My lock name is pro on lone wolf. Your garbage player, it’s literally 3 buttons. I have all gold / purple.
You can name yourself whatever you want. It’s a roleplaying game. If you want to roleplay having human agency, have at it, homie.
Nice back pedal once you realize you have no idea what you are talking about. I main both hunter/ lock. I also have a Druid and rogue. Good luck with your green parses Probly mouse clicking every spell in your book.
Sir, you main a retirement home. Get out of here, for real. Your social security checks are way too high if you’re able to romp around on WoW forums.
Go get a second job.
Good luck in mommy’s basement, maybe one day you will be good at something. Kid
The ancient cryptkeeper needs to go back.
Little kid making up stories to make himself feel better about failing at literally everything. They have counseling for things like that, I hope you pursue it.
Shocked your avatar isn’t undead because you’re clearly 100 years old.
every class in wow is brain dead outside of Druid/hunter in pvp… lol you pve kids screaming at the top of your lungs don’t even know which classes require the most skill at 60 and its comedy
Shocked you had so much to say about warlocks yet parse green grey. Literally if your IQ was above room temperature you would parse purples. Sucks to get called out and move to insults when you get called out for making up stories to make yourself feel better.
Purple. And challenge mode gear + mythics.
Time for your dementia meds.
We can compare those as well if you want, at this point looking at your play… if your bad in classic, your awful in retail. That will not help your case here. Keep making up stories, I’m screen shotting all of this. Hilarious actually.
I’m shocked you know how to screenshot. Did your grandson teach you?
Did he also teach you how to play WoW?
I am surprised mommy has not called you so do chores at this point. That basement must be getting lonely. Keep the replies going…
Please, your heart monitor must be off the charts. Pace yourself, gramps.
Imagine living in mommy’s basement and insulting others. Ever plan to leave? Or is that it for you?
Keep it going kid, don’t stop now. Find a way to make yourself feel better. Room temperature IQ seems spot on.
If you are refering to hunters as the easiest class in pve you are thinking of the gray parse dps rotation of send pet in and auto shot.
A proper hunter rotation is the hardest rotation in the game.
Melee weaving, mana management that dictates which 6-8 abilities we use, for long long into the fight, when to start cutting less priority abilities out for mana conservation based on boss hp to mana remaining, pet management, respecting melee and ranged mechanics for the hunter and the pet, and of course wraching swing timers to not clip a single auto attack (melee or ranged as they are separate) which can be effected by haste procs like improved aspect of the hawk.
Its easy to do decent damage as a hunter. Its harder than any other class to maximize damage as a hunter. To give you an idea of how difficult it is in tbc there was a bot program made to almost perfectly execute the optimal hunter rotation, which inclided melee weaving as the primary thing it was optimizing. The program was achieving about 30-40% more dps than the best human performances. And melee weaving is EASIER in tbc because the deadzone is gone.
That is how hard the hunter rotation is. And it doesnt really get more buttons in tbc. Kill command got macroed into everything and steady shot was a filler that got used when nothing else was available.
All this baloney you just said about other hunters parses doesn’t change the fact that pets need no management in the BFD raid… before the nerf I was doing 186 dps with the pet on auto-attack with 0 management and it never died.