BM Needs a Full Rework

Beast Mastery needs a rework, a big one. In Legion and in BfA their damage was decent scaling up to top tier in the final season of the expansion. At the moment it is terrible.

Kill Command needs a damage buff, it currently hits like a wet noodle. I would recommend a 25% damage increase on this ability.

The 5-target hard cap on all abilities needs to be increased or removed. It is my opinion that this was a terrible game design choice across the board and should just be removed for all classes and all spells. If it is to be retained then it needs to be 100% consistent for all classes and all spells, full damage for the first 8 targets (soft cap) and fall off damage to any target over 8 dropping to zero damage over 16 targets (hard cap).

Beast Mastery needs Heart of the Phoenix as baseline. Instantly resurrect a dead pet with 100% HP, 8 min CD.

Beast Mastery needs better legendaries. It is clear that no-one who plays the class seriously had anything to do with the choices for Shadowlands (if they did Soulforge Embers would not have been the highest damage choice).

Suggestion 1 – Thunderslash (Legion Artifact Ability) – Activating Aspect of the Wild causes all of your summoned pets (including the second pet from Animal Companion and Dire Beast) to pulse nature damage to all targets within 8 yards dealing X damage each second split between the targets in range.
Suggestion 2 – Stampede (Removed Talent) – Activating Bestial Wrath also causes your pet stable to answer your call dealing X damage over 6s to all enemies within 6yards of the target.
Suggestion 3 – Dire Command Legendary needs to a buff to incorporate a 10% Kill Command Damage Boost as well as a 33% chance to summon a Dire Beast.

Most importantly the Beast Mastery Talent Tree needs a rework to make the choices more distinct and the gameplay more engaging.

Row 1 – Damage Profile Choices

Killer Instinct – Execute Damage Profile – REWORK
Kill Shot is usable on targets below 35% (up from 20%). Kill Command and Kill Shot deal 50% increased damage to targets below 35%.

Animal Companion – Sustained Damage Profile – REWORK
Summon Pet summons a second Pet that mimics your main pet dealing auto-attacks and responds to Kill Command at 20% effectiveness.
Most importantly remove the minus 35% pet damage aura it applies because it is applying to all summoned pets, those from encounters, quests, trinkets, dire beasts, etc. Leave all other pets untouched, just have the second pet do less damage.

Primal Instincts – Burst Damage Profile – NEW TALENT
Aspect of the Wild increases Critical Strike Chance by 25% and Mastery by 50% for the duration of the ability.

Row 2 – Rotation Modification Choices

Scent of Blood – No change required
One with the Pack – No change required

Dire Beast – MOVED AND REWORKED TALENT – Replaces Chimera Shot
Summon a Dire Beast that leaps to attack your target casting Stomp, Kill Command, and howling granting both the Hunter and the Hunter’s Pets 10% haste for 10s, 45s Cooldown.

Row 3 – Personal Utility Choices

Posthaste – TALENT MOVED
Exhilaration – No changes needed
Camouflage – No changes needed

Row 4 – Damage Boost Choices

Rapid Reload – NEW TALENT
Multi-Shot reduces the cooldown of Aspect of the Wild by 1s if it hits three or more targets. Cannot occur more than once per 4s (this is also the Beast Cleave buff duration).
Turns AotW into a 100s CD (instead of 120s).

Thrill of the Hunt – No change required

A Murder of Crows – REWORK
Call upon your crow allies to permanently attack your target applying a debuff that increases damage taken from your pets by 5%. Can be applied to a new target after 1 minute or if the target dies.
Basically this is Hunter’s Mark but it is a choice and may be a better one for pure single-target fights.

Row 5 – Group Utility Choices

Aspect of the Pack – NEW TALENT
Aspect of the Cheetah now also applies to any party or raid members within 40 yards. Turns Aspect of the Cheetah into a Raid Movement Cooldown and there’s no Daze as the original Aspect of the Pack had.

Sacrificial Roar – NEW TALENT
Command your pet to roar reducing damage taken by your party or raid members within 40 yards by 10% for 5s. 3 minute cooldown

Binding Shackles – NEW TALENT
Targets rooted by Binding Shot deal 20% less damage while rooted and for 2s after.
Binding Arrow should be a baseline ability and this makes it an effective Tank DR CD.

Row 6 – AoE Damage Choices

Stomp – No change required
Barrage – TUNING for damage balancing on this row
Explosive Shot – NEW TALENT - Take the MM Explosive Shot and put it here.

Row 7 – Pet Damage Choices

Aspect of the Beast - Might require TUNING for damage on this row.

Killer Cobra – REWORK
During Bestial Wrath Cobra Shot resets the cooldown of Kill Command and all your abilities cost 10% less focus.

Bloodshed – TUNING for damage balancing on this row


yooooo I love all of this, well done. This would make bm hunters amazing with so much versatility!!!


Very well written couldn’t agree more.


I agree there talents needs reworks/ balancing the level 15 row in particular is not even close to balanced.

As for your suggestion that we are not scaling well or that we do awful damage compared to most other specs/ classes well that is simply untrue. Right now BM has a legendary that is scaling very aggressively with both Haste and Crit. In addition we have a couple conduits that are going to gain a significant amount of value as secondary stats gradually increase in the next patch. There damage is extremely consistent and when taking wild spirits they have a nice chunky 2 min cd burst.

Blizzard is taking notice that the every BM legendary aside from Rylakstalker’s is just bad and there are buffs on the PTR to be tested. The fact that Rylakstalkers got its power doubled is unlikely to go live unless blizzard plan to make other adjustments to BM over all.

Again anyone who is telling you or others that BM is not scaling well in SL has not been playing the spec.

I have noticed in the past 3 weeks my damage took of astronomically when I hit 15% haste and started being able to focus crit and vers.

I would offer the following suggestions to add as well:

Mastery rework to incorporate increased damage for the Hunter as well. This would make Kill Shot actually scale off of Mastery for BM making the Venthyr covenant more viable.

Barbed Shot: increase the damage over time and cause the bleed to stack up to three times. The duration is reset if Barbed Shot is applied at 3 stacks (much like Frenzy at 3 stacks). This would be in line with the way Frenzy works, and increases the sustained damage of the Hunter if they are able to keep both Frenzy and Barbed Shot up.

Buff the damage Kill Shot does in general for BM Hunters only if a rework to BM’s Mastery is not possible. Again, making Venthyr a more viable option.

Someone in another thread mentioned adding the functionality of Blink Strikes to Kill Command (allowing the pet to teleport to the target once every 20 seconds), and that’s a fantastic idea. It would make fights like Sire Dentharius actually viable for BM Hunters to participate in. As it stands, BM Hunters can’t attack the mobs on the platform during the second phase, essentially making a Ranged DPS a Melee DPS.

I outlined a number of other suggestions over on the PTR feedback forums, unfortunately it didn’t gain quite as much traction as I had hoped.

Thanks for outlining this, the talent suggestions are great. I don’t like having to make the choice between Posthaste and Exhilaration though.

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It’s not the fotm so, sadly, fewer will engage in discussions pertaining to it :roll_eyes:

As for BM specifically, like I’ve said before, I would be happy if the spec saw the following changes as a minimum, preferably with improvements to the spec’s AoE/burst AoE and Cleave capabilities as well:

Some talent changes I would like to see

  • Talent: Animal Companion - made into a baseline passive choice we can make rather than a talent choice. 1 pet or 2 pets, the total damage dealt is/should be the same and abilities used, also the same. Solely an aesthetic choice.
  • Talent: Dire Beast - reworked to how it was designed in Legion. Where you could choose either that or Barbed Shot(DF).
  • Talent: A Murder of Crows - should be baseline. Replaced by a talent that makes Kill Command extend the remaining duration of Crows. Or one that allows some interaction in order to somehow empower Crows in another way.
  • Talent: Stampede - should be moved to the 50-row, replacing Bloodshed. It should also be reworked to a version similar to the original design(where you summoned some of your stabled pets).
  • Talent: Bloodshed - should be moved to the 15-row to take the spot of the former talent Animal Companion(now a baseline choice).
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Pretty simple:

Make stomp baseline, and replace that talent slot with rapid reload to give us viable damage in M+.

They could also give us back primal instincts as a conduit choice if RR doesn’t work without it.

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Asking for more aoe when our traps are broken by aoe. Is terrible for pvp

  1. Mastery needs a change.
  2. Kill Command could use a 30% buff.
  3. Bestial wrath should make the pets immune to snares and roots but not cc.
  4. Either remove aspect of the wild or make it better.

I would be happy with that to start.

Or just revert BM to WOD because it was 100% better than Legion revamp, same with survival.


The solution there would be for stomp to be baseline (seriously, who doesn’t take this talent?) And just make it so it doesn’t damage targets in CC that breaks from damage (traps, polymorph, etc).

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BM is fine mechanically, it just needs another 10% baseline damage, and a more efficient way to setup traps in PvP than a 1 minute stun cd.

BM should get scatter shot or harpoon for traps

beast master doesn’t feel like it has enough beasts tbh. i’d replace aspect of the wild with MoP stampede as their big cd. also some of the honor talents would be cool in pve like the dire beast hawk for aoe as kind of a BM volley.


Yeah I’ve made tons of posts to tell blizz to just make stomp break traps. Even made it as the headline post. Blizz not listening

Fair call on the PvP comments - I don’t play that part of the game unless it is necessary for PvE (like essences in BfA), I have long been an advocate of a PvP and PvE having completely separate talent trees and if you’re in the open world your PvP tree doesn’t activate (sorry gankers).

This is the main issue with your entire rework, it left PvP in the gutter and would destroy and already terrible spec in PvP.

Main issues are that dire beast in first row is total garbage,
Stomp, barrage, Stampede have to be the 3 worst talents ever designed, I actually can’t believe how garbage stampede is and that this design-embarrassment is still in the game, MoP stampede was fine/fun just needs to be nerfed so it’s not obnoxious.

Chimaera shot, in order to be competitive needs to be either buffed or designed to buff us for a short time in some way.

Probably the most demanded and worst parts about BM though, is that Kill Command feels pointless to press, a damage rotation as a foundation always needs filler abilities, generator abilities, focus dump abilities and a hard hitting ability, right now with one pet (my preference in PvP) Kill Command, my “hard hitting” ability, hits less than cobra shot, why should I even press it?

At the very least, if I could get a 25% damage buff to this ability even if it meant tuning other abilities, I would take it, either that, or make it nature damage.

No it wouldn’t. The game needs to separate PvP and PvE talents entirely, that has been the issue since TBC when they introduced arena.

Someone more knowledgeable than me about PvP can write that tree though.

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One thing I would mention is we need Ranged pets. Lets get quill boar or wind serpants that just do ranged damaged so we can use them on fights where our pets can’t path to targets. Make Kill command instead just do a ranged blast with these pets. Hell even make a new pet ranged class to go with the rest.

Oh and give exotic pets Aura buffs that other classes bring so if your raid is missing a specific buff you can bring a pet that provides it.

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I was thinking Bm get a bit more party support abilities/passive. That way dps inst the main thing. You help your party do more… They can still fit the theme. Like idea Pack member. Whenever you crit, party members within 15 yards get a #attack speed for #secs. Pet counts as party.
Other ideas but that just one.

No, this talent needs to be replaced completely. I don’t want a second pet because it’s been buggy as hell since Hati and Blizz clearly can’t fix it so please get rid of it. If people want a second pet, they can always make a glyph for a second pet that’s just for show and disappears when your main pet dies.