BM Is Woefully Underpowered

As most people are seeing now, MM absolutely slaps in keys, and their burst damage is devastating. MM is bursting 150K, and there’s BM floating around at 30 to 40K.

BM is so underpowered it’s criminal right now.


  • Barbed Shot Now Lasts 10 Seconds Instead of 8.
  • Beast Cleave is buffed back to 100% Damage instead of 75%.
  • All Damaged Buffed by 10%

Simple fix I know, but BM will never be a burst spec because it has no CDs, well, no CDs that are worth speccing into. But, I won’t get into how bad their talent choices are when it comes to CDs. This should bring BM back to a nice level of average damage, because right now they are seriously falling behind.

Opinions? What do you think? Would this be a good fix?


I’ve mained BM since BC, and this is the first time I’m thinking about changing classes. It feels so bad to play. The biggest thing is Barb shot, it’s almost impossible to keep 3 stacks up. They need to lower the cooldown or like you say make it last longer. That would fix the class the most. Beast Cleave buff would be nice just so we don’t get beat by tanks.


I went MM after watching a video on YouTube of an MM player bursting in the number range the op posted. Now, I will say to bosses I did simply fine either keeping up with or beating MM out because of my Slow and Steady Damage.


I can hit over 100k in AoE as BM. Still not close to MM for burst but definitely higher than OP said.


I gave up tracking it after never really being able to maintain, or even get to, 3 stacks. I’m sure I could maybe adjust my rotation and do it somewhat better, but then with the AoE rotation… forgot about it. I do space off my barbed casts by a global or 2, but otherwise I don’t track it anymore. Also, I don’t do mythics and stuff, so I don’t really worry about my optimal rotation at this time.


Can you share your AoE open and subsequent rotation?

Thank you in advance


It’s hard to keep Frenzy stacks maxed right now because of stat squish. I’m at 383 item level, have enchanted as much as I can for haste, and still only have 12.5% haste. That really hurts on Focus regen and Frenzy stacks. I think they are also expecting us to fix this issue with the 2 pc tier set, which will provide a moderate amount of Barbed Shot refreshes. We’re just at that stage where it feel horrible.

That being said, the new AoE rotation is hot garbage. The Beast Cleave duration really needs to be increased, because they loaded so much of that AoE onto Kill Cleave. It’s very difficult to weave in an adequate number of Kill Commands while trying to keep up Frenzy and Beast Cleave. Either that or drastically increase the damage of Multi-Shot. Hell, my Kill Command hits for 30-40k, but Multi-Shot only hits for about 1400. The damage of Multi-Shot is embarrassingly low and it just feels bad to need to use it every six seconds.


Barbed shot x2>Bestial Wrath> Barbed Shot>Death Chakram>Multi-Shot>Kill Command x2. Use any trinkets with on use effect “Erupting Spear Fragment” is a nice trinket for AoE/Mythic+ Then just Multi-Shot after 3 globals, kill command on CD, barbed shot on proc or to refresh. Phial of Glacial Fury and Completely Safe Rockets for buffs.


I’m 378 and have 17.43% you need to prioritize the stats on your gear better and not just slap on whatever makes your ilvl go up.

Edit just to say I do agree that barb shot needs to last at minimum 1 second longer and that the 2pc does seem like a band-aid to a problem they created. It is possible (quite frequently) to play perfect on barb shot and have it fall off due to no luck with free procs.

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Barb shot was always a bad design period. Now we have Death Chakram which also hits like a wet noodle. Same goes for Wailing arrow. They should double the dmg of Chakram and increase the dmg bonus from 10 to 20% or instead increase it from 10 to 20 secs.
They can also change Kill cleave from 50% to 75 or even 100%
Even these changes wont make us close to Havoc or Outlaw.


I’ve never understood why anyone at Blizzard ever thought it was a good idea to tie so much DPS on keeping stacks up through RNG on an ability reset.


agree, never saw bm that bad specially on pvp, playing since bc


In pvp while trying to land traps and getting feared even once and setting up positioning and max distanced by people my stacks fall all the time.

I had to give up running brutal companion due to it. They need to make it 10 seconds on each stack.

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Also, another thing that will help a lot is make sure you are using Phial of Glacial Furys.
It consistently does 7-10% of my total damage when I am looking at details at the end of runs.

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I just want Beast Cleave to last 10 seconds again

It felt so much smoother with tier last season, I really wish it were baseline


That’s the rotation every BM hunter does and getting 100k on a BM means that you pulled 20 mobs or are using a burst trinket. We’re not stupid here, we know this isn’t achievable on 5 mobs. Where MM can actually burst 150K on 5 mobs without a burst trinket or CDs.

Let’s play devil’s advocate and say you did burst that high as BM, it’s a pseudo-DPS measurement, and here’s why. It’s only achievable with a trinket that procs damage that isn’t based on the BM hunter. For example, a use trinket that hits for 50K and hits every mob around it.
That’s not BM damage, without these trinkets you can’t imagine doing that much damage.

Wild Spirits from Shadowlands just covered up just how bad and undertuned BM damage has been for expansion after expansion now.

Please don’t pull the wool over people’s eyes by using burst trinkets and saying that all that damage came from being a BM hunter because it simply isn’t true.


The problem with Glacial Fury is it doesn’t scale with gear. When you’re undergeared, it will be more powerful. As your gear improves, Tepid Versatility becomes stronger.

Thank you, so you don’t worry on the fact that those opening barbed shots are wasting Kill Command procs?

Seems like 33% of the time both those opening barbed shots proc kill command.

Been trying opening with Multi and weaving between KC and BS with goal of keeping both cooling down. Will go give your suggestion a solid try.

My problem is I always feel like am wasting a proc, which may hap is leading to mental hoops on my part.

My rotation is similar to his, but I usually open with a Kill Command to rush my pets into battle. Then any procs from the initial Barbed Shots are less likely to be wasted.

Believe you meant to reply to Arganox, as I have not claimed to get anywhere near that.

My best AoE has been in M+ where the other 2 DPS were under geared or not playing well. Then I have seen 45-48k at end of a pack (that being around 5 mobs). With my normal group where I am the under geared and they are an assassin rogue and DH, more like 25k AoE damage. These are 5-7 keys.