BM is back in Shadowlands!

I have alts that are not a Hunter and my DH Assa Rogue Frost DK and Fire Mage (Mage didnt last long it bored me) are 100 times easier than a BM Hunter now. If this was an expansion maybe about 6-7 years ago I would agree with you. Now however that logic is flawed especially in pvp. Also your class in pvp has pretty much no risk at all in reality you just stand in the middle of the map and cast. A BTAG of mine I did arena with says he is tanky enough to not worry about most things and just tanks and usually one of his partners die before him.

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Has nothing to do with what you argued above.

BM hunters rely on pets for pretty much everything meaningful, other than straight up defensive abilities like Turtle or utility in the form of Traps.

Don’t know if you’ve noticed but hunter pets are quite easy as an enemy player to CC(or even kill).

Also BM Hunters have to be in LOS to use Kill Command and all abilities but Intimidate stun however Survival doesn’t need LOS to Intimidate stun either.

Hey, Bepples and I agree on something!

For real, that pet doesn’t do much without the hunter to give it commands and keep its bloodlust rolling.

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BM needs to have Spirit Bond

BM needs to have Spirit Bond

BM needs to have Spirit Bond

BM needs to have Spirit Bond

BM needs to have Spirit Bond

BM needs to have Spirit Bond

BM needs to have Spirit Bond

BM needs to have Spirit Bond

BM needs to have Spirit Bond

BM needs to have Spirit Bond

BM needs to have Spirit Bond

BM needs to have Spirit Bond

BM needs to have Spirit Bond

BM needs to have Spirit Bond

BM needs to have Spirit Bond

BM needs to have Spirit Bond

got it?


If only they could make BM not so damn brain dead and make it engaging. I’ll be sticking to survival and beating the breaks off all the dm hunters I come across!! BOOOOOOOYYYYY!!

Ya bm is fine/good there too. Kiting is a throw up but do-able.

Oooo this would be awesome.

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When uninformed players call bm fine I cringe. Top bm hunters hard stuck between 1900 and 2299cr in arena. While mages and rogues (other pure dps classes, can get up to 2800 rating and in some cases 3200cr.

Bm is bad. It’s top potential is not good. Love that or hate it. But accept that it’s the truth when you are looking at it relative to what it is.

But a lock you do realize mage can do 90 percent of its burst instant cast while running in 2020. And he only needs 50% of his combustion burst to one shot someone while moving. A lock doesn’t leave the center of the field 90% of games. No Los, no need to run much, just spamming fear and bolts

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When nobodies act like a somebody I cringe.

I am a nobody. We all are. You are nothing. I am nothing. That changes nothing. Players that don’t know what they are doing should not be making rules on how things work. Top 10 bm hunters should be the only ones blizz is listening to on how things work. They are the only ones that know well enough. U balance from highest skill cap of a spec what the spec can do at it’s best when played right. U don’t balance from it’s worst or it’s average as those aren’t peak players. That’s how things become weak or over powered.


This is absolutely correct, my only alt is a bm hunter.

From what I am hearing on Alpha, for PVE the BM spec is doing fairly well. Got some old traits back that had got pruned for Legion, like tranq shot which I loved, and is doing fairly decent dps.

PVP is a problem. Or should I say PVP is still a problem because even now BM is one of the least played specs in rated pvp. In fact, the only time you see BM hunters doing PVP is in random and epic battlegrounds to just grind conquest points.

Seconded, I really wish the class designers actually mained the classes they designed for. It is very apparent they do not.

EDIT: Sorry, necro’d because it was in the “you might be interested in” section.

I feel like bm once raid gear drops will over take mm as we have so little sustain in mm. Bm looks and feels good .

I don’t think this tier unless mm gets nerfed. Next tier it could change though.