BM Hunter Tier : Absolute Failure

have fun learning to play WoW! <3

Arcane mage would like to have a word with you.

ok yeah I forgor :skull:

Tanking was simpler. I tanked all through Legion, both on a Prot Warrior and (for 5-main content) on my BM Hunter.

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Tanking rotations are simpler! But you also have by far the most responsibility when it comes to your own positioning, since it impacts every other player in the dungeon/raid

Graduate from beginner mode to Marksman or expert mode being Survival.

Similar issue with Hunters - you have to be hyper aware of shoot-through and not backing into mobs. I found the two toons, Prot Warrior and BM Hunter to be two sides of the same coin in a lot of ways.

You also have 40 yards of range, a disposable tank, and two immunities to work with (Aspect and Feign).

comparing Prot Warrior to BM Hunter is like comparing a real life marine with a 12 year old Fortnite veteran lmfao :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

EDIT: ALSO your positioning doesn’t wipe the group when you mess up, it wipes you.

Which is why I never tanked Raid content in Legion. Only 5-man. I could manage that just fine, but not in raids.

So you admit you aren’t good enough to tank or heal, only play BM hunter?

So BM hunter is easier than anything else in the game?

So BM hunter is the beginner class?

Use left mouse button to rotate camera while you take in your surroundings.

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I tank, but as Prot Warrior in this XPAC.

I have tanked as BM Hunter, but it’s just not as much fun as it was in Legion for some reason.

I also play a Druid, a Warlock, a DK (my current toon), and a Monk. I tried a Priest for healing but I freely admit that healing is beyond me.

but you said you couldn’t tank in raids.

the fact that you say this means your opinion can’t be taken seriously anymore. Have a good day sir, I sincerely hope you actually learn to play WoW some day! :rofl:

Not as a BM Hunter. I tanked as a Prot Warrior. That was unclear. Sorry.

I’m set up now to have my pet go into auto-tank mode if my Tank (which I keep in focus in 5-man) dies, is mind-controlled, or quits the group. I’ve tanked a 4-man out of quite a bit of instance content including a few M+ runs (admittedly, not high key M+ for that to work).

Every BM Hunter should know how to tank on the off chance that their Tank is killed or incapacitated. It’s why our pets have Growl that doesn’t just shut off automatically in groups.

your highest key is a +13 and every other mythic+ key you have is a +2 on that character. Dungeoning below max level is easy and you could tank as a f___ing rogue if you wanted to and your healer was at all decent. Ignoring because clearly you are just a biased huntard who has no concept of actual game mechanics lmao :rofl:

good troll though I respect the hustle.

I only do M+ content by request to aid as DPS.

Mostly I run training raids and such. I’m not really pushing hard this season.

Doesn’t change the facts, though.

Look at ANY reliable source on BM Hunter rotation notes and you’ll find the same list of abilities I gave.

It’s far more than a 3-button class, played well.

I agreed. I listed the whole priority list assuming meta talents and covenant. It was 8.

Every other class is at least 10.

Not my Frost DK. That thing is stupid easy to do the rotation for even accounting for covenant abilities. My problems with it are that a) I don’t have tier yet so I’m way behind everyone else (that DK was parked from the end of 9.0 until about two weeks ago and my drops have just been crap - literally only one piece out of 18 M+ and a Normal 7/11 that could be converted to Tier) and b) I just can’t seem to figure out how to pay attention to the enemy’s casting, his range, and my position regarding stuff I shouldn’t stand in or be in front of. I’m working on it, though.

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Did you read beyond that sentence?