If you do not think spirit mend matters in raiding then you have never gone past LFR.
i’ve gone well past LFR, or did you ignore where i’ve SOLOED heroic raids? Nighthold wasn’t the first Heroic i’ve soloed, it was just that Krosus was a much harder fight than Elisande, which to me makes no sense since she’s supposed to be the next to last boss in what little order one has to do the bosses.
Anyone can solo old content… hell in my BM gear as MM I one shot most any boss outside current or legion content.
Yiu are in budget gear with 0 current raid progress. You are not in the right azerite or close to proper stat distribution. You need to grasp that people in this thread would ignore you in pvp as their pets would passively kill you.
as MM, I am currently BM. how does that help? also what do you mean “budget gear”? I’m in nearly full 400+ outside of my chest which I recently changed because of more azerite traits on the benthic than the higher gear which had 3 to benthic’s 5. as for my Azerite traits they are all set to shields/heals and damage buffs (resounding protection, vampiric speed, frenzy etc). as for my “raid” progress this has been explained, I SOLO stuff, I don’t use LFR because I’ve been in MMO raids, they’re a circus in most games.
in his defense on that point…mine wont either…because this isnt my main WoW account. Ive got five accounts total. I just post on this one. He may have another account where his raiding and pvp is.
But yeah, hunter is pretty flipping durable when you use your tools.
That pet is there for a reason. Let it die instead of you. Rez, lather, repeat.
410 is budget gear, it drops like candy. In my gear there is no soloable content I cannot solo. Let’s be real an average ilvl under 460 is laughable as you can get that with just m+ and normal raids.
Your gear is bad, want perspective look at my gear which is slightly above average for raiding. I have nearly 20% more crit than you. You are geared wrong, specced wrong and therefore do at most 1/4 the damage you should be doing.
Raiding…LFR…is a boring mob banging on crap. No real tactics, just dodging effects if and when it happens.
5 man dungeons require more strategy as long as theyre even remotely challenging.
Once the party gets to a certain size it just feels like a riot more than a tactical thing.
how am I “specced” wrong? I have BM benthics with general Azerite traits and 2 or 3 specifically for BM (or atleast I WAS I don’t know if those changed due to a new piece or gear or something cause Azerite traits change just about every time I switch out a piece, most of the time it’s MM abilities , what is THAT about I thought they were supposed to be spec specific why is it MM when i’m BM?). as for my low gear I am slowly working on it, I just finally found two 400+ rings and am currently farming pearls for Benthic upgrades/farming visions for corrupted pieces to cleanse. as for not raiding, I have given my reasons, after my PTSD of raiding as a healer in DCUO where we only had EIGHT people in a PUG, i’d rather not see what LFR would give me with 25 random strangers picked from the system/recruited from open world. you like raids, well that’s fine and dandy, I prefer to solo where absolutely possible, which hopefully on eternal palace/Ny’alotha will be soon.
benthic is old content thus worthless. Do current stuff… LFR is stupid proof…
how is Benthic old content? it’s part of BFA Nazjatar, even by Blizzard’s own standards something as far back as legion is not “old” content because it has yet to attain legacy status for legacy loot. good day sir or madame, and please do not pursue the issue with such ridiculous ideas. nothing in BFA is “old” (especially 8.2 which is less than a year old from release) until shadowlands is upon us.
Is this a satire account? Please be so.
I will ask you respectfully to up hold the CoC of the forums and not verbally mock/assault posters openly and to stay on topic. having said that, BM damage is rather “fine” in most cases, some of the more heavily armored and faster and heavily damaging bosses/elites can be a pain but over all DPS is fine, just wish they’d bring back spirit bond, as it’d be much more practical and a better unpruned ability than eyes of the beast, which could probably be a hinderance in some of the more recent stuff.
God I wish that were true. I wanted that dragon mount a while back. They wiped six times…SIX TIMES…making the SAME STUPID mistake.
Not one or two of them either…nearly half the players in there.
Geezus…how many times can the stove burn a person before they stop putting their hand on it, lol?
I just gave up. No mount for me
One of our hunters pulled 90k dps ST on shadhar heroic. This is with little to no corruptions
Well for starters 5 of your 7 total talents are wrong and not optimal for “prolonged fights” and Azerite traits are horrible. Like Ruzaki said you are probably doing half of the damage you should be doing. Soloing a heroic raid from previous expansion on a class specifically designed for soloing content is not an achievement. You just need to do more current content and get better/correct gear to see true strength of the spec.
Never have I ever agreed with literally everything in one of your posts before. Until now.
how are 5 of my 7 total talents “wrong”? I have: post haste (for roots and other such effects), killer instinct which is considered superior to animal companion and comparable with dire beast damage wise (no one should pick animal companion except for RP reasons other wise it’s a damage loss), barrage (which comes in real handy I can assure you when used RIGHT, not willy-nilly but when one needs to down a lot of mobs fast with burst damage), aspect of the beast, and chimera shot (which is recommended as second best when not using a dance of death build). the guide on method BM DPS in 8.3 i’m looking at suggests 4 out of 7 of those as the optimal tier pick, however I do agree that I need gear, which is why I have been farming it. everything else just sounds like elitist “my way or the highway” opinionism.
EDIT: now having said that I WIll of course probably switch around an azerite trait or 3 as long as it doesn’t replace some of the more beneficial traits in the same slot, which should work since none of them are in the same trait tier with dance of death, though I do miss that one gear piece which had rapid reload.
People are kind of snickering a bit because you have a bit to learn.
I don’t raid much either(guild clears on Tues/Thurs doesn’t work for me) , hence my low ilevel. Clearing old raids is nothing to brag about, as it is legacy content and several of the points you make are flat out wrong.
Animal companion can definitely be the best option that row for single target, learn how to sim. See my stats for a toon that is min /maxed for gear and ilevel.
I’d like to correct some things here, firstly Legion isn’t “legacy” content officially yet, as it doesn’t even have the “loot” option legacy raids do legacy raids being 10-10+ levels lower than a player’s level (current is 120, Legion can attune to 112 or so at it’s highest, still enough to make most mobs and even some bosses trivial but not enough for legacy loot.). as for what I have to “learn” it would appear so does every one trying to correct me, as had the first person who so snidely tried to do so checked; he would have seen I currently own three spirit beasts (Karoma and two copies of the Gara replacement, used as a replacement for my old Gara of course). the second considered patch content in THIS expansion less than a year old “old” content, and the third surely had some sub-par or even just plain poor picks as talents if he considered my 4-7 good or even “best” talent tier picks “wrong”. as for “something to brag about”, short of the just REALLY extreme elites in like Uldum or Pandaria (the empress and earth render both purple elites) I typically get my “thrills” from beating 3 player rares and some of the lesser elites designed for 3 to 3+ players at lvl. now I WILL say that I did change an Azerite trait or two where I could (I say where I could because I currently have all traits for BM specifically or just general survival/damage that my Azerite slots will allow, everything else is MM, which is odd since i’ve been BM ever since i’ve been putting this stuff on).
This is true… Literally kill command and cobra shot and toss barbed shot in there when up and BW.