-optimal covenant after all.

  6. Farm a new legendary power recipe.

  7. Spend hours in Torghast to acquire more Soul Ash. Of course this is timegated too, so this also takes several weeks.

  8. Spend 6 figures of gold to buy a new legendary precursor

  9. Do steps 6-8 again, some legendaries might perform better in certain scenarios, and we can’t have you “deliberately holding your group back” by having a sub-optimal legendary now, can we?

  10. Spend hundreds of thousands of gold, or pay real money to win, for a race swap - BiS race will vary dependant on spec, and we shouldn’t “deliberately hold or group back” by not being a BiS race, right?

Swapping specs hasn’t been “just press one button 4Head” for several years now.

You don’t really have to do any of these things except the legendary. And you could have done that by week 3 since rank 1 legendary is 99% as effective as rank 4.

It takes very little effort to swap between MM and BM. They use the same covenant and the same soulbind. The only thing you have to swap is your legendary.

I don’t know why you are pretending otherwise. It’s fine if you don’t want to play MM, but it’s also fine if people would prefer players who care about performance.

Simulations wholly disagree.

It takes very little effort to swap between MM and BM. They use the same covenant and the same soulbind.

This is true for Hunter. Not for everybody though - what about Frost Mages? Should they have to swap specs are not “pUrPoSeFuLlY HoLd ThEiR GrOuP BaCK” even though it would mean having to change covenants? Or are they absolved of your judgement because of that extra step?

It actually makes sense to make the most rotationally complicated choice the highest damage one.

The thing is that isn’t at all true for Frost mage, which is very good in M+. BM is not.

But Frost is still worse than Fire, so (by your previous comment’s logic) aren’t they still deliberately holding their group back? Or are they absolved of your judgment because it’s not as severe? And if that’s the case, where do you draw the line?

Safe to say most people would draw the line at a 50% dps loss.

  1. Buff Kill Command by 25%
  2. Animal Companion should be baseline. Bring back essence swapper.
  3. Remove the damage reduction aura for pets.
  4. We’re the master of beasts, yet we have the same pet res timers as MM?
  5. Buff mastery in the calcs by 50%.
  6. Keep Rylak’s leggo at 40%. No reason to finetune this for 5% when Boomkins and Fire Mages are so beyond ridiculous right now.
  7. Remove the AOE Cap on Beast Cleave.

It makes no sense at all to have two spells that are not part of your rotation that are purely utility to be turned into part of a damage rotation.

The equivalent is having mages be required to cast create refreshment and blink into it in order to get a damage burst.

It is terrible design. Period.


That’s just, like, your opinion, man!

ETA: BTW, I eagerly await the mage “Hyperactive Maw Waiter” legendary!

This, this is gold. I rate this comment high. They should also do this for fire mages! It would be so lol funny.

Animal Companion should be baseline, but also completely cosmetic. I prefer one pet, and I should not have a DPS loss because I prefer one pet.

You’re right about everything else though.