BM and Pet Require 2 more Rounds of Nerfs - But Here's the Catch!

So ignore that hunters have to melee weave for max performance in dps.

Got it :roll_eyes:

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Hunter has the highest skill ceiling in pve.

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I am not sure what triggered you to reply to me. I stated that it was harder to actually manage a hunter than most dps classes. Comprehension my friend.

And most hunters won’t weave.

I am advocating for more specs for bm. Exotic healing pets, tanking pets. Hunter is the favorite class because most games do not have a class like it.

Those are banned.

This would be huge. You can tell they flirted with it via the chimera quest… that it wasn’t properly carried to its logical conclusion is poor design.

I agree with the difficult to manage. It’s why we used to sac our pets in Vanilla. This also reflects a second poor design choice, lone wolf. It’s equal to demonic sac, yes, but not viable because it doesn’t require a talent point trade. Even worse, it’s actually less of a benefit to the hunter than Lion. Poor design.

You’re welcome to check my parses(madprofessor 98.9) and all of my best parses are with the Naga bow, and a few of my best parses had people doing low green / gray. Melee weaving will help, but having proper debuffs on the boss ( curse of reck and homonculi / sunder ) will matter a lot as well.

Firstly, y’all need to learn how to upload a proper log. Secondly, the fact out of the 5 hunters y’all had raid on the 11th, only 1 barely managed to get a blue parse and the rest are all green ( or a gray?!) Tells me you really shouldn’t be making any judgements on how to play a hunter until you actual learn how to play one lol.
( and I’m making a judgement on the whole lot because i don’t know which hunter are. But none of y’all showed a stellar performence to be a judge of difficulty so it isn’t like you can hide behind someone else’s parses)

All classes are braid dead at this point what are you talking about. Warlock is 3 buttons.

Druid can literally stand range and moon fire / star surge wtf are you talking about.

Sure then nerf bleeds, poisons, power word shield, star surge, meta.

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No. It is not.

I have a Druid, yes it is.

You couldn’t level a druid if it smacked you in the face.

Warlock is literally 3 buttons, dots incinerate, chaos bolt. Wtf are you talking about. Literally brain dead, no positioning, no dead zone. Literally brain dead to play.

You are a disingenuous boomer, at best.

Locks are 3 buttons, dot, incinerate, chaos bolt. No issue with dead zone, positioning… literally brain dead. You cannot say there is more management for a lock than a hunter. Atleast the hunter has to manage the pet, ensure it doesn’t get frozen, turn abilities off on bosses when immune etc… to preserve focus… keep it alive.

I’m sorry, did you pick the easiest class in the game and then get nerfed? Play stupid classes, win stupid prizes. Next, please.

I loved ffxi summoner. It made a great dps/healer. The whole concept would be mind melting.

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Locks are literally the easiest class in the game, complete brain dead zero management. Dot, incenerate, chaos bolt. Positioning nonissue, no pet management. Good job with your green parses.

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Dude, go cast eyes of the beast in a corner somewhere. You have no concept. Next.